Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

14 Jan

Originally posted by Neel09

I lost 40k XP on My Account. Was a lvl 11. 39k/40k XP Level. Upgraded a Card Which Gave Around 600 XP. Got Level 12 King Tower Level Up Display Message. I Login In The Game Back and I'm a Level 11 with XP Bar Completely Empty.

Made Multiple Support Requests and That Automated Response Bot Kept Repeating the Same Stuff and Kept Closing my Requests.

u/ClashRoyaleSupport Please Help.

Upgraded a Card Which Gave Around 600 XP. Got Level 12 King Tower Level Up Display Message. I Login In The Game Back and I'm a Level 11 with XP Bar Completely Empty.

I can't take customer support requests per Reddit but I will make an exception because I've never heard of anything similar before, i'll take a closer look and get back to you in-game.

Originally posted by 1v1meScrubs

HUH? Do u think only your game gets so much request for support?? Quit giving excuses! SC is a multi billion dollar company. Hire more staff! SHAME ON YOU!

I've been a fool to spend money on this game. My free name change got taken away and your support staff keeps closing the conversation! Is this how you're supposed to treat customers?? Absolutely disgusting!

Originally posted by undermychair

The best way to finish a conversation with a customer is to completely ignore their complaints? 10,000 IQ, BIG brain!

Don't get me wrong we address whatever the issue might be multiple times before we come to the point where we have to move on and leave the case.

I will make it a case to take a closer look and see if the "reject" option, which we don't use lightly, is being applied too often.

Clearly if we have a lot of unhappy players that feel ignored by us something is wrong and we will look into it and do something about it!

Hey u/treknar,

We are aware that occasionally there are some payment issues with the payment points that we use (e.g. Apple) and it can get needlessly tricky to resolve those.

What happened?

There was a successful transaction and 100k Gold plus an Ice Wizard were delivered. The Gold was then used. That's all fine.

However, there was another purchase, which failed and that transaction never got back to us!

When Treknar contacted Apple to get it resolved, mistakenly the wrong purchase was refunded! Not the failed one, but the successful one and that's why the Gold and Ice Wizard are gone (auto-revoke removes any refunded content).

From supports perspective, we did inform you of the situation and asked you to contact Apple and to be careful to request Apple to refund t...

Read more

So good 🤣🤣🤣


11 Jan


Originally posted by Blunt-Smoke

Ya’ll should add a 2v2 ranking system.

we've been chatting about it!

- Drew


Originally posted by pugowar

are you guys aware of the 86% lag anything going to be done about it? My game lags so much now I cannot play. I cant help my clan do wars or anything. Please see why the ram required changed in the last update and revert it back if possible. Thank you. I love this game and want to play.

yep we are - this is one of the bugs we are looking into tackling in the optional update. we know from community reports that a workaround involves spectating a match or a replay, so that was a jumping off point for a fix for us.

- Drew

09 Jan

Originally posted by TheFuturist47

Thanks a lot for actually believing him. Seriously. It's frustrating to be just dismissed by customer service (not SC specifically but any customer service... it happens all the time)

You're welcome. I always give everyone the benefit of doubt. I think in general any customer service in inclined and open to believe their customers by default, but don't always have the resources (time) to investigate the claims.

We try to tackle big volumes with facilitating the whole customer service operation as well as possible. We will get a much better self help portal in the future, so that should be able to help free up resources for more demanding cases when easier ones will be resolved without contact. The future is bright ;)

08 Jan

Originally posted by Coconuthead94


Thank you for the responding to my post.

How long would it put me out of sync for days? As I am still yet to receive any cards or gold!

My player tag is #20LQ9GJU I hope the you can resolve the problem for me.

No, as soon as you reload the game you're fine. That being said i've seen a few odd cases where the content of the chest was never delivered, but luckily those cases are few and far between.

Thanks for the tag - I'll take a look and respond to you in game.

Hey, /u/Coconuthead94

First of all I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

Secondly it definitely could happen that i.e. poor network connectivity would put you out of sync with the game server. This could lead to you not seeing the contents of your chest. Super rare, but not impossible.

Would you mind sharing your player tag or player ID with me, so I can take a closer look?

04 Jan

Hey guys,

You won't get banned for simply trying to change your Supercell ID.

When someone writes in and wants to remove/attach to Supercell ID we will do certain background and security checks. If there is something phishy going on we will not proceed with your request, but rather explore further what is actually happening and possibly lock and/or ban the accounts in question.

31 Dec

20 Dec

17 Dec

11 Dec

Originally posted by rochastes

Thanks, same even if no continue were used?

No problem. Yes, currently even if you didn't continue it won't count towards the challenge win stat.

Hey u/rochastes

Sorry for the confusion and for the wrong information. Continue Challenges will not count towards your challenge wins stat in your Player profile.

10 Dec

09 Dec

05 Dec