Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

02 Jun


I’ll pass along this request to the team. Thanks for the feedback.

31 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Someone will need to update this

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by spinmyspaceship

Listen here you little shit

This is some Ace commentary.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Oh hey!

I've been reaching out to folks to collect information, couldn't find a good contact for you.

Hit me in a DM, if you could.


Originally posted by TheDarion

Hey /u/Cozmo23 or /u/dmg04, I had a question about the eligibility of the 24-hour raid emblem. I have some clanmates who are concerned they may only have until the following Daily Reset, but I was under the assumption they had until 24 hours following the release of the raid. I only ask because a raid is typically dropped at reset time so 24 hours always happened to also be the next daily reset. Am I correct in assuming this? Sorry for the silly question!

Should be 24 hours from the start of the raid.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by VanpyroGaming

Cozmo missed it?

Got the info after we'd already locked the article. We'll probably have a section of next week's TWAB with the full writeup (and pictures), as not everyone reads reddit.

Plus localization.


Originally posted by AvacadoAdvocate

Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.

I'm no hero. The devs that put the change in are.


Originally posted by inspector_wombat

Thank you for the sword buff, I have been looking forward to this for a long time, especially with a Y2 Quickfang!

All thanks go to the dev team on that. :)

30 May


Originally posted by Mika9931

The Luxurious Toast emote now allows players to sit for as long as they desire

The feedback was passed along. Kudos to the team for implementing this. :)


Originally posted by vt12357

That's more than fabled tho

Edit: I see now I am an idiot

You are not an idiot.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GamingFroU

Wait, do we no longer lose Glory? I am confused

If you're aiming to achieve a specific Glory rank, you will still lose glory if you lose matches.

If you're just trying to acquire the new pinnacle sniper, the quest needs a total of 3500 Glory points earned. Losses don't negate your progress.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by arkhammer

Bungie, you mentioned a few weeks ago that there would be information on catalysts for Sweet Business, Sunshot and Graviton Lance, yet there is no information on getting these now that faction rallies are dead?

From the team:

Starting with the June 4 update, you’ll be able to track all of the Catalysts via Triumphs.

After you’ve earned an exotic, you’ll now see a new triumph under Account -> Exotic Catalysts. That Triumph will include a description of where it can be found. Sometimes the text will be straightforward, and other times it will be a bit more mysterious. When Destiny 2 Update 2.5.0 goes live, the Sunshot, Graviton Lance, and Sweet Business Catalysts are back on the menu.


Originally posted by Scarecrow216


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Voopnation, this one's for you.

With love, from the team.


Originally posted by AlphaMill

Am I stupid or, where do we tune into?

Everywhere! Stay tuned.

29 May


Great write up! We know the improving collections is something the community wants to see happen. As you pointed out, there is some technical behind the scenes stuff that goes into this along with UI element. As soon as we have something to share, we will let you know.


Don't forget about the Lumina image in the mobile version of the page!

28 May


Everyone knows from streams that I have never missed a shot.