Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

05 Jun



Yes, it's "back", but it's not the same as in December. It also has been heavily discussed because we all remember how it turned out the last time.

The dynamic reset (explained in the video and the in-game article) wasn't there last time. Before, you had the 50% reset no matter the league you were in. Leagues were more challenging to climb, but you also weren't progressing at all if you reached a better finish.

The ratio will still be "better" from Challenger I to III - you will still gain a bit more trophies than you lose - not as good as it is now, but still better than 100/100. The 100/100 ratio will start from Master I (currently, it starts from Champion).

I also personally think that equal wins and losses are better for the game and matchmaking. Right now in the Trophy Road (before Leagues), you lose as much as you win.

The point of extending the Trophy Road and putting the dynamic reset is to avoid having King Leve...

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Originally posted by LegitPlayer21

If you are wondering what the goblin crate is, I belive its the crate that gives you the gold.

That is correct. We seen the community saying the sneak peek was a goblin crate. That’s why it has a β€œ?” When I say it lol

04 Jun


Originally posted by BigWithABrick

I know one of the community managers commented something like "no harm done :)" on that post (not realising that the game was lost because of this) so that might have motivated a faster fix. It also doesn't strike me as something that's particularly hard to implement, so it wouldn't take that long to fix.

That was me and I got it fixed the next day. We done it y'all!


It was the team as a whole. But either way... Max and I are here to stay as well πŸ‘ŠπŸ’ͺ



Lots of comments about balance changes! I must apologise for my clickbait title mentioning them without any further explanation in the post.

I didn't go into details because we already explained the whys in December, and the RoyaleApi article explained the reasoning pretty well. But I'm happy to share that with you again.

β€’ It hurts the larger player base

We saw this every month: players dropping the game and being very unhappy about certain cards' nerfs (or buffs). Switching cards or decks and adapting to the new meta is not a simpl...

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03 Jun


Hi Reddit,

I’m Max, the new Clash Royale Community Manager. If you missed the recent announcement, you can watch our introduction video here and enjoy Rick and I dressed as mighty Barbarians (and me needing to stop skipping leg day).

I wanted to take this occasion to address the current hot topic in the community: seasons and monthly content. After seeing many comments and questions at the start of Season 23, I figured that some open talk about our plans would be good. Let this be my trial by fire.

The shift

... Read more External link β†’

Literally unplayable

02 Jun


Originally posted by Huffelpuff__rainbow

u/Supercell_Max I would like to report a bug. I have a video of a replay which says that I win 3-0, Royale API shows I won 3-0, and so does the battle log. But the match ends with me apparently getting 3 crowned by the opponent.


Please contact the support to report a bug, it's the best way :)



Originally posted by ArcticFox59

Hope they discuss the new 2v2 Matchmaking change a bit and also confirm when the same change will drop for the solo 1v1 Party Modes.

u/RickCTV and u/Supercell_max

It does not seem that variance was added to 2v2 matchmaking. They simply opened up the coding to allow partners of different trophy levels, where before both random partners would have the same trophy count.

Also, people are still bringing in 1 or 2 Level 1 cards and a Level 13. And this is the majority of matches.

Here is a recent match we had

Our cards - all Level 9 (Variance of 0.00)

Their cards - 13, 13, 13, 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 10, 7 ,7 ,10, 8, 8, 8, 8 (Variance of 7.00)

Most matches go like this still

Our cards - all Level 9 (Variance of 0...

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I passed the same thread you linked to the team some weeks ago.

It has been discussed, changes have been made, but the variance is not the only variable taken into account. The recent 2v2 matchmaking changes aimed mainly to reduce the "7x level 1 + 1x level 13" cards exploit.

We're monitoring those changes, so if you have some feedback, I'm more than happy to pass it to the team. If you have some interesting matches that you think we should look into, you can give me your account tag with the day and approximative time of those matches (in PM if you feel more comfortable).


01 Jun



Seen this a fair few times being mentioned. We got you!
It will be fixed in the next update.

Stay awesome all πŸ‘Š

31 May

30 May


Originally posted by Inferno_Clash

u/rickctv this is cool

It is pretty interesting. Will add it to the ideas list πŸ€›

29 May