Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

07 Feb


Originally posted by KumikoShy

I was wondering if they will ever consider adding desert eagle into game, and possibly make golden version to replace golden TT

we have light modern version of it in plans


Originally posted by ClassikD

One of the biggest complaints in the game right now is the lack of proper positional audio. Proper positional audio is hard to replicate, but libraries for Unity like Steam Audio and Google Resonance exist and give great results very easily. I was wondering if you are opposed to using something like Steam Audio which essentially does most of the work for you including occlusion, reverb, binaural positioning etc. If you guys are rolling your own, when should we expect it?

right now we are working on tweaks to enhance sound occlusion. later we will do a research about 3rd party sounds systems


more modern version of it

06 Feb


Originally posted by iLikeToPL4Y

Hmmm are u giving us some sneak peaks or leaks 🤔

i dont know, its not me)


Originally posted by r_guns

Nice! Thanks for confirming Nikita. Which CZ weapons are being considered? Any hints on the timetable?

later this year for sure


Originally posted by OutsmartBullet

It's praise well deserved, and BSGs efforts are deeply appreciated

still a lot of work to do!


Originally posted by iLikeToPL4Y

And what is that behind the map 🤔 looks like a RPG or something else

that are different soviet weapon posters )


Originally posted by Lamdert

I have always played shooters, from cod to fornite (just a little) two years ago, when pubg come, i tried it, i was on love, the game was new and refreshing, a lot a good things, but a loot of bad things, then, i saw a trailer of a game called, "Scape from tarkov" maybe u know about it, but, for some reason, i forget about it.

But this december, some good friend give me a trial code to try this game, maybe i am overexited, but this game is the most awesome game i ever tried, today i try the new game "apex legends" the new battle royale, 3 games thinking, wtf is this shit, i want to come back to tarkov.

What i am trying to say is that now, i dont wanna play another shooter, forever, this is my home now, LONG LIVE THE KING, CHIKI BRIKI.

Thanks a lot for this game, to all the ppl to make this posible, really thanks.

Pd:Srry about my potato english.



Originally posted by [deleted]


we printed one of the maps - that's simple


Originally posted by S_Dynamite

Oh please, nobody called anybody lazy. I'm asking that you at least try what the community is suggesting when it comes to spawning.

sorry. all i can say that we are rewriting the whole spawning system


Originally posted by JihadCS

ok, so there won't be any sort of marking like an unusable gun or something like that, right? Cause if there ever is, people will be really glad for being able to not worry about stuff like that

this thing is noted


Originally posted by JihadCS

Nikita, I've had a question, if you turn in a specific quest item, i.e. a backback, containing items inside, is it normal for the quest to take that item and count it towards the quest, or is it supposed to take only the backpack. Im asking this cause i accidentally chose a backpack with my icase in it and lost ~40 mil in loot :( Wanted to know, since you guys have implemented seller's protection on the Flea Market, asking before letting one list his item for a low price. pls b0ss

you need to hand over empty items (backpacks, containers etc)


Originally posted by S_Dynamite

It's "being addressed" since over a year.

ok call us lazy then. its not just simple press of a button or a couple lines of code


Originally posted by hardpencils

mods are gonna ban you for speaking russian watch out papa :o

mods are the best!


Originally posted by Senor_Lemonthumbs

Thanks to you and your beautiful game I struggle to play any other shooters seriously. You've managed to ruin gaming for me in the best possible way, by making other shooters and survival games obsolete.

GG Nikita.

you are most welcome!


Originally posted by Dantback

u/trainfender when will we be able to drop small items without them dropping through the floor?

unity physics bug. working on it too


you know that im not joking when i say its planned )


Originally posted by trainfender

me don't knowsie. maybe some dev sold GL. right now GLs are not usable

most likely it was some bug in flea listings