Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

11 May

I agree, this nickname is much to common and often doesn't make sense.  

29 Apr

An update from our CK3 Tech Lead, Lykchen:

Hey everyone,

Along with the release of the Azure patch we will update the Multiplayer Open Beta today at 10:00 (GMT+2).
This new build has the version 1.4.1 and contains all changes from 1.4.0 Azure as well the MP stability improvements that have been available on the open_beta branch for a while. This way you can enjoy all the improvements from Azure along with the MP stability improvements we’re currently testing.

In addition to that we have made two changes on 1.4.1 to further improve the Multiplayer experience:

  • Increased network stability of clients joining MP lobbies with decreased save game transfer spe...
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06 Apr

Sir Faint said: Yeah I know, it's amazing!

And sure, it was a pre-release purchase bonus (I bought the game one week after it was released) that was going to be available in the future.

You can see it here:

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Sir Faint said: Same with the Garments of the HRE pack! I was looking forward to buying it, but now I'm considering downloading the Community Flavour Pack, which is 10.000 times better apparently.

We DO love the Community Flavour Pack. Lots of dedication and hard work went into it. We also had a video segment interview with one of the two creators a while back!

As for the Garments of the HRE, I am not sure where you saw that pack. Would you mind linking me the source on that? I know the Fashion of the Abbasid Court came with the Royal Edition though.   ... Read more
Zylathas said: Considering there is no DD, can you atleast answer one question:

The Monarch's Journey items were going to be unlocked for everyone some point after release. Can anything be said about this?

No word yet, but I will check with the team to see where we stand!  
Howdy all!

Since we had a long weekend over the Easter holiday, the team is hard at work on future updates and further content.

As such, there will be no Dev Diary today, but we will see you next week with some fun goodies and hopefully some things you all like.

In the meantime, get out there, live your history, and we will see y'all next week!


19 Mar

Howdy all,

We are experimenting with an early access Open Beta for our upcoming fixes and releases for 1.3.1. While this Beta branch is still available, please note that it is not a final product or indicative of our ultimate goal. We are using this to assess viable options and test features, so please let us know what you think!

This branch is currently available for Steam only during this initial test for the Patch, but we are looking at the possibility of other platforms in the future.

FOR THOSE THAT OPT IN TO THIS BETA BRANCH: We do ask that you make sure that you MAKE A COPY OF YOUR SAVE FILE before you launch this Beta to ensure that there is no issue with saves. While we do not anticipate any issues with your saves, we ask that you make a back-up just in case.

Please note that for Multiplayer games: the server list may not display, but joining via server ID does work.

Here is what... Read more

13 Mar

Howdy all,

We were honored and privileged to be part of Paradox Insider this weekend! For those of you that may have missed it, we announced Northern Lords is coming soon!

Curious what else that contains and what to expect? Here is a video that rather exquisitely explains that!


10 Mar

    AndrewT on Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a tech support issue so moved to main forum. If the community agrees it's likely to be a bug, post in Bug Reports please.  

09 Mar

rus-chel said: As long as my 10500 prowess guy don't die to -100 guy - it's what i want.
It drove me nuts - always a chance to die, even your opponent is supposedly doomed
There is nothing more dangerous to a professional, than an amateur.  

07 Mar

    AndrewT on Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a tech support issue so moved to main forum. If the community agrees it's likely to be a bug, post in Bug Reports please.  

02 Mar

Does this system have dynamic pun support?  

16 Feb


It’s a new year, and we thought it would be interesting to give all of you an update on the status of the team! There’s quite a few of us, and we hope you’ll enjoy this brief insight into who’s working on updates, fixes and exciting new content for your enjoyment!

My name is Carmille and I work as a Producer on CK3; I’ve been with the team for about one and a half years now. CK2 was one of my favorite games and the reason that I joined Paradox to begin with, so naturally I am feeling quite blessed to work on the project :)

Firstly, an announcement! It has been decided that Alexander Oltner (aka ... Read more

20 Dec

    AndrewT on Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a tech support issue so moved to main forum. If the community agrees it's likely to be a bug, post in Bug Reports please.  

15 Dec

Howdy all!

What a wild ride this entire year has been so far! We launched the game, brought the Ruler Designer to a new generation of CK fans, created a wholesome and welcoming community, and had a ton of fun.

While there is still a bit of time left in the year, we will be following in the footsteps of the long time-honored Paradox tradition of taking some time off around the holidays to give the teams a chance to recuperate and relax. This will also make sure that we are able to continue bringing you first class content in the new year! That being said, most of the team will be out spending time enjoying their holidays from this week until sometime early January 2021.

Without all of you in the Community, we would not be able to live our dreams of bringing Crusader Kings to life and share with you all. So, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for the wonderful memories during a truly trying year and may we see you all again i... Read more
    AndrewT on Forums - Thread - Direct
Please lodge a support ticket at with all relevant details, and we'll get you sorted out.  

07 Dec

    awindahl on Forums - Thread - Direct
Rindera said: With the hotfix the game don't see any saves and I can't start a new one — it just freezes at the screen between selecting a character and actual game.
No mods.

Are you fixed me able to play the game?! :eek:

Could you start a new thread in the bug forum about this? Please include as much information as possible.  
Howdy all!

As discussed in the Patch Notes from last Thursday, the Hot Fix is now Live.

This should be compatible with all Save Games and Mods currently out there, but please make sure you save your games and relaunch to take advantage of all the new updates!

Patch Notes can be found HERE  

01 Dec

Howdy all,

The Dev Team is hard at work making sure we have Patch Notes for the latest Hot Fix that will be going out (hopefully) on Thursday!

So while there will not be a Dev Diary today, there will be one on Thursday with Patch Notes! We look forward to them almost as much as I am sure y'all do!  

24 Nov

Greetings Crusaders!

We have been alerted that some players may be experiencing issues with the Plaza version of the game. We are aware of the problem and are working to correct the issue.

We have seen some issues fixed with Clean Installs of the game, but please make sure to back up and copy your save files if this is the route you wish to go. For further assistance with this process, please contact our Support Team!