At-rt's getting fixed right?
At-rt's getting fixed right?
Don't believe everything you read / listen to on the internet folks.
We're looking at his balancing. Sorry if we haven't made that clear.
I feel like in general, as a rule of thumb, SW references as replies is the best way to go for that account.
100%. I blanked and randomly invoked the John Cena gif for some reason, but I didn’t even commit to that. Next time there’s an opportunity for that, you’ll see it and you’ll know it was because all of you fought the good fight.
Should have said "Oh, I don't think so."
Missed opportunity. Damn.
Surfacing this to the team. How often does this happen to you?
but what are they? where are they?
No spoilers! I wouldn’t want to rob people of their potential upvotes.
Looking forward to more in the future <3
Me, too.
When is there ever cover against starfighters? I constantly get fried by starfighters in GA no matter what map.
Especially Hoth which is very similiar to Geonosis in it's fist phase, in that sense, doesn't offer a lot of cover against Starfighters.
While some GA maps (like Hoth or Crait) are also very exposed for a phase or two, they have more cover than Geonosis and (more importantly) they transition indoors at some point during the match, so you’re not constantly under fire from ships. We judge on a case by case basis for overall map balancing. For Geonosis, you’d constantly be under fire in GA and while it does transition into the capital ships in CS, a majority of the gameplay is planet-side. There are also no objectives to attack or protect (AT-TE, MTT, etc.) that would “distract” the fighters on such an exposed environment.
Hmm, are there more easter eggs like this that still haven't been found?
There are tons in general, but I’m not going to claim no one has found them.
I love that a year and a half later, you’re all still finding little details that the team added to bring the galaxy to life.
I still haven't seen a single response to the Xbox server issues in months.
Is it being worked on? Is it being ignored? u/F8RGE u/EA_charlemagne care to shed any light on the situation?
It’s being investigated. I don’t know if it’s entirely us, entirely Xbox, or some cross between.
That’s what I thought at first. But then I wondered how he’d even be able to accidentally type 40v40. But maybe it is.
Sorry, 20v20. I mixed “40 players” and “20v20” while typing.
This is the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life.
I’ll bring it up to the team ASAP.
I will uninstall the game if you have the audacity to remove any mode. After all we've asked, we never asked for any new mode besides conquest. And you've given us 5 unnecessary ones to split the player base. We've been telling you not make new modes, because the player base will be split. This is your fault, live with it.
No one said anything about removing modes, just combining multiple into one playlist. I updated what I said and removed the dev-speak to make that clearer.
How many of you are actually working on this still? Like... five people?
Check the live team credits.
'Speeders' include STAPs? Or are they not available? u/F8RGE u/EA_Charlemagne
Yes to STAP.