Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

26 Apr


I will let the team know that there is a lot of feedback to buff Oxygen SR3. You mentioned upping the damage and combining perks to open up a spot for Multikill clip. Let me know if anyone has other suggestions.

I also see a lot of addition requests for scouts to be improved in general. I'll pass that along as well.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We are working on a fix.

25 Apr


Originally posted by COFFEExBREATH

Does Warden of Nothing not count as Tangled Shore?

No, it's currently bugged and not counting as Tangled Shore.


I too enjoy the Rat Crutch.

/u/dmg04 and I were rocking them in the Crimson Doubles stream.

24 Apr


Originally posted by captin_Crunk45

A lord SALADin

And choice of dressing?


Looks fit for an Iron Lord.

What are you going to eat off of it?


Originally posted by jackedfibras

Real question

Do they play the game to begin with



Originally posted by Nesayas1234

Real question

Do the devs have the pinnacle weapons



Originally posted by Dathiks

Real question here: do the dev's do the riven cheese


23 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you for reporting this issue. I'll make sure to pass this along to the team immediately.

Suggested workaround as follows:


This is and irritating one. It's a known issue we are tracking. I'll let you know if we have any additional information on a possible fix.

22 Apr


I'll put in the request. Did you like the FFA mode, the Team mode, or both?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by o8Stu

Thanks to all who have been posing

Possibly the best / most appropriate typo the sub has seen this week :)

Happy Monday.


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ogzhnkrds1

They're saying the ornaments are going away after revelry but after a week I only got 1 purple and all blues. I'm pretty sure I'll get the horns at the last day of the event.

Re: Ornaments

Checking with the team last week, we've got the following info for you!

  • Ornaments have a similar set-up to the Reckoning weapons after update 2.2.1
  • Chances increase with each package purchased that does not contain an Ornament

NOTE: This is Character based. If you are hopping around from character to character and purchasing packages, your chances are increasing, but steadily across each. If you're looking to earn the ornaments, I suggest sticking to a single character when buying the packages to have the best chances before the event ends. We've tested this internally, and I've done the same on my account at home over the weekend to make sure.

That said, the team is aware of feedback over the contents of the packages, the price of them, and the desire for ornaments to last longer than the event. As with the Tonic, the time it would take to develop changes, properly test them, and deploy would take...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You know you're in for a fun ride when the entire opposing team is using Rat King.

20 Apr


Originally posted by phatlantis

u/dmg04 & u/Cozmo23

Please see this before it goes live....

Sent it to the team. Thanks.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We’re looking into options here. We are in a world where turning orbs back on in Gambit would risk a very large portion of games played over the course of three weeks.

While some in this thread were noting that they didn’t have issues, we were witnessing a very large increase in errors that impacted the entire population, whether they were engaging in Revelry or just playing Gambit for Gambit.

That said, we are looking at potential options here, reducing orb requirements for the competitive (Gambit/Crucible) triumph being one of them. Can’t make promises yet, but the team is investigating and aware of this feedback.

We will give you an update when we can.