@HeadRush_tv Oh my. We were only explaining key difference from popular Battle Royal games. But Survivor GameZ is every player for themself.
@AsmondianA Can't answer your question at the moment. Consider it proof of concept - future decisions will be made based on players reception
@bDhammburger No consoles throughout testing phase. Consider it proof of concept - future decisions will be made based on players reception
@kaidavis3 We will comment on it before the update, but not this week
The Stable servers are coming back online from the maintenance with a new update, including the fixes tested on Experimental. Read the patchnotes here:
📷 trankzen
@kofxcooldude1 5K in first wave
@Skycaptin5 No NDA at all. Just remember, it's only Alpha
@LucageArts This month, but not this week
@CitizenZ_1000 Good thing we didn't say that game is done. Still working on it, more news are coming next week.
@Gureyy_ Today's maintenance will be prolonged, as we push the current Experimental update to the Stable branch.
@killer0197 They will. Survivor Games is a mix of environmental threat and other players trying to kill you. World vs player.
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 @Gureyy_
@Hicks_206 If only you were here... we could of talk more often 😩