Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by ReflexSheep

am I wrong?

modellers dont fix code bugs, they dont code


Originally posted by ReflexSheep

I said nothing has changed from AVERAGE PLAYER perspective. Maybe it has for you with all the behind-the-scenes info you have, but not for normal players. You have said yourself you don't play the game, so how can you comment on peoples experiences?

i never said that i dont play the game. I play the game, i struggle, i make changes to feel less pain. Im on your side


Originally posted by Dazzi

Maybe begin to put ledX and such in containers. And then randomize the loot until that container is looted.

Start banning people on flea who is obv. Not legit.

What to do with the wallhack and such, is really up to you as you know what your team is capable off, be it after match replay, better anti cheat, making invisible players that only people with cheats can see. I think there are many possibilities. But you know best.

we already banning ppl on flea


Originally posted by condorviii

Hey Nikita,

How would you feel about a standing system for accounts to help with matching legit players vs other legit players?

UI example:

A standing system has no skill/MMR relations at all, it's just a reflection of how your in-game behaviour is in relation to abusing VoIP or cheating etc. Ideally, someone who is genuinely cheating will quickly see this score effected through being reported and will only be matched with other cheaters or people who have negatively effected raids to the point that they have bad standing. Fair play over time will naturally increase the standing so long as you don't receive a large amount of reports and added SMS verification should give a slight boost too.

Accounts in poor standing can't queue with accounts in good standing, hopefully cutting down on "carry" RMT methods and in-raid tra...

Read more

we better be banning cheaters, not isolating them


Originally posted by Significant-Oven-301

Imo. Grinding can be fun if done right, it should reward player for time he puts in. I enjoyed hunting bosses, it was nice thing to do between pvp and questing, sometimes it got me killed, sometimes i got some cool stuff. Now bosses are like dying out species. Same with quests and changing key charges to 1/1, very bad idea, especially for first quests. I really hope that one day i can enjoy this game like couple wipes ago, thing is that you need some serious balance changes and stop making the game slow and encourage players to engage in pvp, not to fear it.

what it is for you to enjoy the game?


Originally posted by fireballmx

The issue there is it locks you from upgrading hideout Intel to Level 3 - is that intended?



Originally posted by ReflexSheep

Poor excuse! Level designers and modelers work hand-in-hand with programmers. When a new gun is modeled and animated, who then puts it in the game? The modeler? No. The programmer, who codes all the rest of it's attributes.

oh really?


Originally posted by ReflexSheep

When is ''the end"? You have been saying this kind of stuff for years.

Also you say the situation is already improving, how are you gathering that info? From an average players perspective nothing has changed.

you are not right. everytime when somebody says that "nothing changed" i dont want to carry on the conversation


Originally posted by ATrueHunter

Hey just wanted to say that I love your music!! Just a little positivity in a sea of negativity :)



Originally posted by Marquis_Laplace

Can you guys work out a way for the server to show less information to the client? It's gonna be hard and there's gonna be sacrifices to gameplay, but that's the only way this game will go from a critical mass of cheaters down to what players are used to in other fps.

yes! we can do it and we are working on it


Originally posted by Rajelx

I know it's probably a major thing to try and add, but are there any plans for a post-raid replay system for players?

the thing is that this feature will break immersion and it will allow your teammates get the info from you how you was killed. i understand that it will give players needed info to confirm accusations. but it could be used sideways


Originally posted by AchilleTristram

we all love this game more than any other, just try to keep going in the right direction and continue to be more upfront about the cheating issue. If you make the right choices, we will back you.

much appreciated!


Originally posted by mekzo103

So streamers no longer have direct access to admins ready to ban people based on bullshit evidence, or even zero evidence? I find that hard to believe.

they never had any access to ban players


Originally posted by KS-23

Is there any way to implement flagging for suspicious flea market listings? Or really high flea rep early wipe? Seeing a guy with 20 ledx listed and 100+ rep like 5 days into the wipe is always sketch as hell and while you can’t definitively say they’re cheating, it more than likely isn’t a legit player, and I feel tackling this would deter cheaters a little as they would have to stagger their wealth and not be as obvious of a nuisance, should they get to greedy their account could be banned from flagging and manual review.

yes, its planned


Originally posted by WiggleRespecter

nikita, can you guys please fix the dollar/euros being organized on the flea incorrectly vs roubles?

thx plz

need more info in this


Originally posted by applo1

GPS Far-forward device is Labs only is it not?

the idea is to have it only from lightkeeper. and it spawns on other maps with really low chance


Originally posted by Jack_ten

thank you for the reply Nikita. It is appreciated - better comms between the community and BSG would do wonders in rebuilding good will.

Specifically, I wanted to talk about the merits of a statistics based anticheat, in conjunction with battleeye. There was a helpful post recently that explains this, which I found compelling - it was something that I have thought before (as have many others).

Please give the post a read and consider how BSG might use such a system. In my view, it could only undoubtedly help. Cheater behaviour will surely always be obvious if enough data points are analysed.

we do monitor all of the players. how the play, which items they find, what they sell. everything is being stored and all of this being added in the system. it is not fast enough but we make it faster.


Originally posted by Dadgame

Saying you will continue doing what your doing, as any overhaul would be too destructive is not tangible and concrete. It sucks that your in this situation where the cure looks worse than the cancer but there's a point where you have to bite that bullet.

When is that point for your team?

dont be so concrete. It's not that we will not do anything. In the end I am 100% situation will improve. It's already improving by all of the measures taken.


Originally posted by mekzo103

How come you still allow streamers to have people banned based on flawed evidence, especially after the Rengawr fiasco?

The Trey "community anti-cheat" should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.

that was a mistake done in a rush, it wont happen again. Trey is a good guy, dont blame him


Originally posted by Deadlesszombie

Why not lock posting and buying of certain items (gear/guns non-FIR) behind a flea reputation? Allow end-game player to sell end-game gear and make PvP valuable for them. Once you complete Kappa there is not much left in the game besides PvP, and it's not really worthwhile.

we need to think more about it