Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

17 Oct

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Summoner_of_snow: i was just in a match where i got 2 kills, then noticed that i hadn't seen the nea, so i downed a laurie and did stuff to show i was friendly. i let her stay on the ground for a bit and looked around. not a single other gen had any progress on it. so, i tried to get the laurie to tell me where the nea was so i could go and kill her. im not sure whether she understood because she kept indicating me to hook her.
Please note that this can quickly become against the game rules, as it can be potentially become working with the opposite team for personal gain. Please avoid trying to work with survivor to have them rat out another one.

There are many ways you can attempt to counter act this by e.g. leaving the slugged survivor in an attempt for the other to come over and heal them or check lockers or other things. Once the other dies and the other has not escaped through t... Read more

16 Oct

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can only link Steam and Stadia together, so you cannot do Steam x Steam, if that's what you mean?
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I recommend creating a thread here if you are experiencing crash issues: It might be a technical issue first, if not, please go here:

15 Oct

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need to report them in the game if you encounter them and send any additional evidence to support here: Please only send one ticket per report.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
yes Dead Dawg Salloon is still currently disabled and that is the only map that's disabled at the current time.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is one of the things that's done at your own risk. We do not actively ban you for it, but should EAC ban you, then we will not be able to unban you.

14 Oct