Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Originally posted by Chimaera0611

Was it there before?

Yes, I've had that header for most of 2018. Put it together after Star Wars Rebels wrapped up. Switched it out a couple of weeks ago, for a comic cell of Asajj when that comic came out, because it was so beautifully drawn. Just me being a fan like the rest of you. <3


Originally posted by Yorak-Hunt

We even see Gregor tell Commander Wolffe about them, and they joke about it

One of my favorite Rebels moments.


Yes it's fixed. We put final touches on some legion patterns quite recently.


We use a screenshot tool that allows us to take bulks of pictures, and these are the WIP images you see in the transmission. However it's not able to render the kama, so while you can't see the it in this screenshot, it's not been removed from the appearance.

29 Nov


Originally posted by Feedermo

I do not like that there are so many snipers

I agree and I ask the same question, what can we do about it? More sand??? :)


Originally posted by DofD10

Ohh wow another developer in here? Nice to see another one down with us where it sometimes get kinda dirty. Thanks for the response!

No problem! Checking reddit frequently, but haven't had much time or anything meaningful to contribute with recently :)


Hey there. says that it's 7.32 meters tall. We made it as close to the correct size while maintaining how it looks in the movie (droids can run under it). Remember in movies sometimes different lenses, angles and other things can make things seem a bit off scale :)


Thanks a lot. Super happy that people seem to enjoy the map! The main focus was the 'feeling' of being in a big battle and I think that works pretty well - especially during the sand storm. Phase 1 is not very good in regards to balance though we are looking into that.


Originally posted by Danxoln

Ah, thanks

Hey there. Yea sorry about that. I gave that information but in the end we chose to remove them for launch of the map. There were several reasons for it but one of the main ones was that we use rocket launchers to weaken walkers in other maps - but I just wanted rockets to deal damage. There were some problems communicating this properly in time. This doesn't mean something like it won't come in the future though! However I guess it's not necessarily something people seem to be missing at the moment.

30 Jun


Originally posted by Kelsig

/u/petervesti is making Geonosis and is in fact working on Battlefield V

Other people will finish Geonosis. I did the design, but it's not done.

12 Jun

16 May


Originally posted by alexaka1

/u/petervesti What happened? Ben said there are no plans to release it. But you kept insisting it's coming just pushed back. It's already in Blast. And if it's the question of making sure spawn points are good, let's be honest, they've been broken for the past 2 months on all maps.

To be honest, it's not a good map. It works much better in GA where there is a clear frontline pushing forward. I'd much rather see the outside part in HvV, where you'd have the choice to fight on the salt field or underground in the tunnels. So you can create the scene from the movie, but also keep it balanced so it's not a constant Chewie sniping you from across the field.

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Sorry about it. I set it up a long time ago, but unfortunately some art polish stopped it from being released a while back. More of a prioritization thing now outside my control.

02 May


Originally posted by DasPershing

Good-morning Boss-man! I'd have to say from easiest to hardest with the condition of learning the classes unique abilities, and weapons in the game as:

  1. Heavy. (The Heavys kit is very straight forward in terms of weapons and their stat balancing. And in my opinion the same can be said for their star cards. Press E to pull out your big gun and hold the trigger down to lock down an area for a few moments. )

  2. Assault. (The Assaults kit has little bit more of a difficulty curve then because it's load out is abit more diverse in what its abilities do. Such as how you can go from a scan dart to an instant health regeneration over time. Follow that up with how the default grenade can be changed out with acid launcher that has some nice zone-control. Or Ion grenade for officer turret stacking or just an upgraded frag for an instant clear rather then control over time.

  3. Officer. (Officers kit has alot of situational awareness tied to it, such a...

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Hey there. Thanks for the detailed reply!

By the way reach out to phatseejay on Twitter for ideas and comments on the skins - I don't have anything to do with that other than giving feedback like yourself :)

For me the Specialist is by far the hardest to get points with, all the other three classes are pretty easy to get into the action and shoot some people and do the objectives.

I agree with Vanguard as well it seems to be OK at the moment!


Originally posted by digital

Thank you, petervesti. I appreciate your response, and I am grateful. This post came out of my personal frustration of always trying to complete the objective, no matter what, during Galactic Assault. If you want to play Blast, play Blast, but the Objective levels are more fun, in my opinion. Thank you again for your thoughts on this matter. At the least, show the person with the highest objective score at the end of the match, with all the other high scorers.

Let's make this the BEST Battlefront II possible, what do you say? :D

Hehe no worries, yep that's the plan!

30 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

The third phase is really crucial here. The objective on the left (as seen from the attacking POV) is unbelieveably hard to take. I believe there hasnt been a single game that went past phase three. I think the FO needs another entry point to the objective thats more safe. Right now they can easily be farmed off in the meatgrinder / chokepoints. Another flaking route would enhance the experience IMO.

Speaking of meatgrinders- a lot of the BF2 maps have these chokepoint / meatgrinder designs (Kamino first and fourth phase as other examples or the first and last phases on Endor) which is really frustrating a lot of the time.. hoping for some more open and non-streamlined experiences in the future :)

FYI Currently phase 3 is 50/50 which is not good for balance at all since there's 4 phases in the map. Win rate for attackers is around 30% which obviously is not ideal.

We are looking into some changes for these kinds of scenarios.

Overall some choke points are designed and work as intended, others are frustrating and quite annoying. We are doing some things to try and make the bad ones better, please stay tuned.


Originally posted by TheSold3y

I think the first and second phase are fine right now.

The third phase is basically impossible to win as first order trying to take the west objective. Ive played Jakku countless times and we maybe managed to win two times out of 50? There are a few ideas i had while playing the map.

  • Maybe move the spaws for the Resistance further back so the FO actually has a chance of taking the objective

  • or open up the main entrance to the West objective a little more so FO snipers can aim at the resistances catwalks from below (right now its a very one-sided angle)

  • or take away sniper positions on the catwalks for the resistance or block off vision / make it harder for them to snipe everyone whos contesting the objective

  • move the first order spaws more in the centre where the second phase happens (around the ties).. right now they spawn heavily in favor of taking the east objective

Speaking of the ea...

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Yea some good suggestions, however we already moved the defender spawns back a lot compared to launch. Will take a look and try to address some things as soon as I have time :)


Originally posted by SkiMask19

Fix tree roots/branches please /u/F8RGE /u/petervesti

Sorry about that I will fix it.


Originally posted by buttermanic12

To parody quote Atton Rand from KOTOR 2:

Another DICE developer? What, did you guys start breeding while I wasn't looking?

Another? I was one of the first here :)

29 Apr


Sorry about your experience. I will forward the feedback to Guillaume.