Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

27 Feb

Originally posted by [deleted]

I have started 8 in game messages and the conversation has been closed every single time

Fair enough, I did answer your latest message as promised.

Originally posted by [deleted]

But I didn’t receive anything? I really didn’t, I never received gems for that charge, it is impossible that I received any gems and if there was a way to prove it I would

Do you mind sending a new in-game message and I'll give you the details there?

Originally posted by [deleted]

Do you guys just pick and choose who you feel like helping or what lol

No, I help out on here whenever I can. I try to post on threads where there is a misunderstanding or misinformation on a certain topic. Usually Drew, Tim or Seth will grab me if they feel something needs an answer from us.

In general support related questions are better answered in-game and not on Reddit. They are somewhat private matters better to not be discussed on public forums. It's also a little counterintuitive to start a one-man-support-channel on Reddit when we have a dedicated one in-game with thousands of support wizards ready to help.

Hey everyone!

Sorry I'm late! This thread slipped through the cracks.

u/phumeformiphame I checked your account and you did receive the Gems. Accidental purchases happen and we are happy to assist in refunding those.

However you used those Gems. When it was refund time those Gems were not there anymore. What do we do? We take an equal amount of content away from you instead of putting you into negative Gems.

I do feel we need to make improvements on that inbox message to explain what happened better to avoid all of the confusion and frustration.

I'm very sorry that we didn't help you better with this in the in game support! Thanks for pointing that out we'll use your feedback to be better in the future.

26 Feb

Hey u/Jonger512

Really sorry about that! It's a bug which we should be rid of in the next update!

As for the gold, you did get it back! Don't worry. You have ~40k more gold than what you had before the refund took place. When you refunded we revoked the ~64k that you got with the offer, but we also gave you back the 100k that you spent on the upgrade!

22 Feb


This...this moved me. The colours — they're so...🤯


Originally posted by Damm101

I know every time someone says it ... but again... I LOVE THIS WEEKLY UPDATES 🥰 Even though nothing or everything can be added ... we are not left for dead !!! Thank you 🙏Seth for the long post filled with explanation and CR for the (WWBUT)

You're most welcome! Always nice to see a reply like this 😍


Originally posted by BadW0lf-52

This troop also had a trap that you may have seen...😉

Can someone tell me which trap is that?

First time I remember that we revealed it was here, but it might have popped up earlier in a reddit data mine post...🤷


What up, Reddit! How's life?

This week we've been thinking/talking about (and working on some of) the following...

- The length of a Season / should they be themed / how much story can CR hold

- A new game mode: "Mega Deck" 🤪

- Should 2v2 have Trophies?

- What does "casual" look like for CR and should it always be 2v2?

- Also, we've recently had a couple of new team members join and they're brimming with new card/game mode ideas for us to chop through!

- A troop with a pulling/hook mechanic (think Gene's Super from Brawl Stars - low-key plug). Side note: We were playing around with a pull/hook type of character back in late 2017! This troop also had a trap that you may have seen...😉 However, in th...

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I approve this message 👍

15 Feb

14 Feb

13 Feb


An Optional Update is now available.

  • Fix for Emotes image not being removed from Shop after being purchased
  • Global Tournament Bonus Rewards can now be discarded
  • Mirrored Three Musketeers will now not display 11 Elixir Cost
  • Spectator UI fixed for iPhone X (and similar aspect ratio devices)
  • Fix for Player Profile displaying "Arena 13" instead of League 1
  • Fixed game crash that sometimes occurred when navigating to Clan War screen right after installing & loading

See you in the Arena,

The Clash Royale Team

External link →

12 Feb

08 Feb


Hey Reddit!

Short one today.

This week we’ve solidified the content for our next update. It’s gonna be cool 🤙

This update is scheduled to drop in April (if all goes to plan 👌).

We’ve really enjoyed the great feedback for Hog Race and Lunar New Year and we’re glad you’re enjoying them!

More info to come next week! 🏄

The Clash Royale Team

External link →

02 Feb


The way we approach card balance in Clash Royale is a combination of playtesting, listening to the community and looking at the stats. You can expect monthly balance updates to keep gameplay fine tuned and as fun as possible.

In this balance update we're taking a look at Freeze, Three Musketeers, Cannon Cart and more!

Watch the quick-look video​​!


  • Musketeer: Damage +3%

The basic Musketeer Troop is supposed to be a strong single target ranged attacker, strong against medium sized bodies. In practice, she is often set aside for other range...

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01 Feb


Helloooo redditors of r/ClashRoyale!

Damn, it's February already. 2019 you fast.

This week…

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