Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

21 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is planned to be fixed in April with Update 2.2.1.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by trollshep

Very interesting! cries in baboon

Cries in Tapir...

20 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This issue is currently being investigated. We'll give updates when we can.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

For a few years before being a Community Manager, I was on the Destiny Player Support team. Frequently, I'd be dealing with network error reports from players that ranged from specific error codes to a variety of errors that popped up over time. I want to throw out some information fromthe Network Troubleshooting Guide on

• Destiny aims to be as efficient as possible when transmitting and receiving data so that players with limited bandwidth can have a quality gameplay experience.

• While average band...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Want to properly set expectations here:

There are no current plans to remove Enhancement Cores from infusion. Tomorrow we will have developer commentary on their role in the ecosystem, how we are planning to update them in a future season, and pledging to continue monitoring feedback.

The team isn't simply looking at feedback and disregarding it - these decisions are being made paired with analytical data of player progression in terms of Power Level over the course of a season, with the added information of how many cores players acquire per week, how many players have in their inventory, and in some cases, how they spend them.

With that said, please do keep giving us feedback. Tomorrow will have more information to chew on for how the team has come to these conclusions, but we will continue to evolve this experience over time.


Originally posted by xAwkwardTacox

Appreciate the response! Sorry you're being downvoted just for answering a question :\

No worries, I don't mind a few down-votes. I just try to be as clear as I can, sometimes I don't hit the mark.

19 Mar


Originally posted by TenTolas

Not nightfalls, but I’d say around 80% of the time my Strike playlist is nothing but Forsaken strikes. I have a recollection that you guys posted something saying the Forsaken ones will be weighted to be more common as they are the new strikes, but damn, they’re damn near 6 months old now, any chance to get this fixed too?

There’s only so much Hallowed Lair/Warden of Nothing/BroodQueen that I can take.

I can pass along feedback that we should even out the weighting more. I'd like to hear what others think about this.


I let the sandbox team know about the feedback around Hand Cannon performance on console. I've have seen a lot of feedback that 180s feel good, but 140 and 150s aren't as competitive. Is that in line with everyone's thinking here?

I'll share more info after I speak further with Sandbox. I don't want to say anything dumb here as I don't make the guns. :)


Originally posted by Supreme_Math_Debater

You gotta tag people in the comments. They won't see it if you tag them in the post.

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23

I responded to the other thread that brought this up. We're continuing to let the dev team know that there are certain strikes that are not showing up for long periods of time. We'll let you know when we have more information.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes, we play.


Originally posted by letsyeetoutofhere

Please do.

Also, pass along to the team that gambit weapons should drop at a higher rate especially since theyre random rolls now.

I will thanks.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

The team is aware of this and looking into drop weights right now.

Will report back when we have more info.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team is aware of this - to my knowledge, there is no bug. Poor RNG rotation.

In any case, I'll see if/when anything can be done, and report back when I can.


We are letting the team know that this strike has been MIA for a while now(10 weeks) and that players need to see it again to finish up a title.


Originally posted by TriPaulyD

Not to ask an obvious question u/Cosmo23 and not to be taken the wrong way but shouldn't the sandbox team already know all this information intimately?

Yes they do. But they don't know this specific players analysis and opinions, or the opinions of players in the comments. Just because you are extremely familiar with the thing you built doesn't mean you can't gain insight from someone else's feedback about it.


Originally posted by ghoststa1ker

man this write up is absolutely amazing i seriously hope the sandbox team see this and take it into consideration! i am beyond tired of seeing children demanding that spectral be destroyed... and the reasoning is so flawed! i love ur point on the uniqueness of the super and its range to speed to energy cost! so freaking well done! thank you!

Sorry you are getting so many downvotes for speaking truth!

i reallyyyyy hope sandbox sees this is all! u/dmg04 u/cozmo23

It's a great write up. I will send it to the sandbox team.


Originally posted by jdovew

It's one of the most bizarre responses by a "community manager" I've ever seen.

"Nope, we can't change it. Ada pulls it out randomly."

Ada is a piece of code, as is the weapon choice. It can absolutely be changed.

Sorry, I said it can't be changed server-side.

We can go in and make a change in the code, that just requires implementation and testing and an update to the client. I'll let the team know that there is something the community would like to see changed.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Sorry, I was asked how something worked and gave a factual answer. I'll pass along of the feedback on how players think it should be changed in the future.


Originally posted by xAwkwardTacox

Is there even any reason to have them rotate since it's not Season of the Forge anymore? I feel like it would make more sense just to have them all always available, so people can grind what they want when they want. Especially since forges aren't featured content anymore.

Thanks, I'll give this feedback to the team.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Okay, we need to talk about this...

Fixed dmg04 by increasing his sleeve career.

Adjusted Cozmo this week like an exclusive vanity item.