Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

09 Jul


All the levels are procedurally generated. We do have some tools that ensures specific formations of big caves in the generation, but it’s not something I imagine that we could create a level editor for.


Fixed and thank you!

Keep 'em coming, guys. As a bit of a grammar pedant, I want all typos gone.


The procedural generation isn't my department, so can't say much too much about it. I do know that we are always working towards reducing the cases you speak of though.

The shading though, I can comment on that: It's a good suggestion, but it's not an issue of phong shading at all. All our models are actually exported with full smoothing turned on, which we then turn off directly in the shader applied to them within Unreal. It is solely an artistic choice - there is nothing keeping us from having smooth models if we so choose.

The actual reason behind it is partly technical: The way we generate the mesh for the actual levels does not currently support any smoothing at all - and so we decided to make that a stylistic rule rather than something we had to fight or try to hide.

I dream of a sort of middle ground where things get smoothed up until a certain angle. We might revisit this later, but there are no plans for it right now.


Originally posted by GloriousQuint

I'm struggling to decide what to write in my refund request on steam

“The money lost on this refund should be taken straight from Jacob’s paycheck.”

07 Jul


Originally posted by GSG_Jacob

The bartender says to the Boolo Caps “You three seem like funghis, so why is your friend looking so sad?”

“He’s just went through a rough divorce, and he’s still sober. He just needs a bismore to drink.”


Originally posted by Slavic_Taco

3 Boolo caps and some Bismore walk into a bar...

The bartender says to the Boolo Caps “You three seem like funghis, so why is your friend looking so sad?”


Hey, I joined in March. You can blame me for the Skyrim memes and for a lot of things, but I wash my hands of this.

06 Jul


Originally posted by GryphonKingBros

Can we make a bunch of ingame screenshots and footage with a GSG Hatted dwarf doing something bad... and then blame it on u/GSG_Jacob?

Hah, we don't have exclusive hats, so we blend in easily!


Originally posted by GryphonKingBros

Are you out of a job because you'll get in trouble if people get hurt on your watch or because they're stealing your business?

I'll run out of people at some point. I'm kinda knee-dy like that.


Originally posted by JulzTheBaked

Damn, well can I just say that Deep Rock is one of my all time favorite games. Great work! And I appreciate how much has evolved and the time and love put into it.

Rock and Stone, brother!

Rock and Stone!

05 Jul


Originally posted by Dough-gy_whisperer

As I understand it this only applies to missions in progress; 2 player scould double up on a dwarf type in the station before the mission and the host has no control besides a kick.

I could be wrong, that's how I read the option thiugh

You are correct.


Originally posted by GloriousQuint

Ah, thanks for the answer. I ended up using the Png, hopefully it won't be that much visible

Post a photo when you put it up :-) only if you feel like it of course.


Originally posted by Social_Knight

Multiplicative, rather than additive? Is this the case with all percentage bonuses out of interest?

Good to know in any case; shame it makes the perk a bit worse though when its competing for slots with the big four of Weekend Athlete, Iron Will, Deep Pockets and Field Medic...

Yeah, it's like that for most if not all, not sure 100% though... This way we can safely allow stacking. Though it does have diminishing returns...

Edit: happy cake day!


We have more mission types on the proverbial drawing-board but nothing planned for the near future (next 2 updates).


He's on vacation until like august...


As I understand it, it's impossible to have our game on Switch and have it be the same game due to RAM and CPU limitations.


Originally posted by breadedfishstrip

If you make things dreadnaught-proof the universe will just invent a bigger dreadnaught