Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

20 Oct


We are checking it out. Is this Master of Arms Conquest?


Originally posted by OverlordV14

But when asked about more maps for Portal, no response.....

We as Community Managers can't answer questions about future, or unreleased content. In case you were wondering why we don't answer questions like that.


Originally posted by OverlordV14

No response :P

yeah that's not the type of question i can answer. i can reply though.

19 Oct


Originally posted by snailtap

Straatford replied to me on one of the patch threads today and it made my day lol

What happens if he replies twice


Whenever you see a textual popup on the screen saying "Resupply", that is 'one' towards the Mastery progression. Not a single bullet, but merely the act of resupplying another person.

And some seem to be doing that more than others right now... we're watching.


Originally posted by Hashforce101

Aim Assist does not work on PS5 with current patch....especially against pc players with Crossplay. Never tested with Crossplay off because you can't get a match

Please fix

Like, not at all? Zero assist? What weapons are you using?


Originally posted by ShoeAggravating7084

For sure. I highly doubt they will remove specialist as they will have to rebalance all vehicles.

I bet core gameplay will still stay same except now you will have class in specialist selection menu

Can confirm we are not removing Specialists.


Get ready to rave with it!


Originally posted by Satosj

Great update! Can't wait for tomorrow. Too bad though that vehicles selection reworks didn't make it in this update.

Season 3.


Originally posted by Guffv93

when is the specialist update supposed to be?

During Season 3.