Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

28 Mar


Originally posted by MoreMegadeth

u/dmg04 u/cozmo23 are you aware that Sealed Ahamkara Grasps no longer proc from the burns created by the fan of knives in Way of a Thousand Cuts? This was never mentioned in any patch notes and seems odd considering smoke grenades received this exact buff. Is this a bug or intentional?

I sent this to the team they are looking into it.

27 Mar


We are going to be adjusting Nova Warp in the next update. We'll give you details in next week's TWAB.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This will be fixed in Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1, coming in early April.

It'll be available in collections for repurchase, like Luna's Howl.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

  1. Iron Ruby shader isn't dropping from any source at this time. Bug is on the team for investigation of what's going on. We have an update in the pipes (2.2.1) - and sadly, this won't be able to be addressed then. We'll see how quickly we can get a fix out.

  2. The Wizened Rebuke currently only has the curated set. I'm passing along the feedback that the community desires random rolls on the weapon

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cozmo23

Even I got Fabled this season.

But I got it first.

Please, remind Cozmo of that every time he mentions it.


Originally posted by spinto1

The guy plays, too, but with a full time job, a wife, and a toddler, he's got limited time. I'm sure he doesn't want to spend a chunk of it farming cores.

That reminds me, u/Cozmo23 was your wife proud of you when you managed to get to Fabled?

She was like "That's nice dear."

26 Mar


Thanks, I will give this suggestion to the team. I know the current goal is too both make EC acquisition more deterministic so you aren't having to dismantle a bunch of gear hoping for a bounty to pop. But I will let them know that it would be preferred to still have scrapper bounties pop up as bonus acquisition methods.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Ding ding ding ding!

25 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I never knew I needed something like in my life this so badly

22 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Next time you talk to him, ask him which sparrow is better:

The motorcycle, or the Lawnmower.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

So, what you're telling me...

As an invader, I should run over to the last envoy and use it as a shield, so my opponents may kill it before me and miss out on some of their damage phase?

Good strat!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Note on Invitations:

If you did not complete your invitation by Tuesday at reset, you will be unable to acquire a new invitation that week.

We are developing a change to give a bit more time. After Update 2.2.1, you'll have through Thursday to complete the invitation. Just gives a bit more wiggle room for those who have things going on through the weekend.

You won't lose any rewards, you'll just have to wait a week to continue the story.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is something we discussed in length before Forsaken with the team.

An issue that arose was potential exploits around various perk setups that could be pointed at as pay to win. Additionally, it would break some of the limitations of other sets - Why can players only reroll armor via Bright Dust, but not other items via shards and other currencies?

At this time, we do have the ability to reroll Sparrows and Ghosts, but that's in part to their limited perk pool. It gets a bit more technical for other gear, and it's a pretty large chunk of content that would take time to develop and test which could impact other QOL development.

The team is aware of the feedback points surrounding armor and collections. We'll bring this forward to the team to make sure Eververse sets are also a piece of the conversation.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the continued feedback on this.

We'll be sure to pass this along to the team and discuss the various points made within this post, and the replies.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Change coming in Update 2.2.1. (April)

Banshees inventory will focus on Gunsmith weapons.

Team is also looking at re-tuning some costs for his various packages and items for sale. As always, things could change in the course of development. When we have more info, we'll let you know.


21 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

LFG: Reckoning T2 / T3

Thunderlord Required