We are tracking this and QA are currently hammering it to find a repro step.
We are tracking this and QA are currently hammering it to find a repro step.
The Trooper!
Not at the moment, we're working on more paint acquisition - would the community want them on GA?
Do you know if these skins will be carried over to Kashyyyk and Naboo GA?
If the community want's them on other maps, I will have to speak to my superiors and get some more paint out to my fellow droids. But we will have to see what the people want first.
Yo Total, man the new game mode is fun. It finally feels like a battle and the new reinforcements are great too! Was using the Droid and the sword sounds + animations felt super clean. I know you cant talk about future content, but if I may throw my 2 cents. I'm loving what you guys are doing with the CW focus, I know not everyone does, however all this mode really need atm is a couple more maps. So if yall could focus on the maps already in game (Kashyyk, Kamino, Theed) then move onto another timeline that would be golden my bro. Even more so if the Theed you guys bring is the open fields from Episode 1. Anyways great job on a great new game mode.
Oh did also wanna mention. I didnt see the button for CS under the regular game selection options. Are you guys planning on just keeping the game mode on front page?
Appreciate the sentiment and suggestions. CS will remain on the front page for now - however, we are hearing the feedback about it being placed elsewhere too. Enjoy it!
"this feels like a new game"
made me smile
can't wait to test it myself!
This is how Anakin must have felt when he was rolling around on the grass with Padme.
Go forth and spread devastation on the Battlefront, my droid, go forth!
Shout out to the community for constantly reporting this issue through to us and ensuring it's never off our radar. <3
Tracking this.
We have a fix for this. If we do a hotfix we'll see if we can integrate it.
Roger Roger.
Bloody hell. Clone Wars before Solo Season?
The "dam" comment makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it?
Tracking this.
This is my favourite so far
I get that I can be pretty negative and cynical here, but I'm betting it'll age the same.
For many people we'll never deliver enough.
Hi Dennis, I’m glad you’re back on Reddit for at least 1 day. But can you answer or update us on some things? You said some things from over a whole year ago that are still not in the game & we don’t have any updates on them.
One of those was you said that an “assist counts as kill” feature is coming to the game & it’s not here yet sadly. Another is you said that a stats screen is coming but that is also not here sadly. And of course, more arcade content.
Also, new weapons & new star cards were promised to us for the free post launch content yet we haven’t gotten anything. They were promised to us from all the way back in the middle of 2016 when the game was announced actually & we’re almost a quarter into 2019 now.
Can you explain the difference between "assist counts as kill" feature that you're thinking about and what's currently in the game please?
Very true. I hadn't thought about that.
The large scale PvE mode has taken longer than I had hoped, for sure. I did mention we've been prototyping dual wielding and transformable robots back then and one of those things made it into the ARC trooper, so far.
The launch fiasco put us back approximately 6 months (we were supposed to launch the Clone Wars season before Solo, not after) but since Geonosis I feel the content updates has been pretty solid, although we're always striving to get better.
So I call BS on the 80% has been wrong - I'd say 80% of what I've said we're working on have been delivered already, and some have taken longer than usual.
Good to hear from you again briandt75.
Read moreIf they can continue to support this game and add good content, more command post maps especially, and whatever decent new content, I wouldn't mind paying for some of it here and there. I know they can't just keep working forever on this game when it's all free for us. I'm not trying to invite them to rape our wallets just cuz they can. And obviously they aren't trying to do that anyways. But I want this game to succeed, and lately they've been doing right by alot of us I think, not perfect of course but they are trying.
If there ever is another battlefront, they maybe could just do a season pass like Battlefield 1 had or other FPS games. Instead of trying microtransactions with a free season pass. :/ I appreciate the hard work they continue to put into this game though. They aren't far off from this game being what alot of us wanted to begin with. Just need more command post type maps, and a few other things, some offline content and a conquest mode where you conquer each...
I feel like the industry has moved on from paid map packs and frequent sequels, although they certainly did well for us back then. It's taken us a while as a studio to figure out what that means for our franchises - a frustratingly long while in some cases - but ultimately we want to be in a place where our games are worked on for many years after launch and profitable enough to support everyone working on them.
He definitely regrets saying yes to the job loool.
I don't actually.
One thing that does frustrate me is when people call the team lazy or stupid etc. Most things that happen, and a lot of the work that goes into the game never get seen. It's like an iceberg.
Ahhh, this old chestnut. Let's see how it ages later on down the line.
Fix your broken game
Lots of fixes in tomorrow’s update.