Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Can I just say, from this little droid to you all, it's great to see some droid appreciation going on!

Thank you, you've made a droid quite happy today.


Originally posted by smf5800

Thanks total FPS, quick question how come we don't see you as much as jay or Ben?

I'd love to, but u/F8RGE locks me in the "Clanker Cupboard" and doesn't let me out often. It's torment I tell you, torment. You can find me a fair bit on this subs Discord though, come hang out!

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pedro_s

As long as they are shooting wildly to make it seem hectic I’m good lol. I can’t stop commenting on your posts but thank you! I’m so excited!

They work well, even roll etc

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by guy_pieri

That line was "punch it"

That's been gone a while, for better or worse.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Supra_Molecular

He's A Swansea Lad/Welsh British. It's not in our nature to jump any form of queue.

You was right the first time.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aj_bary


There's a Community Update Video on the way.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CrystalEyes13

Will Starfighters be included?



Originally posted by Stalemeister

Stop kissing ass. 9/10 the dev response tag that gets folks excited is just them bullshitting with the community. If even half as much attention was given to bug fixes this game would be much better

We're the community team, we don't fix the bugs ourselves. That quite frankly is for far smarter people sitting in the studio. While we do chat and have some fun with the community, we will continue to escalate all the issues that pop up on our radar. If you feel like we're missing something, throw a message our way.


Cheers for that bit of positivity u/xWrath67x. We may have started off on the back foot but we're determined to keep on at it and continue to make things right, that goes for the community team but also for the team that you don't get to see a lot of, back in the studio who work away at the game. Hope you enjoy the new mode when it lands!

21 Mar


I think it's Community Torment.

17 Mar


Most of the bugs that you see on here, the team are aware of and are investigating. It just isn't feasible to post in every single one. Will check with the team to see if it's possible for a known bugs list however but no promises on that front.

Ps; Cool art, man.

08 Mar


Originally posted by Noble_Auditore

Oi T0TAL! Get back to the Anthem discord! 😂 /s


This isn't even my final form.


Originally posted by Chickachic-aaaaahhh

Do you have a final data size for the update? u/EA_charlemagne

News about this will likely be shared at a later date, things are still being finalized :).


Originally posted by FuMarco

What about new reinforcement?

New reinforcements arrive with March update, they'll be active for the new mode and GA. More news in an upcoming CT.


Originally posted by kaboomweh

Light saber update??????

Yes, Lightsaber Combat improvements will be arriving alongside the March update :)


You get XP, You get XP, You all get XP!!

Oh and Mode too, you get that too.


Originally posted by lazyboy215

how about a TRIPLE XP event?!?!

Sure, we'll have a Triple XP event - just because you asked nicely!

06 Mar


Originally posted by ifoundyourtoad

What about a hug event?

Oooh, I like those!


Originally posted by T2728

How about a double xp event

We'll think about it.