Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

10 Sep


That is really interesting. Any reason why you didn't use some of the official names? It's pretty hard to follow what is in the game and what you have created to fit into the termite developmental path.

09 Sep


Originally posted by ZeroSignal_

Jacob, I know you had too much fun making that video..

Indeed :D


Originally posted by jo_shadow

What happens if you hit one with a pickaxe? The driller's drills? Is this exclusive to Explosives like C4 or the PGL?

If I'm standing on a crystal and have to mine a resource node that intersects with it or is touching it, will the whole crystal also instantly explode with me doing my best Wile E. Coyote impression if I accidentally scratch the crystal?

The behavior with explosives is awesome and predictable, not something that would happen by accident while mining. Since it wasn't shown, for pickaxe and drills I hope it will take a bit before going poof, and not just on the first scratch. Maybe with a sound cue like it crackling before it actually explodes.

You can technically do it with a pickaxe or gun too, if it’s held together with a small piece. I had that in a clip too, but discarded it for other reasons.


Originally posted by Borbarad

Nice, but what would happen if you put a turret on the end of on those and they shatter? Does the turret just sit there floating in mid-air?

I think so. Yay technology!


Originally posted by Deetchy_

What do bugs standing on the crystals do? Fall? Walk on air? Explode?

Display an error code in the debug output. ಠ_ಠ


Originally posted by JediMineTrix

What happens if we sever the crystal in the middle? Does the whole thing shatter, or just the end half?

Only the part without support.


Originally posted by DerL3yon

Nice try leaf lover

First of all, how dare you call me a leaf lover? >:(

If the shoe fits...


Originally posted by yrianotto

Well, by which country's standards would this be considered NSFW? a topless woman is by no means obscene in many european countries.

I assume that Giant alien boobs are Not Safe For Work in most European workplaces.

08 Sep


I really can’t figure out how NSFW this is for me. I mean, DRG is part of my job, but...

06 Sep

05 Sep


Originally posted by Kalibos

This is your fault. You made us do this.

I can only give 3/5 meme stars though. The couch is the wrong kind and the watermark is off. or so I'm told

It's just too memey. We're past the meta layers here.


Originally posted by SpudTheMagnificent

Hey, what do you think of the new glyphid slammer recipe?

It's aaarghsome.


Originally posted by thewanderingway



Originally posted by vizthex

Hol up



Originally posted by AtomicAlienZ

In space no one can hear you scream



Originally posted by Nex1984

Shut up I'm tryna sleep!