Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

14 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Great feedback. Will pass it along. May not be in the cards, but will make sure this is filed under QOL.


Originally posted by Vektor0

Clarification: if you enable cross-save on Xbox and PC but not on PS4, Xbox and PC will share progress moving forward, but PS4 will be separate. If you earn a Prime Engram on Xbox, you can log into PC and it will be there, but it won't be there on PS4.

Correct me if I'm wrong, /u/Cozmo23.

Yea, if an account doesn't have Cross Save active it wont share progress with your active account.


Thanks for the report. This is a known issue. We are currently looking into it.


Saint-14 be like...

I'll pass along your request to offer the ship in the future.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheDarion

That's awesome, dmg! I can imagine you can set up some nice jokes too: When a bug happens and causes a wipe you can be like "Lemme text Luke or Mark right quick, get this sorted out."

I frequently make jokes about hitting up my uncle who "works at Bungie" to help my friends get exotics. How I'd love to be able to joke about contacting ACTUAL people within the company. I hope you slip one in now and then (though I guess you'd definitely need to be careful what company you drop such jokes around).

Have a good one, thanks for being around to chat with the community!

My jokes usually involve fusion rifles and nerfing them

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lemon_pop

/u/dmg04 Will the Wizened Rebuke now be available to everyone in Iron Banner packages, or only people who completed the triumph last season?

Yep, packages!


Originally posted by itsnotunusual_rk

Hey /u/EdgarVerona Hope you are doing well. Has there been time for any development on picking up bounties via API? Cheers and thank you

Greetings! Unfortunately, I've had my hands full working on Cross Save! We haven't had much time to work on new features for the API, though I've been getting some help lately to at least keep the current features going.

Hopefully we'll be able to loop back and look at improving the API again once all of the quickly approaching deadlines are behind us!


Originally posted by Favure

Whats going on with the machine gun reserve perks not showing up on some items?

u/cozmo23 & u/dmg04

Known issue, looking into it.


Originally posted by boostmx

u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 not sure if this was answered or made clear yet, didn't see it in the FAQ, but to fully understand cross save, I can port my primary account (Xbox) to other platforms, but if I make some progress on alternate platforms (PC), I won't get that progress on my primary (Xbox)? e.g. if I earned a prime engram on PC, that won't reflect on my Xbox. Thanks!

Correct. You can only make progress on your active account.

I think I replied to the wrong message, or just had my brain explode. Either way, here is a story about you enjoying Cross Save.

You setup Xbox as your "Active Account." This is the set of characters, gear, and progress you want to move forward with. You link your PC account and enable Cross Save on it. You can now play 2 hours of Crucible on PC, switch over to Xbox to do the Nightfall before bed and all this progress will be made on your "Active account" which was your OG Xbox characters.


Originally posted by QuotidianQuell

If you are a veteran player who earned Iron Banner ornaments in the past, this Season’s armor is compatible with all Year 1 Iron Banner ornaments.

Iron Banner Armor may now roll with enhanced perks.



Originally posted by ImMoray

it doesn't mean you'll be useable, it will likley be disabled similar to how wavesplitter on pc is

They will usable.

13 Jun


Originally posted by Azurephoenix99

Yo, /u/Cozmo23, /u/dmg04, any chance we could get this?

I'll let the dev team know that this was requested. Thanks.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TinkerandMod

u/Cozmo23 please buff u/dmg04's TWAB review skills.



Originally posted by dmg04

Cozmo's working on a fix. Apologies!

It's fixed now! Can we all agree that this was dmg's fault somehow?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NoizeyBoyMusic

Speaking of the raid, There still was no acknowledgement of the bug that makes flawless Gahlran messed up.

For anyone unaware: When you don't wipe before the final boss, the switches that turn the witch's blessing buff on/off will not respawn after a single use.
This means you are forced to go through unnatural hoops if you want the flawless now, or wait for a fix on a problem that has yet to be acknowledged.

This makes 3/3 times that a flawless raid has been compromised by a bug that makes it harder/impossible to complete the triumph for the associated seal.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Get the teams some info about this bug and knock it out, before it becomes front page on DTG daily like Guitar in Last Wish.

Update -

Team is working on a fix for this issue. Earliest a fix will be available is early July.

Many apologies on this - After Guitar errors that plagued Last Wish Flawless, we fully understand how frustrating these sorts of issues can be.

Will provide updates as often as I have 'em.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by B0073D

Here is a preview of armor and weapons

Nope, just armor.

Cozmo's working on a fix. Apologies!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by robolettox

Ok, finally some solid info on purchases necessary on each platform!

Just one question, /u/dmg04 , if I own all expansions on Xbox and cross save to PS4 or PC where I have only the free version, will I still be able to play the free content? Or I can only cross save if both platforms have the same expansions purchased?

Yes, you will be able to access the free Destiny 2 content on alternate platforms. You can even use the gear you earned from the expansions on Xbox when playing on alternate platforms using cross save.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voidchief

Can we put ornaments on all other iron banner gear from y2 or just this upcoming armor set? If we can’t use ornaments on old year 2 iron banner gear can we make year 2 iron banner gear into ornaments to add onto this upcoming iron banner armor set.

Ornaments will only apply to the Season of Opulence set.

I'll pass along the feedback on our other Year 2 sets.