
Dauntless Dev Tracker

09 Sep


Originally posted by Impossible-Koala-656

I replied to the email, if not a bit firmly, hopefully it'll be easy to find, I listed my Reddit name as well. Thank you as well for taking the time out of your day to help me with this problem!

It looks like we didn't get it, I suspect you're in touch with Epic support rather than Dauntless support which explains the ticket number.

In this case, when it comes to Nintendo accounts, they would be the correct people to contact as the link issue would be between Nintendo and Epic. However, if they're unable to assist at all, you can contact us here with full details, and we can guide you through the process and I'm confident we'll come to a resolution: https://support.playdauntless.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

If you do need to contact us, please link to this reddit thread so we can get a basic picture of what your ...

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08 Sep


Originally posted by HandsomeGangar

Heads take more stagger damage that limbs, tails and the main body don’t take stagger damage.

Tails* take more part damage than other parts if you’re using slashing type attacks (sword, axe, and the non-wounding attacks from pike and chain blades).

All parts take the same amount of core damage, except if you’re using Drask weapons (don’t).

*technically any part that’s internally flagged as “severable” but for most behemoths that’s just the tail.

Just to add to that, hammers "Weighted Crown Mod" which you can unlock in the Slayers tree says "Stagger damage is no longer halved when attacking Behemoth legs" which is a pretty good tip off on how Stagger works on different parts.


Originally posted by AresThreeFive

▪ In-Game Name: AresThreeFive

▪ Type of Bug: Rumour Dye Quest

▪ Google Drive Link(s): https://drive.google.com/file/d/10i-CJB4tJ64wiv9o5M_o96s0pOjYrFU8/view?usp=sharing

▪ Normal Behavior: Getting the dye rumour drop should give access to the rumour quest to unlock the dye.

▪ Actual Behavior: In the drop results for the Fenroar it shows a rumour dye called Petrified but no quest starts from this drop.

▪ System Specs: N/A

▪ Geographic Location: US EAST

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10 I got the drop multiple times but nothing in the quest log to complete it.

It looks like this is impacting a specific set of users, we're working on a fix. Thank you for the report!


Originally posted by Impossible-Koala-656

I am unsure of where the support ticket is, since now it's on email but I do see this number within said emails. 20701727

If that's the support ticket number, great, if not, I could always forward the emails privately. Just let me know.

Unfortunately, that's not it. I'd say just respond to it. I'll find it. Thanks!


We are working hard to quickly resolve live issues.

For more help or assistance with your account, contact Dauntless Player Support.

Be sure to keep an eye on current issues at our Favro Issues Tracker.

- Phoenix Labs Development Team

Greetings Slayer...

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I'm inherently biased so I'll keep it pretty basic.

In my opinion any free game that's *checks Epic* "Great for Quick Sessions" is worth at least trying as it's as easy to jump out as it is in. Especially if it was worth 200h before.

I'm not seeing many recommendations on what to look for when you first jump back in if you decide to. The interface changes can be a bit much at first but I'd say 1-13 escalations (you can unlock on the slayer tree) is a great place to start and go from there.

I wouldn't worry about resetting or anything, just starting there and moving forward you'll start to figure things out again.

    on News - Thread - Direct

Sporestruck Embermane has evolved into Fenroar, which arrives with the more powerful dire version, Earthshaper Fenroar. Defeat these Behemoths to craft a new set of weapons and armour. Plus, the adventure on Aulric's Peak continues as new secrets are revealed!

Dire Discovery appeared first on:...

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Hey there, u/Impossible-Koala-656 sorry to hear that, this sounds rough. Can you please give your support ticket number either in message or here. It should be safe to do so as long as it's just the number. I can look into it, discuss how we can move forward and we'll respond in the ticket itself. Thanks!

07 Sep

06 Sep