Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Originally posted by WowLookAGuyOnReddit

Deep, blue



Originally posted by bonjovifannumero1

Because u/f8rge u/ea_charlemagne dont care about proper balancing and give him 1k hp and 165 base dmg LOL

Neither his base damage nor his base HP are those. Those are with Star Cards (I know most people use those). And as it says, we are monitoring overall hero balance. You’ll also notice that some of Anakin’s other stats are noticeably lower than others. We don’t want to over-tune and make him too weak.


I hate you.

25 Mar


Originally posted by pweicks

I think this is basically F8rge saying that they’re not currently considering development of BFIII at all. I find what few rumors there are concerning BFIII very hard to believe, even though I really hope they are true. But really, if they were actually working on BFIII in some way right now, I don’t think he would have bothered to comment on this post. I think he’s trying to do us a favor and “hint” that these rumors aren’t true. If they were true, he wouldn’t worry about it and would just allow us to continue to speculate and believe in these rumors.

We're working on Battlefront II and only that. We're far from done on this one.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Updated the values, as they were slightly off.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Incoming Transmission!

This update has been a much anticipated one, but it’s just around the corner! The headliner of this update is the new game mode, Capital Supremacy, but that by no means is all that’s coming. Brand new reinforcements and lightsaber combat changes are also arriving in this update, along with a number of tweaks and fixes that can be found below.


The brand-new game mode comes to Star Wars Battlefront II in this update. Capital Supremacy has players face off against one another in a large-scale nonlinear battle. Both sides fight hard to take down their enemy’s capital ship while conquering the disputed planet.

Read all about Capital Supremacy, ...

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    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


With the arrival of the next update we will be making the first of some changes that we have planned with lightsaber combat. For this update we’re going to be focusing more on the stamina system and how that affects the overall feeling and flow of close combat.


One of the most visible changes to lightsaber combat is going to come in the form of the removal of the stagger for attacking heroes. In the current version of the game when a hero attacks a blocking hero, the attacker will stagger backwards.

We’ve seen feedback that this is not desired, and we agree. We feel this breaks the flow of lightsaber combat which is usually free flowing. With this change attacking heroes will no longer stagger backwards upon hitting a blocking hero, meaning they can continue to chain attacks until they run out of stamina.

Attacking with a lightsaber depletes a hero’s stamina and once this...

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    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by King_Erl1337

Last year. I can remember it too. Idk where... Maybe in the ea forum

I'm going to need to see a source on that. File this under something I never said.


Originally posted by nukingrabbits

u/f8rge u/EA_Charlemagne can you pass this on to the dev team please?

Already on it.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You're nothing if not creative.


Originally posted by Purpletoaster20

I will give you my Netflix account, just watch until at least the end of Season 7 lol.

I have Netflix.


Originally posted by ImpecableBunny

Update: The missing game modes are back, but the challenges are still broken. I'm supposed to have 96% of challenges completed, with only a few starfighter ones missing.

u/ea_charlemagne. any idea what this is about?

We're investigating. Thanks! What's your GT? Same as your username?


I've watched a lot of YouTube clips. Does that count?

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Potatosack24

The update is coming in less than 48 hours and we have nothing. THIS is Star Wars Battlefront 2.

You know about the reinforcements, you know about the new game mode.

Yes, some bits are still on the way but "nothing" is a stretch.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]

Yes that is Ben for you

I aim to please you.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Ahead of tomorrow's update, below you'll find the deployment times and estimated download sizes.

Deployment Times

  • 09:00 UTC - PC
  • 10:00 UTC - PS4
  • 11:00 UTC - Xbox One

Estimated Download Sizes

  • PC - 4.34 GB
  • PS4 - 4.9 GB
  • XB1 - 5.26 GB

Release notes are on the way.

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