The second wave of keys will be sent out in 2 weeks. The exact time depends on the server capacity and the retention of the first group.
The Alpha servers are located in EU and NA. Remote players must expect lags. Based on the player's reception we might roll out more servers ➡️
On the 22.07 at 12 PM CEST we will send out the first 5k keys for the Survivor GameZ Alpha! So far we have over 20k key requests. It's way more than we expected, but we will distribute keys gradually. The selection of users for the first group will be first come, first served. ➡️
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 WilliamFilms
The Experimental servers are coming back online with the new update, read the patchnotes here:
📷 ChernarusArjen
@Harpuajim We are sorry our Status Report gave you those feelings.
However we wanted to bring to players attention that balanced and stable game state is very important to us and it's our main focus right now. We hope as an old-timer and passionate player you will enjoy it as well.
The Experimental servers are going offline for an update with hotfixes. We will be back as soon as possible.
@Arthurian64_ Not at all. As you can read in other comments - we had a big issue with duplicated loot and it ruined experience for many players. Among several solutions we chose what our players suggested, a complete wipe.
@dayz_trader_mod We always need programmers!
@JasonMunday3 Let's talk about it tomorrow
@Ashathor_ Or is it not Chernarus?
@BBranndstatter It means we rearrange the team. All those roles are taking care of, mostly by people working on DayZ for years. It's just not everyone likes being public. You will meet some of them in future streams
@BIackwing It is for consoles.
@VernonPriceArt Well, we had to type fast to catch you on this. ;)
Curious about what's going to be our focus for the DayZ development in 2019? Have a read in our new DayZ Status Report, where we speak about console updates and the future of the game: