@S4ndy_Mc Not at the beginning of Alpha, but you will be able in future.
@rarelexx It was not possible to make a direct adaptation, so we made it as much as possible true to the original event, but also tried to make it up to date to modern standards. The biggest difference is the time limit for the matches, which is from 3 hours made into 45 - 60 minutes
@GrumpierFaceMan Not at the moment, but might be with DayZ and Survivor GameZ development.
@dayzrob God only knows.
@MazaiBoy On Steam. Detailed instructions will be enclosed in email with the key.
@rbenford18 Depends on measurement point. It is pretty smooth now, but we will be adjusting game a lot during Alpha.
@NathEvz89 You can call it predecessor of Battle Royale genre. Game mode based on DayZ events, with DayZ mechanics and competitive setup.
@EnterThePug The map is 3x2 km. It's edited surrounding of Severograd
@keigan23003236 Not yet. But it might come in future, together with DayZ and Survivor GameZ development.
@trkzn No. Zones will be the same each game. However they might change with the game, as a part of development.
@TroxyeeTv At the moment we don't know. It really depends on player's reception
@Speakeasytrait1 Pretty much. We are keeping mechanics from DayZ and introduce battle royal rules
@gaming_round For now it's free for sure. Later decisions will be made based on players reception
@LordElo55 For now it's free for sure. Later decisions will be made based on players reception
@TobySean1 45 - 60 minutes, but it might change. In a way it's a matter of balancing.
@jgl6cToete68RXm Leave your email here and wait:
@PetricaHreniuc Some of the old Bohemia devs, who were involved with DayZ - consider it to be their weekend project. Team is located in Bratislava office.
@Vaughany04 PC only during Alpha. To sign up leave your email here:
@FruityFurgo PC, through Steam
In this thread we will only be answering questions related to the Survivor GameZ. What do you want to know?