
Dauntless Dev Tracker

20 Apr

19 Apr

18 Apr


Originally posted by Bottom_Txt

Hey! I always submit tickets before making these posts to Reddit. Should I refrain from making posts like this in the future?

Edit: I actually just noticed the rule, not sure if it’s new. That answers my question!

Hehe indeed! This rule is here to protect players from being the subject of false accusations and "witch hunts". Imagine if you worked hard to get a good time on the board, and someone decided to go on Reddit and accuse you of cheating: it wouldn't feel good, your reputation might be sullied forever (this is the internet after all), and it would create unnecessary toxicity within the community. 😊


Originally posted by -eXiGe-

Is antagonizing the player-base with sarcasm a job requirement at Phoenix Labs?

I didn't realize this was a sensitive subject, but I appreciate the responses as it makes me more aware of some of the community's feelings on these quests. Poorly landed joke is all. Y'all are awesome, as is the achievement in the OP!


Thanks! I've forwarded your suggestion for more reforge quests with high end rewards.

Edit: Wrong chat box.


We've verified the run and that player was indeed cheating. They have been dealt with accordingly (and removed from the board).
Like /u/Serfrost mentioned though, in the future, please try to follow rule #7 by sending these reports straight to our player support. πŸ™


Originally posted by ClayZKyle

i have the same issue here, thought i was the only one... all other conditions were completed and then my phased pellicle is stuck at 21/8 for both quest and unable to complete them or earn fresh phased pellicles...

im from pc port tho...

Thanks for the additional report! It looks like some changes were made to this quest which is causing this, and we hope to have the issue resolved in a coming patch.

15 Apr


Originally posted by liquid_music

Cleansing Pylon is not placeble for me in Frost Escalations, just flashes red like I am electrocuted

I've not been able to reproduce this (only seeing that behaviour when I run out of them, as expected). Do you have a video?


Originally posted by Kenny1115

Logged in after leaving when reforged came out. My gold trials gear is all gone, the section of the shop for it is all gone, I have to redo the repeaters quests, most of my quest dyes are gone, and logging in and out did nothing.

Can you please contact Dauntless Support? This will need specific account investigation.


Originally posted by ExcellentAd2023

Type of Bug: Cosmetic

Since the beginning of the new season, the event hunt pass "Chronoslayer" has disappeared without being achieved. Is this a bug?

Due to technical issues with the new Hunt Passes yesterday, we've temporarily removed the Chronoslayer and Rangar's Folly event passes from the menu. They'll be back in 1.10.1 with all your existing progress. Sorry for the interruption.


Originally posted by MundaneFeedback5521

fix cell crafting then. lost alot of dust middle man just ate it all.

Could you please contact Dauntless Support? This sounds like an account-specific issue that they'll need to dig into.


Originally posted by Ok_Acanthisitta_4058

In Game Name: LTz Noisy

Type of bug: login issues

Expected behavior: be able to login and play

Actual behavior: game prompt tells me that I need

Xbox live gold in order to play, stopping me from playing


Steps: I did nothing for this to happen it just happened one day now it does this 100% of the time.

Spec: Xbox series s

Could you please contact Xbox Support for this issue? Dauntless no longer requires Xbox Live Gold, and the override for this is on Microsoft's side - they may be able to investigate this through your account (I'm not seeing it reported generally from Silver issues).


Originally posted by Dookvah

Ingame name is Dookvah. I'm from Germany, and I think this is a Hunt Pass specific error?

I still can't see the Voidrunner Hunt Pass. Even though it's supposed to be reenabled, I cannot see it. My friend can, I just can't. And I'm pretty sure I'm still missing parts of it, so I doubt it's because of that...

This should be fixed now for all players.


Originally posted by Asphes

In-Game Name: Asphe

Type of Bug: Visual

Expected behavior: Shooting a tree should show the usual animation of it falling down.

Actual behavior: Tree gets possessed

Screenshot/Clip: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/867249474526773302/964482126261145610/unknown.png - If this was a GIF, you'd see the model flaying around continously until it despawns.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/867249474526773302/964484381412585512/unknown.png - the 'movement' / flaying is caused by the tree doing the rolling animation

Reproduction Rate/Steps: Occurs 5/10 YMMV

System Specs: GTX 1070, GTX 1070Ti, RTX 2070, RTX 2070Ti, RTX 3070,...

Read more

Thanks for the report, investigating.


Originally posted by Demacian_Justice

In-Game Name: 4ality

Type of Bug: Visual

Expected behavior: Marauder's Coat behaves like normal chestpiece with weapon drawn.

Actual behavior: Arms stay in place while torso moves when running with weapon drawn. Arms behave strangely in almost every single animation with the Marauder's Coat equipped, becoming extremely distorted.

Screenshot/Clip: https://streamable.com/h25w1h

Reproduction Rate/Steps: 10/10. Draw sword or gloves with the Marauder's Coat transmog equipped. I believe this happens with every weapon, but I haven't tested it on all of them.

System Specs: Windows 10, Ryzen 7 5800x, GTX 1060 6gb, 16gb RAM.

Geographic location: US West

Thanks for the report, will log this.


Originally posted by GENM_ACT

Is there a title reward for completing all the New dawn season challenges? Around 23:40 Japan time, there was a problem with the challenge and I could not complete it all. We are not sure if that was a display bug or a reset.

There is not an extra reward for completing all New Dawn challenges, no.


Originally posted by inclinedpeasant


Bug Type/From: Escalation Patrol 1 - 13

Only one person is logging into the Esca with me and when we drop in, they're just standing there, no one talking and behemoth health not going down either.

Just happened two times in a row, with random players.

We're not seeing many reports of this - if you encounter this again, could I ask that you please submit a support ticket in game via the Pause > Help menu while you're in this session?


Originally posted by Chemical_Category876

Man When i was in my slayer i just saw all dyes including from other hunt passes and one of the dyes that i love it its Bloodmoon dye. Its not a bug, but i Hope hunt pass dyes can be get it with Platinum

No current plans to make these directly available with Platinum, but the passes complaining them will be coming back around in the future!


Originally posted by No_Replacement_6646

hello when it gives me the option to select this pass it freezes and I can't do anything it happened to me with the previous one

Please contact Support - we're still investigating the reports of this issue, and they'll help collect some information to help our investigations. Thank you, and sorry.