Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

18 Jun

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

11 Jun

Greetings Crusaders!

My name is Emil, resident game designer here on Crusader Kings III. Today I’m joined by Chad, my fellow game designer and comrade in arms when it concerns all things Byzantium, to invite all of you, from the most distant governors of our great empire to the esteemed nobles residing here in the capital, to our first in-depth dev diary for our upcoming Major Expansion Roads to Power.

Discuss Dev Diary #148 on our forums![]

More specifically, we’ll be going over a brand-new government type: the Administrative Government. All... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

03 Jun

Admiral Boysen said: I thought next Tuesday was tomorrow?
No, that's this Tuesday. Next Tuesday is on the 11th.

(In all seriousness, the ambiguity is why we specified the date on top of it.)  

See the World, Seize the Purple! The glory and might of the Byzantine Empire take center stage in the latest Major Expansion for Crusader Kings III.

Rule from Constantinople through the new Administrative Government type and experience a variety of new Byzantine-themed events and flavor, or be truly daring and live a life where your noble reputation is not tied to the land, roaming the map as an Adventurer for hire.

Roads to Power releases on September 24th, but you can purchase Chapter III right now to get the free Instant Unlock Couture of the Capets and receive all of the Chapter content within it as it releases throughout the year.

Want to know more about the artwork shown here? ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Hello everyone! We're pleased to announce that the next Major Expansion for Crusader Kings III, Roads to Power, will be releasing on Steam and Microsoft on September 24th!

See the World, Seize the Purple! The glory and might of the Byzantine Empire take center stage in the latest expansion for Crusader Kings III. Rule from Constantinople through the new Administrative Government type and experience a variety of new Byzantine-themed events and flavor, or be truly daring and live a life where your noble reputation is not tied to the land, roaming the map as an Adventurer for hire.

Roads to Power features include:

  • Administrative Government: Experience medieval rule outside of the feudal system with new styles of empire management. A web of Governors jockeys for position in the empire with intrigue and power, sometimes rewarding merit and s...
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30 May

AlfredRWallace said: Really cool! Never expected such an elaborate process. Creating a 3D scene in blender to then recreate it in 2D kinda feels like that one Spongebob scene.

One advantage is that it makes it easier for certain characters to remain consistent between different pieces.

You... Read more
Hello everyone! Ahead of our release date announcement for Roads to Power, we decided to give everyone a peek behind the curtain and see some of the stages our keyart for Roads to Power went through before reaching the final version we revealed yesterday. While this won't be as detailed as art featurettes we've done in the past (such as the Lady of Shalott from Legends of the Dead), we hope you still find it interesting and informative about the artistic process.

1 - keyart concepts.png... Read more

29 May

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Ruler Designer Community Contest! We're pleased to announce the following winners who will be receiving a Chapter III Steam key. From left to right, the winning rulers are:

Samanta Jwala II Vikrānta Pulī by @Zayd
... Read more

17 May


Ruler Designer Community Contest​

We want to see your custom CK3 rulers! Recreating history in the footsteps of a historical ruler can be fascinating, but we all know there’s a certain thrill to shaping your ideal ruler from scratch and forging a unique legacy to remember through each decision.

To Enter​

Share an image of your favorite, unmodded custom ruler with a sentence or two about them as a reply to this post.

The Prize​

A Steam key for Crusader Kings III’s ... Read more

09 May

Experience the medieval era in Crusader Kings III for FREE this weekend on Steam!
If you’ve been thinking about trying Crusader Kings III (or trying to talk your friends into it), now’s the perfect time with our 1.12.5 Update. Take command of your house and grow your dynasty across nearly 600 years of history at no cost until Monday, May 13.

Additionally, select Crusader Kings III content is on sale this weekend, so you can continue your journey with 60% off of the base game, or expand your collection further with discounts on additional content for the game.

Take the Quiz, Win Prizes ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 May

Hello everybody! Today we're releasing Update 1.12.5 for PC. This update brings adjustments to plagues, event frequency (are there no sick houses?), and various balance changes. This update also includes new historic event chains for our Legends of Crusader Kings III characters, as well as an additional "express" version of the tutorial. Check the changelog below for precise update information!

We hope this helps alleviate some of the pain points you've reported to us since the release of Legends of the Dead. As always, if you encounter any issues after today's update then please ensure you're running a fresh save with no mods enabled, and then report the problem to us if it persists!

1.12.5 Update Changelog​
Game Content​
  • Added a few historically-inspired events for Matilda di Canossa, Robert the Fox, Yahya Dhunnunid, a...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 May

Hello everybody! Today we're releasing Update 1.12.5 for PC. This update brings adjustments to plagues, event frequency (are there no sick houses?), and various balance changes. This update also includes new historic event chains for our Legends of Crusader Kings III characters, as well as an additional "express" version of the tutorial. Check the changelog below for precise update information!

We hope this helps alleviate some of the pain points you've reported to us since the release of Legends of the Dead. As always, if you encounter any issues after today's update then please ensure you're running a fresh save with no mods enabled, and then report the problem to us if it persists!

1.12.5 Update Changelog​

Game Content​

  • Added a few historically-inspired events for Matilda di Canossa, Robert the Fox, Yahya Dhunnunid, and Vratislav of Bohemia. Events include themes such as...
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30 Apr

Greetings! This Dev Diary will be a mixed bag of various things - there’s a lot going on, and therefore a lot to talk about. I want to take this opportunity to address feedback, talk design philosophy, shine some light on how we’re working, set some expectations for Roads to Power, tease some things coming in the future, and show off the 1.12.5 changelog for a free update happening on May 8th. In other words, this will be a big and a little bit all-over-the-place diary, but bear with me.

Discuss Dev Diary #147 on our forums![]

To start off, let's talk about ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

03 Apr

Hello, everyone!

We have an important update to share today for people looking to get into Crusader Kings III for the first time: we're retiring the old Royal Edition and replacing it with a new Starter Edition for our game. This new edition is designed to offer a comprehensive and value-packed entry point for new players, ensuring access to the best of what Crusader Kings III has to offer from the get-go.

Included with Crusader Kings III: Starter Edition
Crusader Kings III Base Game
  • Whether you start as a lowly count or a mighty emperor, no throne is safe as you compete for power against thousands of other nobles for prestige and dominance. Write your own histories, with a wide range of personality types, ambitions, and cultural preferences. Play as a haughty duke, a pious prince, or a cunning queen, and then play as their heir as the wheel of time grinds on.
Tours and Tournaments
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.