Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

08 Feb


15 mins is an average play time - its correct
breeze its a level of difficulty - slightly correct
4-6 it's min and max players (excluding groups) for this location - correct too. so the matchmaker WILL TRY to start match with minimum 4 players ready but if something will not go as planned - it will start the match anyway, but the player will be there certainly in this match


It's impossible to make everybody happy. But we are trying no matter what


Originally posted by GhostingGizmo

that was kinda unexpected, but when the page was loading i was expected something like this. and i think you need to add some RGD. thanks for reading, have a nice day


Originally posted by Marksman-

Once again, I hate to do this and pester you /u/trainfender but this is a fantastic and educated post on how both the ADAR and AR-15 system as a whole can undergo some much needed modularity upgrades in form of new barrel and handguard lengths as well as a new method of choosing gas lengths.

i read it, yes


Originally posted by tgrieve

Could you source that? I don’t recall seeing him say anything about it being for sure given this wipe. All I have seen is that it was given to showcase and test out before roll out in a future patch. I’m sure there will be an additional final task to unlock it. They probably haven’t written it yet or are still balancing it? Perhaps /u/trainfender can answer better though if he chooses to stop by this thread.

there will be special quest soon for those who completed all of the quests. soon i mean soon soon

07 Feb


Originally posted by Foodstamp001

Does the guy that edits the planned weapons section of the wiki ever send you angry messages?



Originally posted by axel1l

This problem is known , will be fixed soon



Originally posted by Iron_Wolves

Just curious for silencer durability.

Are you going to base it on 1 shot removes so much? Or are you going to add a 3rd variable, heat. A suppressor that is Hot will take more wear than one that is not. If you full auto a suppressor the amount of heat that is transferred is huge. Shooting every 5 seconds vs shooting once every .5 seconds will do way less damage to suppressor after 1k rounds.

If you add heat you should make it so if the suppressor is over a certain temp it cannot be modified in a raid, so the operator will need to wait for it to cool down before they can try and remove it.

the whole big system combining heat factor and durability


Originally posted by RoumanianFoker

With lmgs in mind, are we going to see working bipods? we have the one from the dvl but its here just for stats



Originally posted by Seasinator

Why are we using an AUSTRALIAN, and not Austrian Version of the weapon when tarkov clearly is much nearer to Austria than to Australia?

its all about custom parts. you will be able to make austrian version of it


Originally posted by otitow

Actually, "it's planned" translation to spanish it's what you wrote, "está planeado"

got it)


Originally posted by Fallout

If it's an EF88/F90 I will love you forever. The A3-CQC variant could be a cool little SMG addition too.

yes it will be EF88/F90. A3 is also possible


Originally posted by Manuelpe3

Shouldve said "Esto esta planeado"

thanks. actually i really love Spanish and i want to learn it


Originally posted by Bugzbunny77

It's odd how the magazine case goes in the regular items case but not the T H I C C items case could this be a thing that's changed?



Originally posted by snek_of_tarkov

Sounds should be modified based on:

  • Barrel length
  • Muzzle devices

So there would be a base weapon sound that could be slightly processed to reflect different configurations. For barrels it would be a strong change, while different muzzle devices should only slightly change it.

  • And if they really want to go deep, some muzzle brakes throw more air back at the shooter, which could increase volume of the shot for people BEHIND the gun (the shooter and players close to him)
  • Another idea is to increase the volume of rifle shots in small rooms to higher levels so it would be a deafening experience inciting to use less powerful weapons in small rooms. (This could tie in to deafness effects, like lower hearing for a few minutes)

Short barrel M4 sounds different from a long barrel one. This is one reason why an AKS-74U sounds very different from an AK-74 in real life.

when we will make subsonic ammo and silencer durability we will add additional sound modulation too


Originally posted by mrthomska

So. As we all know, when adding a new gun the game, we go through a lot of balancing for the gun to find its price-perfomance ratio.

Light machineguns are a new addition to the game but theyre quite pricey and some use the same cartridges that go onto sniper rifles. So this takes a lot of balancing for those ammo sizes, because they cant be too overpowered for lmg's but powerful enough for semi-auto/bolt action rifles like mosin or M1A.

My suggestion

RPD Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova Degtyaryov hand-held machine gun

Think of it as, when we needed a cheap civilian weaponry, we got vepr's and mosin. Its a cheaper but not too op lmg.

A prapor type weapon. 7.62x39 ammo using machinegun. Fire rate goes around 600-700 rounds per minute which is about the same as AKM. Has 100 round drum magazine (2x2 slots?). 7.4 kg's when empty (16.31lb). Has been used in numerous co...

Read more

esta planeado


Originally posted by KumikoShy

Never heard of that, is like smaller version ?

Also side question, since i don't wanna make another post about it, but the rain feels like it's way too often and it's still buggy inside buildings, sometimes i feel like i should not hear the rain inside like intercharge if i'm spelling it right.

fixing this stuff


Originally posted by [deleted]


can you give me more details on that in PM, plz