Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by proximalprostate

Hey GSG, Happy 2nd Anniversary in EA and I do adore your game and wish you the best of luck.

To the questions: - When you drop into the game, the dwarves have 'personality' voicelines, Scout always anxious about something and the other dwarves either don't care or talk some sense into him... During missions however, all voicelines are 'the same' but pitched. This leads me to several questions:

  • Will the current Guy who makes the voice stay, or do you ever plan (or dare) to change the voices to different actors?

  • Will you introduce more 'personality' (voicelines) like the ones you hear inside the droppod?

  • Will there be more situational chatter among the dwarves, aside from simpel trigger / reactions on stuff you do ingame?

  • How work intensive is this work for you (Writing, recording, pitching, programming the 'triggers').

Thank you for your time and work!


  1. He is staying and we do not dare to try and re-record all those lines with 4 actors.
  2. Maybe... no concrete plans but would be cool for sure.
  3. No plans for it but I would like to see more of that. We've added a little for when a new miner joins a mission in progress. could definitely have more.
  4. It's not crazy, but it's large enough of a task that it will affect other work and so must be considered carefully.

Originally posted by Corax_Was_Taken

Any chance weapon challenges could be a thing and maybe even class specific ones, for example you could have kill x amount of certain enemies with a certain weapon for a skin or a framework.

Maybe some utility skins as well, i think they are needed and i think we definitely more challenges and not just ones rewarding perk point.

Happy 2nd anniversary, i personally bought the game years ago in Xbox game preview and just started playing again last week.... before last week the last time i played the game didn't even have The Abyss bar and the weapons barely had any models to them, i remember the minigun being very blocky and somewhat ugly back then. ( I love the model now )

I love the updates you have made to DRG and now i find myself hard pressed to put the game down, sad i missed the 1 year hat but hey i'm here for number 2. Keep up the good work Ghost Ship, looking forward to future updates.

Glad to have you back miner! Rock and Stone!

Weapon challenges are cool but it is a deliberate design decision on our part to not incentivise individual kill counts. We want you to do whatever is best for the team, usually that is shooting bugs but not always.


Originally posted by DreamBind

Do all four dwarves share the same voice (voice actor), with just the pitch/tone changed? And if so, any plans to give them individual voices? (Gimli style!)

Second question, who are the two dwarves bickering when going down into the drop pod? It sort of sounds like Scout and Gunner, but not quite.

Edit: Also, thank you for making such a wonderful game. It's been a long time since I've had this much fun in a multiplayer. Rock and stone!

  1. Yes and he's in the credits. And no, it will be too much for us to record so much.
  2. It's all of them.
  3. Rock and Stone!

Originally posted by diogofaria247

First of all i would like to thank you for creating such an amazing game!

To the questions...

  1. You guys previously said that adding new mission types is a focus after 1.0, do you already have a plan of what kind of misssions we are getting or is it something that is not yet set in stone?
  2. Have you ever thought about some kind of survival mode where the deeper you go / survive in a cave, the harder the game gets? We can either keep on mining until we are completely overwhelmed and we only get the minerals that we were able to extract or you could decide to extract you get rewards based of how far you got / time you survived?
  3. Any plans to change how the mineral trade network works? I think that the way that it currently works makes it way too easy to get the missing minerals, they aren't that expensive and if you have a ton of credits (which isn't that hard) you will never lack any materials for the upgrades / forge.
  4. Are we going to be...
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  1. No concrete mission types yet, we've been 100% on pushing the game to 1.0
  2. Oh yes but no idea when we will do that. It's not high priority.
  3. No plans, but that is a valid point.
  4. We've though a lot about this. For now the answer is no.
  5. No plans but I don't see why not...

Originally posted by SnowblackMoth

ROCK! AND! STONE! Brothers!



Originally posted by SzotyMAG

Is there a plan on making weapon mods more clear? Like if it adds a new ability, it doesn't tell the new abilities' detailed stats at all and it can be a turn off to not try new mods out in fear of it not working as you imagined (this is true as a new player). Like the PGL's proximity trigger doesn't tell me at all that it can't detonate instantly if it hits the terrain and instead it yeets off to the distance. Speaking of that mod, I'm pretty sure the 100% damage boost is not working.

All in all, I'd love if these non-stat changes were more clear without having to test them or rely on the wiki

Yes, I definitely want to improve some of the descriptions. Just have not found the time.


Originally posted by badeggsnotallowed

Hey guys! Excellent game, I've had a ton of fun with it since the Alpha/Beta! Any news on Exploration Mode? I'd love to just go exploring in those caves, the cave system in this game is AMAZING.

We've had to focus on other stuff for now but I really want to add that exploration mode.... so hopefully it will happen soon(tm)


Originally posted by Occyfel2

Hi, are there any new enemies in development? I saw this really cool idea on the subreddit of a spooky grabber that snatches up people and runs away. Thanks for everything you do, DRG is the greatest

No new enemies in the pipe right now but I'd be surprised if we didn't add some more in the future.


Originally posted by SomeKent

You guys have made a fantastic game and should take great pride in your work. Thank you for bringing to life a real coop experience, it has given me and my gaming buddies many hours of joy.

What are some ‘immersive features’ that have been added to the game that were based on user feedback/player behaviour, that you didn’t expect would be in the game originally?

And thanks to you and your gaming buddies for liking our game.


Originally posted by SoapDictator

Hello, fellow dwarf enthusiasts!

1) I would love to know if there are any plans to modify our dwarfs beyond perks and equipment? Gene modification, mutations, psychic powers and -- most importantly -- mechanical enhancements?

2) It would be really cool to at least have a modular armor cosmetic system where we can mix and match parts of armor from different sets and can add unique armor parts as well (that we have to find/craft).
I know cosmetic stuff is not too high on the priority list, but i appreciate dwarf fashion.

  1. At this point in time, no. We feel like there are so many avenues of upgrades at this point that adding even more could muddle things up more than benefit. But, nothing is impossible, if the plan is good enough.
  2. Cosmetics ARE actually pretty high on our list of priorities, but I doubt that you'll ever see a fully modular armor system in this game. The way our systems are set up, it would be a very big task to go back and add in now. But, more armors in general, and armor skins, those are topics that are very often brought up in here.

Originally posted by TheOtherBloke

Do you have any plans or ideas in the works for new coop games?

Do you have plans to expand on the DRG lore, ie with more games of different genres set in the same universe? (xcom type game where you play as the mission controller comes to mind). Myself and my fellow bearded (and beardless!) miners are often wondering about the other drilling companies, and other races that exist in the universe of DRG.

When we started Ghost Ship Games, we coined the phrase "Co-op First" to help us stay laser-focused on our first game. This also helped fans to know what they were buying into.
And this has been so successful that we, for now, are sticking to the Co-op First mantra.

Will we in the future develop a game that is not co-op focused? That's a possibility, but I think it would at least have a co-op mode as well.

And yes, DRG has evolved beyond our dreams, so expanding IP (in any form) is also a possibility. Btw, we have previously stated that the only race we talk about is the dwarves. And for any future products that will still be the case.


Originally posted by GloriousQuint

The game has made giant steps regarding customization in these 2 years.

  • I know that custom pickaxes are coming soon, along possibly other skins and meshes for what we already have. Do you guys have anything else in the line, customization-wise? MULEs, DropPods, other pieces of equipment, armour skins, etc?
  • And on a correlated note, some think that adding custom armor/clothes colour would be a great addition to the game, while others think it would mess up the class-recognition. Is there a general opinion in your office? Do you already have plans for something like this?

More customization options is something we've been driving pretty hard at lately, and none of the ones you mention are outside the realm of possibility down the line.

As for Class Colors vs. Fully Custom Ones - the official stance in here is that a Scout should preferably always read as a Scout, so the Class Colors are likely here to stay. But, in the event of armors getting skins in the vein of what we see for weapons and Bosco, a lot of new options would be opened to us, even while retaining the Class Colors.


Originally posted by NotImportant5427

Where the hell gunners cigar? Its not cool enough to killing allien bugs without have a cigar you know...(also why you remove all kind of cigarettes from the dwarfs? In old trailers am surely can see a dwarf smoking something)

The answer is boring and mostly out of our power, sadly. But it's something we'd like to see return as well in the future.


Originally posted by Naratik

Will there be any cosmetic options for the mule or even the drop pod?

I still want a juke box upgrade for the mule would be an awesome endgame unlock

We've recently enabled cosmetics for Bosco, so neither of your suggestions are out of the picture for the future.


Originally posted by MrDrCactus

Would you be open to expanding the thematic differences between a deep dive and a normal mission? While I enjoy the challenge presented by dives, I think they do feel a bit samey compared to just playing normal missions.

I think it would be cool if the final stage of a dive looked a bit more like a glyphid nest/hive hybrid biome, similar to how Dread cocoons, and swarmer tunnels are. Could even have gameplay mechanics that alter what types of enemies appear.

We hope (and expect) that by adding in more unique Mission Types this should also greatly help on the diversity of the Deep Dives. And yes, much further in the future it wouldn't be out of the question with mission types unique to Deep Dives.


Originally posted by Conre

Rock, or Stone?

Edit because i almost forgot EDF?

At once.
All the time.


Originally posted by Jayoku_Houtenjin

Is there plans for more weapons? I really liked the separate playstyles the new weapons introduced and i was hoping for some more options in the future.

Also personal request but could we get a sticky flames pgl overclock? At the moment i use the nuke launcher for the radiation aoe damage and its quite useful but for my play style the large direct damage -ammo kinda doesn't do well for me.

No current plans, but we do have ideas and the system/game is now built for new weapons to be added. It's a big task since we have to add new weapons for each class and create Mods and Overclocks. But the impact will likely be worth the effort, so it's more a matter of prioritization.


Originally posted by dimtsag

Hello Ghost Ship Games. Two short questions:

  1. Do you plan on adding more unlockables to the game appart from new OCs, perks or pickaxe parts? I and I think many more players are really incentivised by a constant progression system.

  2. Would you consider rebalancing the credits/gold oe mined ratio so as to promote the mining aspect of the game (and to limit the bad attitude agaist gold mining on EDDs)?

Thanks beforehand.

  1. No concrete plans for new unlockable types right now. But If we add new weapons they will come with new OCs.
  2. Not at the moment no. And I'm not sure if that would significantly change the relationship between gold and EDDs.



Originally posted by Moszerker

Amazing game guys, love it and can't wait for full release. Love to know more about the following;

  • Female dwarves, "leaf lovers" or expanded character creation?
  • Any plans for PvP/Competitive play?
  • Any specific plans for new classes/weapons/enemy types/new biomes/planets/mission types?
  • Is there going to be cross platform play?
  • Expanded options for pick skins/abilities?
  • Melee weapons/class?

Not really questions, but I'd love to see the following added/changed;

  • Difficulty scaling: In my experience levels 1-3 are generally too easy, but then 4-5 are quite hard. Even when I get new friends into the game, they can usually clear level 3 pretty easily, but even with 100+ hours, my group of friends probably only beat level 4 like 50-60% of the time. Maybe smooth out the scaling?
  • Infested miner classes: infested/corrupted versions of dwarfs all with different abilities etc would be pretty co...
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  1. No Female dwarves in the immediate future. No leaf lovers. No plans for any sort of character creation.
  2. Nope, we want DRG to be coop through and through.
  3. No specific plans yet and the probability of us adding these things is as follows: unlikely/maybe/probably/maybe/nope/definitely
  4. Not in the near future, no.
  5. Literally working on a pick-axe "skin" system now / might add some more abilities to the pick axe in the future but no plans.
  6. Unlikely