Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Originally posted by Octitavia

Is Battlestate hiring new devs and expanding, or looking to do so?

yes we do


Originally posted by Additional-Fudge5068

You've partially answered this before, but can you explain how often the flea market suspicious offer reports are reviewed?

It's really bloody annoying having people lob grenades at you in pitch black when you've been silent and are unseen for 10 minutes on Shoreline because they've got ESP, but it's arguably even worse to go look at the flea market and see someone with 150+ flea rating selling a 50-pack of LEDxs, 150 GPUs and 20 marked room keys.

It's a regular slap in the face and it's probably the worst and most aggravating thing for players to see - they use the flea regularly and to see people who have obviously been loot-hoovering all the maps for so long that they've got that many items and that much flea rating makes people think no-one is enforcing anti-cheat.

right they being reviewed constantly


Originally posted by Schousty

My friend told me and showed me, that he bought cheats for EFT from the devs themselves. I think not many people know about this and its a really bad thing to be going on. He has played for over 3 years with those cheats and has never been banned since. It seems like if the cheater isnt going straight blatant and is actully trying to hide it, they get away with it. Seems like BattleEye is a bad software.

cool story


Originally posted by _Monotov

Do you think that removing the flea market from the game would help when it comes to eliminating RMT and cheating in general?

no, it wont


Originally posted by Crimie1337

1 )Can you increase the spawnrate of bosses and raiders drastically? They are a fun part of the game and seeing gluhar once every 150 raids sucks.

2) Labs coloured keycards have been unaffordable for the past 2 years. Im talking red etc.

I remember buying red for 26 million after the reserve release. That seemed fair. Obtainable.

  1. increased today but not drastically
  2. they are rare as f

Originally posted by Datdarnpupper

Man, Nikita really cherry picking the questions and expecting us to believe "trust me bro" in a lot of cases.

This post is just further damage control and it f**king shows

man. f*ck off. go take a walk i dunno.


Originally posted by kristjan0

Have you thought of making something like ? They post their commits on Twitter so people can see how things are going.



Originally posted by JJ2JZ

If we want to continue playing are there other ways beyond reports that we can help with the problem?

I cant play the game properly right now as its too painfall but im willing to put in some hours to be a honey pot but the reporting system is so obscure it feels like a waste of my time.

Im not sure making videos of the cheaters is the right approach but im up for helping if it makes a difference.

reports is the best you can do right now


Originally posted by x_GeGe

When will we see new lightkeeper content?

next patches


Originally posted by JJ2JZ

Do you play the game at all? I feel like if you was to play the game the way we do much of these points in this thread will already be very obvious to you.

You must try the food you make, often otherwise you cannot know if it tastes right. For instance the invisible bug should have been obvious if any internal testing was done with groups as this was impacting everyone almost every raid.

yes i play the game and i struggle too. this is what eft is about. start to play, get rekt, repeat, become better


Originally posted by Firecracker048

Hey Nikita. You answered earlier that hundreds of thousands play every day.

Could you give us an average number for, say the month of January?

Then could you give is the number of bans in the month of January?

I made a post a few days back trying to calculate the % of active players that get banned for cheating. The number I came up with was 7.4% based on very limited data and alot of assumptions. Is three any way you could give us hard data for the month of january?

i dont have this info at my hand. but its really low amount comparing to overall players. something like half of percent or even lower


Originally posted by TehBuckets

The last couple of days must have been pretty rough for you guys. With all the drama a revelations from "the video" to the video Trey24k made. You have already answered a bunch of question I would ask, but what I am and I believe many others ultimately want to know. What changes BSG is planning to make in the future? Are you thinking about changing development directions? Did your short/mid/long term goals changed?

Lastly, thank you for the hard work you guys do at BSG. I want you all to know, the community including me is only pissed because we all love the game that much, and we all just wish to get the best possible entertainment we can get out of it. The communication in the last couple of days has been amazing and once again, thank you for Escape From Tarkov.

we want to finalize everything and release the game


Originally posted by Epic_Tea

How has cheating become so prevalent an issue under BSG?

it wasnt become. you dont know the history of EFT. it pops from time to time, usually after big updates. New cheats being released


Originally posted by Ronaoke1

I dont know how these things work just wanna ask if the time between being ready to go in raid and actually starting the raid will be reduced to shorter time because i found out if you would be faster in game again after you die it would be waaay less frustrating and enjoyable to play another raid again than wait 15 minutes to play the tame again Thx mister Buyanov

i agree


Originally posted by francoispaquettetrem

why do you keep designing the game with anti RMT mesures?? It punishes normal players and RMT and cheaters are still a thing?. FIR, lvl 15 flea, no dropping of keys, etc etc.

FIR. lvl 15 flea were done for slowing progress. not for antiRMT

no droping items were done against boosting and RMT. again - against unfair advantages


Originally posted by drgreed

Let's be honest for a moment. One reason you didn't implement a replay system is that it would add a lot of additional stress to the already overburdened servers. The current network architecture must be problematic, are there any plans for an Operation Health update for Tarkov? Aside from addressing cheaters, it feels like the game could benefit from quality control of its current features. How likely is it that we will see a network overhaul and tick rate update in the future, let's say by the end of 2023?

all of this is being done for arena


Originally posted by PanProjektor

Are you interested in doing a charity event of you or other BSG employee playing to reach lvl15 ?

It’s not JUST to see you suffer like we do, lol, BSG not playing their own game is a huge source of frustration and confusion towards development. I feel that it would influence some decisions regarding balance.

bsg plays a LOT


Originally posted by Pan_Andjei

Hello Nikita. When I can play Tarkov without desync,cheaters, stutters, bugs and glitches of all sorts, fps drops, broken sound, invisible players and 5+ minutes waiting for every raid? Watin' since 2018.

even when the game will be clean of that by 100% you will still write such type of comments.


Originally posted by awa1nut

Using recoil as an example, the playerbase a whole said this thing in the game feels bad to play and is bad on a technical level. Why did it require a video essay from a streamer for the dev team to make changes?

i dont agree that its BAD. it could be done better and we will do it


Originally posted by Kahvana

What are your thoughts on offline PvE raids with progression (being able to complete quests and obtain loot)?

not an option