Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

19 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kzoxp

Oh yeah. Nerf titans as soon as possible...

To make this clear- the change was shipped in update 2.2.1, this is simply a missed patch note.

Wanted to make sure we provided context and transparency.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Thundernut72

u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 will precision kill Orb generation be on or off in Iron Banner?


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We've just come across a minor change to Striker Titans that was not included in the last round of patch notes from Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1. We wanted to give a bit of context for the change, so here's a quick writup from the team:

Sandbox: For Arc Week we made a bunch of changes to the Striker Bottom Path. The result of these changes was an increased effectiveness at performing melee kills. This, combined with the previous buffs to the super to make it last longer and therein get more melee kills, led us to the thinking that ...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Did you purchase these packages on a single character, or over multiple?

Also, did you receive any Enhancement cores?

I've been seeing some reports of this, but trying to nail down some of the details on what players are experiencing.


Originally posted by Starbuck_83

I'll do *you* one better, Who is Xur?

He is an agent of the Nine. His will is not his own.


Originally posted by Draskon

I bet they won't count toward the triumph anyway considering IB is neither QP or Comp. Please make sure they do.

Just confirmed that Orbs will drop in Iron Banner and will count towards the Triumph.


Originally posted by WACK-A-n00b

/u/cozmo23 or anyone from bungie. Can you PLEASE address the issue with the drifter quest not advancing because of the Flooded Chasm bug. This is a "dlc" story breaking bug, and unless I am mistaken, it hasn't once been addressed.

I am worried that it doesn't impact enough people to be any priority for bungie, but it is legitimately the only outstanding game breaking bug that I am aware of, and the most I have heard is from bungie help saying "we are aware of this issue"

It has been the same since launch. No communication from you guys, and no help from Bungie help.

Can you at least comment on it? Ho...

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This was fixed in 2.2.1. Here is the patch note:

"Quest progress for the Survival Guide or Hidden Messages quest steps will now re-initialize properly; if you are stuck on these quest steps, you should abandon them and pick them up again from the Drifter to update the "tapes discovered" count"

Let me know if you continue to have any issues after you reset the quest.


Originally posted by Thundernut72

u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 will precision kill Orb generation be on or off in Iron Banner?

I believe they will be on, but I'll confirm.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We talk about that here if you want to check it out.

18 Apr


Originally posted by redconsensus

You just removed the Revelry orb generation buff from specific game types so...I think you're lying about not being able to remove the Tonics buff.

We have the ability to turn off the Orbs server side, but the Tonic would require a client patch.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I do love me some rolls.


Originally posted by ThatOneGuyCrota

It would have been ok but I'll only have 4 weeks to finish my legend push now. If I play now Im just going to tank my glory and now I might not get nf because of this

Sorry about that. You can add another week to your plan though, you will have 4 weeks after the Revelry ends.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I don't believe we have the ability to do this, but I can ask.

If we don't, there's potential for this to be something we add as a QOL feature for the future. Can't make a promise on that, but we'll make sure the team is aware.


With the Revelry, we wanted to rejuvenate every activity type in Destiny with a global change to the Sandbox meta that lasted for a limited time. We knew this would be disruptive, but were willing to try the experiment because the event only lasts for a few weeks.

It’s clear we overshot – instead of adding excitement and variation to the Crucible (especially in Competitive), we’ve instead made the experience random and frustrating.

We don’t have the ability to immediately remove Tonics in Competitive via our servers. We’ll continue to investigate possible changes but this experiment will have to run the duration of the Revelry before we can patch a change.

We’ve learned a lot from the last 2 days of Revelry. The next time we make changes that affect the overall Sandbox for a limited time, we will ensure a much better experience for the Crucible.

17 Apr


Originally posted by Fright_chicken

Awesome! Thanks for all your work on this great game!

Thanks! Glad to be of help!


Looping back to this - turns out indeed that this is just an old test item that never ended up getting used. We'll pull it out the next time we release - it'll be a couple of weeks, but it should disappear by the end of the month!

16 Apr


Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

Cozmo is looking into it as we speak. Cammy said don’t worry about it, they find it hilarious, but Bungie is still going to investigate.

We investigated it. Found there was a bug where this title was requiring Forsaken. It will be fixed in a future update.

15 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I hope that transmat takes you to jail for this crime that you've done.


Haha GGs. Sorry for bringing you down. I was working on Lunas and running double Hand Cannon. :)

13 Apr


Originally posted by floatingatoll

Let me know if you need a github issue, otherwise cheers :)

Yeah, go for it! Gives us a good place to relay info for future reference!