1) Depending on the offering, if it's an event or retired offering, you can keep getting them in your blooweb. So let's say you have... White ward. Now you used all the ones up you had in your inventory, but you can find them again in the bloodweb. However, there are limited offerings, such as event offerings (Red Envelope). You can check the event offerings here:
https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Offerings#Halloween_Events These can only be obtained during their respective events.
2) If you purchase a DLC, the new characters will be added to the pool of daily rituals.
3) Bloodlust! Bloodlust is a mechanic that kicks in if you've been chasing a survivor for a while. Tier I is 15 seconds, Tier II 30 seconds and Tier III starts once you have been chasing someone for 45 seconds. There is also Myers who tier...
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