The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

08 Sep


@ZOS_GinaBruno CS is absolutely zero help and going in circles. It feels like it is only copy and paste responses without actually reading my ticket.

Please make sure you are replying to the existing ticket rather than creating new ones (just in case that's what's happening).

07 Sep

Hi All. We have another post in-game event infographic for you. Take a peek at our Whitestrake’s Mayhem recap to find out and check out some other highlights from the event. Which other hot spots did you see a lot of battle in?

Would you mind posting or DMing your UserID so we can investigate? Thanks!
Totally understand your frustration here. If you could, please submit a ticket with our Support Team so they can work with you on the items you lost. Thanks!
Update: We are wrapping up maintenance now and the PC NA and EU megaservers will be reopening momentarily. For visibility, you should not experience any rollbacks based on the issues from this morning. This means you may need to redo any Endeavors that had previously been reset and you can keep any items you had acquired (outside of any abusive one-off situations). We'll be keeping an eye on everything once we open and will provide any additional updates as needed.
Just to quickly update, things are progressing well and we should still be opening by 4pm EDT/8pm UTC, if not sooner.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. That post was written in haste but we can absolutely include UTC in future messaging (and will even edit the existing one for clarity).
Update: At this time, we are estimating maintenance being completed by 4pm EDT/8pm UTC. We'll let you know if it looks like this may change as things continue to progress.
Update: We have identified the issue that was causing this, which was tied to one of the fixes that went into today's PC incremental patch. We are working on removing the necessary elements now. Please be aware it will take several hours to get everything fixed, tested, and completed; we will continue to provide updates in this thread as we have them.
Thanks for the report - we are actively looking into this and related issues.
Thanks everyone, hang tight. We are looking into this.
Just to confirm, are you all pressing the button to attempt to close the window a bunch of times? For reference, we were able to finally close it after pressing the button around 20 times, but curious if everyone here is experiencing something different. Thanks for any insight!

The Elder Scrolls Online v8.1.6 fixes the issue where the effects from Crushing Wall would be lost when bar swapping, the Empower buff being dropped from Oakensoul after dying, and also reduces the healing from Mara’s Balm by about half. We’ve also made a few adjustments to some mobs in the Graven Deep dungeon and fixed a few additional smaller issues.

Additionally, we will also be granting rewards for any players affected by the Tales of Tribute ranked match issue that surfaced after Update 35 launch; you can read more details about this ... Read more

06 Sep

Hi everyone,

As a follow up to this, we have identified the issue and have put up a ... Read more
Thanks everyone. We are tracking a separate UI error that seems directly related to the Activity Finder. It sounds like this is something different.

For those who encounter this issue, could you please try manually closing the game, and let us know here if that does not work?
Hey everyone, just confirming we are working on getting this fixed and hope to have it included in an upcoming incremental patch. Thank you!