Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

23 Oct

Good day everyone! We're releasing an update today to tackle some balance, bugfixes and interface issues affecting Roads to Power and the associated 1.13x "Basileus" Update.

Notable changes include the addition of a game rule to limit the amount of adventurers in game and Administrative governments having a new "Realm" interface. See the changelog below for a full list of changes.

PC Update 1.13.2 Changelog
Expansion Features
  • Administrative government now has access to a new tab in the “Realm” interface, listing additional laws that can be changed independently of imperial bureaucracy to allow an administrative top liege to have greater agency and control over their realm.
    • Added a new law for administrative to prevent governors from using the boundary dispute and subsume governorship schemes, ensuring that your internal borders stay somewhat more constant over time.
    • Added a n...
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22 Oct

Dev Diary #158
Wandering Nobles

Hello there!

It’s been a while since I wrote one of these, so I figured I could give a short presentation of myself. I’m Joachim, one of the two Design Leads on CK3, and I have been around at Paradox on different projects since CK2’s Holy Fury (my first DLC). It’s my pleasure to present our last entry in Chapter 3, namely, the Wandering Nobles DLC.

Discuss Dev Diary #158 on our forums![]

Vision As we set out to create ... Read more
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Oct

Hello Rulers!

Today we are happy to announce the release date and final part of Chapter 3, Wandering Nobles! Building on the travel system introduced in Tours and Tournaments as a ruler, wander both your realm and beyond with the new lifestyle! Wandering Nobles will be released on Steam November 4th!

Choose to set out for exotic cities and distant lands, or travel through your realm to ensure the prosperity and loyalty of your lands and vassals.

Wandering Nobles Features include:

- New Wandering Lifestyle with three new branches:
- Inspector: Landed characters can survey and improve their realm, Landless characters can seek environmental specialization.
- Wayfarer: Travel to reduce stress and pursue fame for your exploits.
- Voyager: Improve linguistic skills and live the life of a tourist and sightseer.
- New Activities designed... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Oct

Hello everyone! We're releasing a hotfix today to tackle a couple of issues reported since Update 1.13.1's release on Tuesday. Please check the changelog below.

Update Changelog Bugfixes ​
  • Fixed an issue where certain religions couldn't properly appoint a Court Chaplain.
  • Repairing artifacts as an adventurer should now work properly.

While we don't anticipate this update will break compatibility with existing saves or mods, we encourage you to disable all mods and start a new save if you encounter any issues after today's update. If the issue persists, then please post a thread on ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

09 Oct

Hello Governors and Gallivanters!

We are happy to announce that our Crusader Kings 3 merch is finally being replenished! Now you can show your love for map painting, vassal arresting, and child banishing to all. Who among us wouldn't want to be readily identified as an ardent fan of the most vaunted of Grand Strategy RPGs?

T-shirt? Hoodie? Both? Whatever weather the map brings, you will be ready.

Visit our shop here[], and let all of the realm know that you are a member of the Crusader Kings family*.

May your realms prosper and your garments be the most fashionable across all of the land.

*Warning, being part of our family might come with schemes, stabbin... Read more
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 Oct

Hello everyone! We're releasing a sizeable update today to tackle some balance and interface issues affecting Roads to Power and the associated 1.13x "Basileus" Update.

Notable changes include reducing the maintenance cost of Akritai men-at-arms, ensuring that factions have at least one member who actually wants to be there, and a myriad of bug fixes. See the changelog below for a full list of changes.

PC Update 1.13.1 Changelog
Balance ​
  • Significantly reduced the maintenance cost of Akritai. Due to a math error, the cost was way higher than intended. Math is hard.
  • Increased the AI weights for estate buildings slightly. The AI should hopefully construct new buildings more evenly between holdings and estate compared to before.
  • Landless administrative characters can no longer use the “Request governorship” interaction on titles held by non-admin rulers.
  • Changed the AI s...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

03 Oct

Hello everyone! We're releasing a small update today to address some issues reported to us by the community. Notably, this update improves performance when rendering character portraits, as well as adding an easier way to check the status of your current contracts as an Adventurer.

If you encounter any issues after today’s update, please check our Known Issues list[] and ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Sep

Hello everybody! We’re releasing a small hotfix today to address some of the issues reported to us by the community since the release of Roads to Power and the 1.13.0 “Basileus” Update on Tuesday. Most notably, Adventurers have received a few balance adjustments to their military strength and income.

If you encounter any issues after today’s update, please check our Known Issues list[] and ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

24 Sep

Hello everybody! Today we're releasing our Major Expansion for the year and the centerpiece of Chapter 3: Roads to Power. We're also releasing Update 1.13.0 "Basileus" alongside this expansion.

Check out the release trailer below, and then a partial changelog under that. The full changelog is well beyond the limits of what we can fit into a Steam announcement, so check out our forums for a more comprehensive list of changes coming in today's update!

Read the full 1.13.0 changelog on our forums![]

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

17 Sep

Welcome comrades! I’m Wokeg, and today we’ll be going over some of the upcoming changes to the scheme system, as well as some of the story content we’re adding for a few lucky landless adventurers this DLC.

My word count is going to be restricted in this Dev Diary because Community says that if I can’t edit myself down, they’ll edit it for me. Please send help.

[CM’s note: Woe, word-count limit be upon ye.]

Discuss Dev Diary #157 on our forums![]

Schemes Alright, those of you who are paying attention will have likely seen the re... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Sep

Hello there! We’ve got some new stuff available for you to tinker with and I’m happy to have the honor of presenting it for you! I’m Jens, the programmer behind the Barbershop upgrade and Message Settings. But first I want to talk about Domiciles, the system behind Estates & Camps.

Discuss Dev Diary #156 on our forums![]

Domiciles When building the feature, I made it in close collaboration with artists, designers and UX. Nobody wanted to work with another activity locale window again. So gathering the learnings and feedback, I wanted to make it as easy as possible for anyone to set the amount of building slots, their positioning or size and appearance based on triggers, all ... Read more