The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

26 Oct

25 Oct


Official Discussion Thread for Article, "Meet the Character— Siravaen"

"Sea Elves don’t often seek alliances with outsiders, but Captain Siravaen charts her own course. Discover more about the mysterious pirate in this Meet the Character."
@SammyKhajit thanks for the feedback. We checked with the team and the Witchmother’s Servent pages drop rates are working as intended. However, we will pass your overall feedback on drop rates along.
This should be fixed next Tuesday with the launch of Update 36.
This is something we've been investigating but are having trouble reproducing the issue internally. We'll continue to try and pinpoint the issue but any additional information couldn't hurt. Let's start with the following to see if there are any commonalities:

[*] What kind of controller are you using?
[*] Is Accessibility Mode on or off?
[*] Are you in a group or solo?
Thanks for the info, everyone! Just wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue and are working on getting it fixed.
This will be fixed when Update 36 launches next week.

24 Oct

23 Oct

22 Oct

21 Oct

20 Oct

Hi @BenevolentBowd. Thanks for noting this. We checked in with the dev team and they have verified that this is an issue. Impresario tent in Belkarth does not have Witchmother Taerma. We have this on our list of issues to fix. This should be the only place where the quest is not attainable, but if any other places pop up, please let us know.
@ArchangelIsraphel Just chatted with a dev team member to get clarity on your questions.


Will I still get the legendary jewelry in my hero of high isle reward box if my character has not gotten a companion yet?

The answer is yes. You can still get the jewelry even if you haven't gotten a companion yet.


Or, can I still open the box in my inventory after it is no longer in the cash shop to receive the reward when I have time to do a companion quest?

The answer to this is also yes! As along as you have claimed the pack from the Crown Store, you can active the box whenever. So you can wait until you get a companion and then trigger the box.

Hope this helps! And @spartaxoxo had a great suggestion for a companion if you want to save some time. But all... Read more

Official Discussion Thread for Article, "Play ESO on Stadia? Continue Your Adventures With PC/Mac Accounts"

"Stadia players can now continue their adventures in Tamriel with a PC/Mac ESO account and no loss to their characters and progression."