Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

09 Jun

June 9 was host to a bunch of announcements and conversations about Destiny 2. We have new content you can play right now and we’re looking out years into the future at where our journey will lead us. All of this has been informed by where we’ve been on this adventure in years past. If you missed any of it, here’s a full rundown of everything we've shown off and talked about today.

Building a Viable Future In Destiny 2

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    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct


  • Destiny 2 is too large to efficiently update and maintain.
  • The size and complexity of the game are also contributing to more bugs and less innovation.
  • Instead of building a Destiny 3 and leaving D2 behind, each year, we are going to cycle older, less actively played content out of the live game and into what we’re calling the Destiny Content Vault (DCV).
  • This will allow us to add to and support D2 for years, including the three new annual expansions we announced today, starting with Beyond Light this fall.
  • The DCV will include all content from Destiny 1 and anything that cycles out from Destiny 2. 
  • We will bring back (or “unvault”) activity and destination content from the DCV each year. 
  • Unvaulting starts in D2 Year 4, with the Cosmodrome coming back, as well as its three strikes and the return of the Vault of Glass raid.
  • The primary D2 content...
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04 Jun

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Week At Bungie, Season of the Worthy is ready for departure.

Before we talk about anything else, we’d like to maintain your focus on the events unfolding around the world. You may have seen demonstrations in your town, or like many of us here, down the street from the place you call home. 

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01 Jun

When words are not enough, only action can bring about change. Taking a stand against systemic racism, injustice, and prejudice is everyone’s responsibility and it begins with education and engagement. Here is a list of suggested organizations that we encourage you to visit and donate to. ... Read more

28 May

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we look to the sky.

Ever since this Season began, the Almighty has been hurtling through space on its collision course with Earth. The Cabal are not known for their graceful defeats. Every day we spend preparing our long lost Seraph to mount a response, that derelict destroyer rockets ever closer to our home, spelling certain doom for the City.
Rasputin is at full power. We're as ready as we'll ever be. Now, eclipsing our own sun is a stark reminder that a great threat approaches. Eyes up!

What's Next?

Destiny has been a shared pastime for long enough now to have established some strong traditions. Each year we spend in service of the Guardians, we can mark our calendars by the next development milestone we’ll reach or the next event we’ll attend to spread the news. Some of us have had the remarkable privilege to travel the world and meet some of you fine people to talk about what comes next.
... Read more

27 May

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct

Steps disappear into the darkness below. Bulbs begin to buzz and flicker to life, revealing the shape of the room. A low platform extends through the center, flanked on both sides by hastily abandoned desks and consoles. Soft mechanical clicking and whirring sounds fill the air as data storage bays awaken under a blanket of dust.

Code begins to scroll across a massive collection of monitors hanging in a circular pattern in the center of the room. Random at first, the text begins to coalesce and take shape – growing to fill several of the screens with a bright golden orb that quickly scans the room before setting its gaze on the entrance. The eye of Rasputin waits.

And wait he must. The image of the Rasputin’s bunker vanishes from Dima Goryainov’s monitor as Bungie’s senior concept artist alt-tabs into a conference call. It’s 3:30 PM and that means it’s time for his team’s daily coffee break. “It’s our time to chat,” he says. “Usually we’re pretty heads ...

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22 May

We are pleased to announce the next installment of the Bungie Store Community Artist Series. This is the second collection of official merchandise featuring art from the Destiny community – and it’s available now!

Please join us in celebrating our creative and talented community with these limited edition collectible products. Each artist receives a revenue share of sales from their product design. The program is currently by ... Read more

21 May

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, something unexpected happened on the way to the Moon Bunker.

Many of you have been chasing a Lie. Last week, you began your hunt with Ana, successfully defending Seraph Towers in the Winding Cove, Anchor of Light, and the Rupture (or watched as your fellow Guardians carried the weight…). You burned through a thousand enemies with your trusty Shotgun. Sadly, your quest for answers came to a halt on Sunday evening, all thanks to a faulty door on the Moon’s bunker.
Earlier this morning, Destiny 2 Hotfix was released, unblocking your journey in finding truth behind The Lie. While we hate to see a bug ship, we’re excited to right the ship as quickly as possible.
Now, we look to what comes next. Season of the Worthy is winding down, which means it’s time for a round of previews from the team. This week, we’re hyper focused on Legendary Engrams and weapon tuning.

Decrypting the Future

Last wee... Read more
  • Fixed an issue blocking progress of “The Lie” quest.

19 May


  • Fixed an issue with Titan exotic Wormgod Caress which was allowing for upkeep of the Burning Fists stacking melee buff far beyond it's intended duration.
  • Fixed an issue with Warlock exotic Winter's Guile which was allowing for upkeep of the Warlord's Sigil stacking melee buff far beyond it's intended duration.
  • Fixed an issue where players could earn a Sentinel Super within 10 seconds using the Grasp of the Warmind carry object.
  • Players can no longer melee while holding on to the Grasp of the Warmind carry object.


  • Fixed an issue where the additional Clan Bounty unlocked from reaching Clan rank 6 was not being made available from Hawthorne


  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for the Small Fireteam XP Boost from the Season Pass to apply the wrong XP Boost.

15 May

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
From time to time, I scour the depths of the community looking for pieces of art to inspire different builds in Destiny. Some pieces inspire my Gunslinger to embrace a darker vibe, or my Warlock to adorn the bones of a slain Ahamkara to enhance their Void abilities. Not only does this push me to some role-playing, it also improves my fashion game as I search for the perfect look for an Arc-charged Titan.

Our designers also frequently reference concept pieces to guide their hand on the feel of a season or activity. It’s pretty magical what a piece of art can do, and the subject of this week’s Community Focus has created some great content that, as a Destiny player, you can feel in your heart.
Please give a warm welcome to our friend, Aviixe.

Good morning! Hope you’re doing well. Let’s get you introduced to our wonderful community. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Aviixe: My name is Stephen, most peop...
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14 May

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, a new quest was discovered.  

Guardian Games has come to a close. Hunters won the first day, but Titans showed up in force to completely dominate the rest of the event. Warlocks took home the silver, and Hunters still look frabjous.
The final Iron Banner of the Season is also live this week and, along with it, players have discovered a new quest. The community has been tasked with helping Rasputin by completing Seraph Tower events and are currently working to complete the objectives on EDZ, the Moon, and Io. 
We’ve seen feedback that the Tower events are too difficult and that it’s hard to wrangle up enough people to join the cause. We have made some server-side changes to lower the difficulty of the event to help alleviate frustrations and increase your success rate. 
We made an error when we calculated how many completions were required, so yesterday we introduced bonus multipliers to help the community’s progres... Read more

08 May

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Our focus this week is a content creator from Mixer who loves raiding in Destiny. Despite the name, she is not a “Bro,” but at the same time she possesses all of the positive qualities you might find in one of your “bros.” She likes chilling with her community and taking down bosses. 

Please meet BroFish.
Welcome to your Community Focus, tell us a bit about who are you and what do you do for a living?
BroFish: My name is BroFish and I am a full-time content creator on Mixer.
  What got you into gaming?
BroFish: When I was six I moved to a new town, and the first friend I met had Pokémon Yellow on the Gameboy Color. I would go over to her house every day after school and play Pokémon. I've been playing games ever since.

Playing games is one thing, streaming them is on another level. What first got you into streaming?
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07 May

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Guardian Games nears the finish line. But before we dive into our weekly update, here’s a word from Luke Smith about a topic on many players’ mind these days: Eververse.

Rewards in Destiny 2 

Hey everyone, 

This week’s update is going to look at some of the changes coming to Destiny 2’s rewards. As you know, rewards for your character come from a variety of places: Playlists where you find random folks to play with, aspirational activities like Raids, Trials, and Dungeons where you form up a Fireteam, and even Eververse, where you sling some Silver or Bright Dust back at us for items you want. However, in today’s Destiny 2, the balance of the game’s rewards is not where we want it to be. To be blunt, there isn’t enough pursuit out in the world. We’re going to fix it. 
Let’s get to it. 
All of this and more is planned for Destiny 2 Year 4: 

Vanity and Accessory (Ships, ...

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30 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Titan domination continues.

Guardian Games continues into its second week and, after a good showing by Hunters on Day 1, it’s been all Titans all day every day. The book readers haven’t scored a win yet, but are optimistic they can rally.
After Day 1, we saw a lot of players asking about score weighting since the results seemed to play out like the population of classes predicted. Since Titans have been relentlessly destroying the other classes, we have seen players asking if there may be some other issue going on. As a Hunter, I too am in disbelief as I watch our flag try to bury itself into the ground. We’ve been double checking behind the scenes and digging into the data to get a better picture of what’s going on. Here is Senior Designer Peter Sarrett to share some of our findings.
Peter Sarrett: When we first started planning Guardian Games, we knew there were more Hunters than other cl...
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29 Apr


  • Fixed an issue that allowed Guardian's to quickly regain ability energy by picking up Warmind Cells. 



  • Hard Light
      • Hard Light's damage falloff now floors at 0.7x (Auto Rifles use 0.5x standard).
      • Split ricochet bonus damage between PvE and PvP.
          • PvE damage remains at 2.0x.
          • PvP damage is now 1.35x.
      • Removed a recoil adjustment that made the weapon more stable than intended.

Season Pass

  • Level 32 and 92 upgrades now unlocks for all three characters. Players who were previously locked out of these Season bonuses can now access them.

28 Apr

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Wednesday, April 29, we’re planning to release Destiny 2 Hotfix This patch will have fixes for bugs that have popped recently, and also has a quick tuning pass for a weapon that’s been shining a little too bright in the Crucible since Season of the Worthy began. 
Hard Light, a name that may either strike fear or pure joy in your heart, will be the subject of today’s article. Here are some notes from the team on how this weapon will be tuned come tomorrow morning:
Dev Team: Hard Light has been at the forefront due to a combination of recent adjustments to improve its usability and the adjustments to Auto Rifles that came with patch 2.8.0.
Most of the adjustments coming on Wednesday are to address its usage for mouse and keyboard users since the ability to precisely aim regardless of range allows you to use the weapon at longer distances, on top of being able to use ricochets more effectively.
Although weap...
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23 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the Guardian Games have begun.

Hunters, Titans, and that floaty class are facing off against each other in a friendly competition. We kicked off the event with a dev insight showing some of us at Bungie sharing our thoughts on who is going to win. 

Sure, there’s some light-hearted ribbing going on, but at the end of the day we’re all Guardians. Still though, the winners get to flex their class item in everyone’s faces, so get out there and represent your team.
Hunters won the first day, but Titans rose to the occasion to claim day two. It’s still far from over. One thing we haven’t told you yet is that during the final week of the event, every day’s victory will count for double points. So if any class is holding a fairly significant lead and thinks they can sit back and relax, they better keep on pushing or another class could pull off a comeback.
Before we move on to the rest of the TWAB, ... Read more

21 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct


  • Fixed an issue in which Ward of Dawn was not generating Orbs of Light .
  • Fixed an issue in which Ward of Dawn could not be activated while holding a Sword.
  • Fixed an issue in which casting Nova Bomb would consume your melee ability (Attunement of Hunger).

Emblems and Trackers

  • The "Playin' the Odds" emblem earned through the Gambit intro quest is now always claimable from Collections.
  • Players who have completed the Divinity mission, but did not correctly receive the Exotic Trace Rifle Divinity, will now have it unlocked and available to reacquire in their Collections.
  • Players who have completed the Forsaken campaign will find The Lawless Frontier lore book entry "By Thy Tongue Be Damned" completed and available to claim.
  • Emblem metrics added for emblem stat trackers that were present before 2.8.0, and display the same data as before.
    • Trackers added:
        • ...
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17 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Our focus this week is a on a site providing valuable intel on opponents you face in Trials of Osiris. This team of developers harnessed the magic of the Destiny API and used it to create a tool that shows you what you’re up against on your way to the Lighthouse.

Please meet Destiny Trials Report.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what your role is in the Destiny community.
DTR: Hello! We’re Vlad and Mark, the two developers behind Destiny Trials Report. We aim to build the ultimate companion for Guardians trying to reach the Lighthouse. Primarily this means that you can look up your opponents to have an idea on how they will play and how good they are. Among other things you see their loadout, kill/death-ratio, and how they did so far this week.

We spoke before back in the Destiny 1 days. What have you all been up to since then?
DTR: Judging by the hea...
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