@Cagenado It will not be hardcore survival game at the start of Alpha. However we are not scratching out the idea of tweaking it.
@mikeyallen24 Not during Alpha, but reward system is planned.
@evmyers1978 Yep
We have an addition to yesterday's Status Report for you to clarify on certain issues: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/245296-status-report-july-2019/?do=findComment&comment=2439119
@CapilliezT In edited surrounding of Severograd
@Ragan247 Zombies is very important part of the game, yes. Compared to the base game - we improved the AI and introduced different types of behaviour.
@ThatOneMarky It's a different and small team. However they do have experience with DayZ.
@MikeBra93512590 2019
@ValentinaEstel3 Free if you have DayZ, for it's Alpha period. It might change, but we didn't made a decision on this topic. Will be based on player's reception of the game.
@fortunate_duck @trkzn It's not planned yet, but it's not out of the question.
@newbpeep We wanted to do exploading heads, but had to remove it. At lease for Alpha. Too gore
@WallaceMTucker No, new match you will start empty-handed
@ryicho Theoretically it might - some design desidions from Survivor GameZ could be implemented in DayZ. However it isn't certain.
@iamkneecaps Survivor GameZ is developed by a different part of the team, it doesn't influence DayZ development. Both parts will develop at their own pace. If thinngs blow up - we will only have more resourses to put in our existing projects.
@iamkneecaps Healing is streamlined, more information on the closed alpha registration page. 3x2 km. There will be no cars in the game and are not planed yet For now we will be using just guns present in DayZ ➡️
@EnterThePug Not for now, but we are open to introduce them after testing, if it will enrich gameplay.
@filipgran96 There is a Heli crush on location - check out HOW TO PLAY section on the website. As for vaulting and climbing - not planned for Alpha.
@rbenford18 No teasing for Survivor GameZ. At least not during Alpha :D
@dayzrob It has it's own loot distribution, a lot based on locations. We had to balance it during internal tests, but even the most sceptical person thinks it's fun now.
@Dude51149951 @VernonPriceArt Not during Alpha, but all of the mention features are planned.