Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

04 Feb


Originally posted by ogtitang

where do i find them?

folder where game .exe - there is a folder called Logs


Originally posted by ogtitang

I received another error and now i'm stuck at profile data loading again.

yeah i definitely need your logs


Originally posted by ogtitang

I tried doing the clear icons cache again, it's working, but traders and flea are super slow. And when i load into a map im stuck at "preparing the game".

send game logs in PM please


Originally posted by ogtitang

Yes I did this last night. It worked for a bit, then after an hour it went back to unlimited profile data loading :(

you have this unlim profile loading right now?


Originally posted by ogtitang

I've tried every fix in this sub. Reinstallation, deleting the .json file, restarting my modem multiple times. Nothing seems to work and my posts seem like no one cares. I've also submitted bug reports and I've gotten 0 replies. it's a bit sad. I'm super bummed since I love Tarkov so much coz I get to play with my mates every evening after work. I guess this is goodbye for now. I will miss the game, and this sub :(

EDIT 1: It was fixed for a bit for me for a couple of hours. Around two. Then I just relogged a while back and when i open up launcher and error pops up that it can't be updated and there's no link to the update or something. Then when I try to start the game up it's just a black screen :( Regardless, thank you Nikita as I was able to play for a few hours earlier with my friends. I haven't been able to play with them for a while now and it felt great squadding up again. Now I'll just wait for any replies for the fixes.

EDIT 2: NVM servers are...

ok, first thing - clear icons cache

C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Temp\Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov\Icon Cache
clear the contents of Icon Cache folder


Originally posted by ogtitang

I've tried every fix in this sub. Reinstallation, deleting the .json file, restarting my modem multiple times. Nothing seems to work and my posts seem like no one cares. I've also submitted bug reports and I've gotten 0 replies. it's a bit sad. I'm super bummed since I love Tarkov so much coz I get to play with my mates every evening after work. I guess this is goodbye for now. I will miss the game, and this sub :(

EDIT 1: It was fixed for a bit for me for a couple of hours. Around two. Then I just relogged a while back and when i open up launcher and error pops up that it can't be updated and there's no link to the update or something. Then when I try to start the game up it's just a black screen :( Regardless, thank you Nikita as I was able to play for a few hours earlier with my friends. I haven't been able to play with them for a while now and it felt great squadding up again. Now I'll just wait for any replies for the fixes.

EDIT 2: NVM servers are...

give me ticket numbers please


Originally posted by Uriel_Sirfalas

Maybe I'm lucky and Nikita or any other dev can answer my little question.

I've seen a "more gore" option in the settings. What can we expect here? Can u give us some details here? :)


in distant plans


Originally posted by gunther_41

And then you hear them panicking on their forums one week later because they thought they were smart and wouldn't be banned so they used the hacks more carelessly and got banwaved.



Originally posted by oSnuggleBunnyo


ew! nasty!


Originally posted by kenzato

So i don't know if others have had this issue but when your inventory has a lot of stacking it does get quite irritating to sell objects. Just to sell one ak i had to tetris around for at least 6 minutes for something that should be as simple as pressing open and then selecting the object.


your suggestion is noted!


Originally posted by Ten_Forty_One

(Bot deleted the last one?)

Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you all, who made this possible for me know, that I just finished recording all of the lines for USEC 3 and am preparing to ship it off to Nikita and Dmitri!

I can't thank you all enough for making my dream come true. This means the world to me.

If you want want to keep in touch and see if I land anything else in the future (As well as play as myself in Tarkov, lol) you can follow me at these places:

Twitter: @ten_forty_one Twitch: (Had to remove sorry)

Thank you all again. This was my once in a lifetime opportunity and you made it a reality. I am forever in your debt!

And as always,

Be sure to sweep your sectors.

EDIT: Nikita and Dmitri have just told me they love my USEC 3 lines. I am in tears. My f**king dream came true. Thank you all so f**king much.

EDIT 2: Typo, lol

recorded lines are great!


Originally posted by iLikeToPL4Y

And what about the gun you promised for 0.11 🤔 thought it will come with this patches (fixes)

still high chance


Originally posted by r0b1n86

Will there be any content coming with 11.5?

no, pure fixes


Originally posted by Ruin4r

This sub (has mostly) gone from an extremely toxic place, to mostly a place where people come to inform Nikita about bugs. Which is great for the long term, and short term, health of the game.

and I love it!


Originally posted by Slane666

It also appears to be cleaned with sandpaper.

Russians, you know :)

03 Feb


Originally posted by teaearlgraycold

It's amazing how you manage to take what other companies might do (silently add a ticket for a new bug, or just not bother to record bugs you see on reddit) and put in a bit more effort for massive PR gains.


Since my tone wasn't clear, I like Nikita.

its not about PR im truly believe that some of you want to make game better and i want to act properly


this is very interesting! thanks for your post - we will investigate it


damn son, someone needs to fix this


Originally posted by Bakimaster91

Chief, can You confirm (or not) that the RPK-74 series will be in the game officially?
