Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

21 Jan

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @UltraSmalls

Please make sure you check out this link for more information regarding character transfers.

Hope this helps!

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Paladin and thank you for reaching out to us.

We are aware of this issue and we are currently looking into it further.

Please keep an eye out on our future game updates as we are always working on improving Conan Exiles.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you so much for the additional information.

We’ve passed this over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

20 Jan

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Servers are back online!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

The servers will come down for a restart 2022-01-20T14:00:00Z. The downtime is estimated to take 1 hour.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Fenharell

We’ve passed this information over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

Please keep an eye out on our future updates as we are always working on improving Conan Exiles.

19 Jan

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Rokalm

Could you please provide us with a video if what you are seeing?
Also please let us know what video configurations you have in game.

    Ignasi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

I know this may be adding fuel to the fire, but I’d like to clarify something regarding stacking fence foundations, especially those comments saying this has been a valid method since early access.

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    Ignasi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moved thread to Feedback as it had nothing to do with the current Testlive build.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @meljcom

We are aware of this issue and our development team is currently looking into this.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for bringing this to our attention TeleTesselator.

We’ve passed this issue over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

18 Jan

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Fleming5652

If you are experiencing issues with an unofficial/private server please make sure you reach out to the server admin.

If you have your own server and are experiencing issues, please reach out to G-Portal as they will be able to help you out further.

Also as for the latency 9999 issue, we are aware of this visual issue and our team is looking into it.
As mentioned above, please not that this is only a visual issue and should not affect your gameplay.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @burrito

Once you transfer to an unofficial server you will no longer be able to transfer that character to an official server.

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    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @evomik82

If you are still experiencing this issue on server 3047, please make sure you report this over on Zendesk
You can read more about how to submit a ticket here: ...

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    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Sairdontis

Are you experiencing this issue with all animals or just specific ones?
Could you wait for a server restart and see if the issue persists?

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Harperson

If you would like to know more about this, please make sure you submit a report over on Zendesk .
You can read more about how to submit a ticket here: ...

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