Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Absolute legend. I salute you! 🔥


Originally posted by TheLuigiNX

They do pay people for their concepts, so it’s a possibility

the artist didn't reply to our message yet - but that's the goal
the bandaid should be added - it was an oversight


AQUI É BRASIL P**** means "much love from brazil!"


Originally posted by Griff_Enjoyer

Placeholder for what? Can't recall what was the last day reward for Chuck

Place holder as it’s not the final version of the game but a testing one - we won’t sell his mastery pin

07 Dec


with my credit hoodie! Sweet!

Thank you so much for the art! <3

06 Dec


Originally posted by Challenge_W

Hey Dani, small question. How will the free pass look like? Or will it be unchanged?

Those haven’t changed, it’s still the same values we have in the blogpost in the ingame news

But also there’s this dude who’s presenting in a much better way


Originally posted by Tiny-Jeweler-3187

Tokens sound way better than "battle xp" it will be just the same, why didn't they kept it as that

XP is more known to players in general as a progression “currency”

Tokens suggest they can be used somewhere, so it could be confusing to new players

Of course once you learn how things work, it’s no problem at all, but anything we can do to make the game more intuitive at the very beginning (when the chances or losing a player forever is quite high) the better

Sadly it’s too late for a tokennomore event ):

05 Dec

03 Dec


We actually answered that question on our podcast if you wanna know more about it:

But long story short, we don’t aim for releasing an OP brawler, we aim not to release an underpowered and not fun Brawler

And of course if it’s too strong, we’ll tweak it

Pearl and Charlie got quick nerfs after release btw, but Charlie’s nerf wasn’t enough, so it’ll come with the next update

01 Dec

21 Nov

20 Nov

17 Nov

15 Nov


You've been very vocal about the rewards for the MEGA PIG Club event, but we would also like to hear from you about its other aspects!

  • What did you like about the Mega Pig?
  • What did you dislike about the Mega Pig?
  • What improvements would you like to see in the event?

We can't of course promise everything will be changed, but we still want to make improvements where we can while keeping in mind our goals for the feature and the economy of the game

External link →

13 Nov


Well, that was not meant to happen - I'll send you a DM to get more information about it!
Sorry about that!

11 Nov


The functionality is a bit weird at the moment :/ As a workaround for now, they either need to invite you, or you need to create a group in a different game mode and then change to Mega Pig once your group is full

hopefully it’ll be something we can improve at some point!