Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

11 Feb


Originally posted by Sleelan

The giant cave that totally looks like the final one is not actually the final one. I got bamboozled there as well because I had 230ish morkite, but there's a patch in the top left (from entrance) corner that leads to another cave.

Yup, we had to search for a while too. It should be impossible to levels to spawn without enough Morkite. You just need to look harder.

10 Feb


Originally posted by nickademus

if this is correct, why did there used to be the crazy vertical maps, but nowdays they dont exist?

It is correct. There may be some slight difference in the formations allowed in Deep Dives vs Normal Missions, since some outcomes might be less than optimal. Same goes for mutators/warnings.


Originally posted by Sincere_420

Is there still a fix in the works? Still happening tonight.

It should be less so, but we are aware of instabilities in regards to video memory, and will continue to work on optimization for the Xbox.


There’s no selection on our part. They’re randomly generated, but the seed is the same for all players in a given week. Small variations occur, but overall the same experience. The Deep Dives also have a slightly different ruleset, which is why they don’t have a hazard number.

09 Feb


Originally posted by Electronix__247

I do pick-up and delivery for a certain green-and-yellow tractor company (they have rules against their logo being used in photos while on the job) and I picked up this person's lawnmower yesterday!

Haha, awesome.

08 Feb


It should be the same button you use to Call the Droppod on Molly, or pet lootbugs. Remember to equip it!


Is that yours or an image you found?


Originally posted by JuanDiablos

Ah man, I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining or anything! As the game stands now it is fantastic, it's easily the best 4 player co-op shooter in my eyes and honestly, anything you add to the game now is just icing on the cake!

Rock and Stone!


This is awesome! Thanks Diggy!


Originally posted by Swahhillie

Those ears are suspiciously pointy...

You’ll never take me alive! Ahahahahhaahahhahaha!


Originally posted by Northdistortion

Is it still pushed or is it live now?

Still pushed. Won’t be until next week.


Originally posted by hamburglersghost

On xbox- Anyone else lose all dwarf sounds/voice lines after the update?

You can turn the volume up in the options menu.

07 Feb


Originally posted by JuanDiablos

More armour types or armour patterns would be awesome. I think the armour is pretty lacking compared to the many beards and weapon customizations.

That is because armor is very time-consuming to make. We want to add more but it will have to wait a bit.


Originally posted by Gearzlo

Luckily nothing affected my materials or anything like that however I'm curious if I do receive illicit goods and revert my save when will it revert back to?

Yeah, you just return to where you where at the last backup. I believe we do one at major updates and every time you play the game, but not 100% sure on the exact timing.


It happens. Best solution is to just leave the lobby. Should you happen to get huge amounts of illicit goods, you can revert your save in the Options menu.


Originally posted by Nivomi

Should be addressed by hotfix 5, coming once it's cleared cert

It’s been pushed, due to some issues. Solution is to turn it up yourself.


My gramps always said “gotta help yourself before you can help others”. actuallyhedidntbutineeditformypoint

The individual perks give you an edge ans you having an edge will improve the teams chances. Beast Master is pretty much universal. Steeve puts in the same work no matter who holds the leash. Sweet tooth leaves more health for others and lets you shoot more because you’re more likely to be up. Deep pockets lets you shoot more and gather less. It’s a win/win either way. Go team!