@MrSurviv0r No NDA, you are free to stream/make video content for Alpha
@PlayCouple_B Nope.
@Jacob_MangoR Nothing like that during Alpha. We are considering it as a possible way of monetisation, but desicion depands on player's reception of the GameZ.
@Stoninho Borscht
@Nonfamoustiga Everyone in a circle, with some handy loot in a middle. But no weapons.
@Topherjack87 Tough question. What is cooler - PIPSI Zero or PIPSI Light? Main difference from original event is that match time got shorter.
@trkzn @EnterThePug Yes, zombies is a very important part of Survivor GameZ. At the moment there are 447 of them, but it might change with balancing. They are present in hordes and as loners.
@consulmac @gaming_round We don't have an answer - this Alpha for us is like a proof of concept.
@Speakeasytrait1 Rules are slightly different, principal is the same - last player standing. Rules are illustrated here, in HOW TO PLAY section:
@slovenlypiano96 PC only during Alpha, requests are open. It's free DLC at the moment, no need to pay for anything.
@Fa1ko_ It's a free DLC during Alpha. Might change in future, but no decision was made at the moment.
@KidMondrongo Not planned for Survivor GameZ Alpha
@djyozuk Free during Alpha for sure, later decisions will be made based on players reception. Zombies are very important part of the game, with improved AI and new types of behavior. We starting with 16 players per match.
@Foxypoteoffical There will be broken neck bones, when your collar explodes.
@woodster1974 Sure.
@DrewerinoGaming All matches start in a circle, so exactly as original events. There are protector cases with some utility loot in the middle, no weapons.
@MNagant Planned, but for the beginning of Alpha
@ryicho Not sure how to answer you. It is pretty much separate game mode. During Alpha it is only available on PC.
@TheRunningManZ Everything will be live by time the keys are sent out.
@nuclearPANDA86 You can call it predecessor of Battle Royale genre. Game mode based on DayZ events, with DayZ mechanics and competitive setup.