Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Originally posted by DuckInCup

BattleEye works good in many games, but implementing it is a struggle, especially in games that are constantly changing dramatically.

no its not about that. yes, it depends on the game how they secure stuff, but right now it is mostly about advanced cheat software


Originally posted by _2na

it is true, you know it in your heart

no, its not. you dont know the inner kitchen and the industry of AC development


Originally posted by YogurtclosetTime5755

Can you comment on the fact there's PUBLIC cheats undetected for 2 years now?

you can send me links via DM


Originally posted by ExoticTerpsEFT

Why would you release a patch/update and go on holiday for 2 weeks or whatever?

Why did you change the audio system?

  1. cause we are live human
  2. cause steam audio sucked

Originally posted by mrcootie1

Do you have a long term plan to deal with the cheat providers?

yes, we want to start to pursue them legally


Originally posted by _2na

How are you? How do you like your coffee?

im fine. i like latte)


Originally posted by waww16

Why is it taking so long to fix your game, better?

millions of code lines, bad initial architecture that being rewritten step by step. unforeseen stuff like invisible players, which was caused by too many information being sent in network packets (added a lot of features which added new info to send) and so on


Originally posted by BlazeBubble9

Where is the line of RMT drawn? Should I be worried of being flagged if I bring my friend's gear back after he dies?

the principle is simple - if you will give millions of rouble price items and will do it often - you will get banned. if you want to just return gear from time to time - its ok


Originally posted by waww16

On top of this what if I wanna bring my buddy in a kit once and a while, am I gonna get banned?

no. you will not get banned


Originally posted by _2na

Why not transition to a different (better) anticheat? Battleeye has and will continue to be utter garbage.

its not true


Originally posted by Code_Kid1

Couldn’t you use a system that bans anyone over say 200 flea rep?

the thing is that we need some of hacker/cheaters continue to play for some time to gather info about cheat that they use


Originally posted by waww16

Fix your game please

thats not a question


Originally posted by Alternative_Job_6745

What is difficult about implementing basic checks for movement? such as if a player if moving faster than max skills + no weight allows them to, why is that not bannable?

its implemented long time ago and we ban those players. the thing is some cheats can bypass it using engine flaws


Originally posted by Verboten247

Is it even possible to make a raid replay system even if we had to download the replay on our end?

its possible


Originally posted by 604Mafia

Why haven’t you banned extremely high flea rep players ! Just manual ban them look up ledxs and graphics card sellers anyone with 150 flea rep gone ! False bans happen all the time so don’t worry bout those guys I’m sure no one legit has got over 100… I feel This would be a good way of showing community something is getting done and we can see it instantly!

we banned them and continue to ban


Hello again! This is Nikita, Battlestate COO and game director of EFT.

I answered a lot of questions here and decided to move to this separate post.

So, ask your questions here or vote others for visibility. I will try to answer on the daily basis.

External link →

28 Feb


Originally posted by Hendeith

I did and that's why I posted this comment. I don't think you provided any details on any of big issues that are plaguing this game for years now. You surely need to understand that hearing again trough few years "we are working on improving X, but no details" stops working at some point when improvement is not visible. If you are so insistent on referencing what you already said, here are some questions that would use detailed answer:

Q: How come you still allow streamers to have people banned based on flawed evidence, especially after the Rengawr fiasco?

A: that was a mistake done in a rush, it wont happen again

So what steps are you going to take to make sure it's not going to happen again... again? Why did it happen again in the first place, because just recently we had Rengawr controversy and now situation with Trey. Mistakes do happen, but it doesn't look like since then you implemented any changes to process and streamers still have ...

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  1. ⁠i answered that - we will minimize manual bans as low as we can
  2. ⁠next tech patch for example will have a lot of changes. its planned in april but we will try to make it earlier
  3. ⁠probably this next tech patch
  4. ⁠this year
  5. ⁠everything is being used. the general testing of yours is used to change quests in better ways
  6. ⁠there are many. redesigned trading screens, lots of ui changes, ammo loading ui and so on
  7. ⁠there is a communication team. the thing is that they dont communicate here

yeah! dont stop! we still didnt get it at all!


Originally posted by Hendeith

Since Nikita is responding to pointless comments in this post all of the sudden, let my make the intention of my post clear.

Ohhh so now suddenly he is responding to put out fire, but when lots of people (including myself) asked in his thread what exactly they are planning to do to improve situation he was all quiet.

Ok, u/trainfender so maybe you willing to give us some details? Present some roadmap? Sorry but in your thread you didn't tell us anything new.

I believe most of general criticism is centered around:

  • poor game optimization

  • netcode and lots of desync

  • audio still being bugged

  • unfair terminator AI that HAVE TO be cheesed

  • artificially slowing down progression by severely decreasing spawn rates of items, bosses thus making it that unless you plan this game as a job progression is extremely slow

  • lack ...

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i said a lot of things overthere. you should go check it again


Originally posted by IamBrazilian_AMA

Thank you for the response.

One last thing; any plans on events any time soon? Those are always a good time.

there will be events