Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by oppenheim2

source: moonshine scavs told me



Originally posted by LowerPick7038

I'm moving Jobs today. I was there for 6 months and it was hard as f**k. It was beyond stressful and I hated it. It really took a toll on me mentally.

You've been at this game adventure for a long while it's probably 10X the amount of stress I'm escaping but there's alot out there that still believe in you and the game. There will always be people who complain and moan. Try and stay positive and work towards a better future.

thats what i do for the last 12 years)


Originally posted by SirKillsalot

I don't blame you. That's why I stopped coming here too. So much negativity.

Maybe if there was a curated thread run by the mods which could gather a list of the most upvoted comments and questions you could repsond to? (If mods are willing at least)

im ok with it


Originally posted by Wolfo_Nix

Hello Nikita, I have a question not related to EFT if you don't mind.

I remember 2-3 years ago at the end of a long podcast on twitch. You said that you and the team are getting a bit tired from EFT, that you didn't except it to take that much time before release.
Then you mentioned what you would like to do after EFT. A singleplayer fps, with a well written story. I am pretty sure based on what I saw on EFT that last 6 years, that your futur game will be very cool to play (Your maps are one of the best, very detailed and alive. The gun play is the best, etc.) And the majority of EFT problems are related to the multiplayer side of the game.

When will you start working the the next game ? (Or did you already start ?) How many years do you think it will take you to feel confortable enough to talk about it ? How do you get inspiration and references that help you create a videogame? Thanks.

right after EFT release


Originally posted by milkmeink

Not relevant to ETF. What DAW do you use for music creation and do you have any favorite plugins? Your music is bad ass!

FL studio. NI massive, serum - the favorite ones


Originally posted by luizsilveira

Being more open in communication is a huge step for my trust in the game and its development (that trust is currently at the lowest).

Solving the cheating problem goes through being more open about it tbh. If a report was acted upon, it'd do good to know who was the player banned, when was the report made (map, day etc). Also consider a small kit gift (from Prapor?).

Also: No one, and I mean no one, enjoys absurdly grindy quests like capturing outposts. No one enjoys looking for a ledx for hundreds of raids. No one enjoys not finding the GPS bullshit thing (especially not in the most cheater-infested map). Why are those quests and impossible items in the game? Their rarity does not bring excitement when you get them; you see people are frustrated even when and while they complete capturing outposts. It's disgusting.

You said you play the game, I wonder: have you found those items this wipe?

nope. we will alter it


Originally posted by SirKillsalot

Not to make this a free for all, but I remeber all the way back to pre alpha days when you would post here regularly. Could you try to do maybe a weekly QnA thread?

radio silence over the last year or so has been discouraging.

(Also, the SA-58 has been forgotten and needs buffs)

every time i opened reddit my courage went off


Originally posted by gudzgudz

Sorry, this is going to be a hard question/statement .. but what kind of merging strategy are you guys using that so many previously fixed bugs come back each wipe? It feels new bugs appear + old ones reappear at a faster rate than they are being fixed ;/

its not a merging strategy. its jsut a really really complicated project with a lot "above the line" solutions. new feature can poke old evil code


Originally posted by FEIKMAN

Thanks, I was actually trying to praise you, but Ok. Weird response.

sorry) but first sentence was like im just damage controlling and thats it


Originally posted by fireballmx

With respect to other long-standing issues - is there anything being done with the raider/boss/rogue AI bug that kills you instantly? The post raid screen will show any number of bullets/hits (usually thorax 3-8 rounds depending on ammo type and your armor) when in reality you get shot once in raid and die. I feel this bug has been in the game for so many wipes, is this not still being looked at or fix in progress? It makes boss fights or raider/rogues feel terrible to fight without "cheesing" them

yes we still try to replicate this bug


Originally posted by Ok_Association_9682

We understand you have ingoing trouble with old engine version in graphics area, but would you consider jumping into "newer" technology in other areas?

  • like allowing IPv6 so EU players get lower latency and higher stability?
  • or requiring working IOMMU in AntiCheat to complicate some gaming chairs?
  • or allowing inventory/traders/stash to be opened from launcher in regular browser, so interface issues can be resolved the way regular websites are solved, eventually incorporating the best of the community features/fixes/QoL into the official version?
  1. as far as i know - tested it and it failed\
  2. already told - this will lead to compatibility issues and many player will get kicked out
  3. 0_0

Originally posted by BIgBounceVEVO

Idk if you will see this, but I want to thank you for finally breaking this shell and starting to communicate.

Despite my recent past saying otherwise, we all want this game to succeed, it is one of the best games I have ever played and letting it go to waste is just soul crushing.

We understand the lack of details, most players won't understand the technical engineer garble and just gives cheaters potential ideas, but going from one extreme (oversharing) to shutting yourself off from the community just creates tension, hatred and vitriol, people screaming blood for the blood god, especially since the entry fee costs 40$, with a lot paying a lot more for EOD.

We are here because we believe in your vision, we believe in this project and watching it crumble because of an inability for one side to communicate is again, soul crushing.

We love this game and want it to succeed beyond our w...

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the toxicity is bad. thats why i decided many times not to post or comment anything here


Originally posted by FEIKMAN

Nikita, this PR stunt you are doing is just damage control and we get it.

Be a real man, like Russians like to say, grab this shit by the balls and figure it out...

You have created a game that no one else still had the ability to recreate, you have created something really unique.

You have the potential of becoming one of the best game devs with one of the best games in the recent history of gaming. Don't waste this shit, man. We love this game. Community just wants things to get better, everybody is hoping for it.

Соберись, тряпка.

you dont know me. and you dont know that game and the power of this community.


Originally posted by Diche_Bach

Fix your game's ecosystem or your project will fail, because many of us will be gone (or are already "gone"). That will be a tragedy, because your vision is brilliant and the game has come so far.

ADDIT: reading a lot of these posts I have a reaction:

ngl, I think that getting "down into the weeds" is not likely to be as helpful as staying high level. None of us are Nikita. None of us are as (presumably) knowledgeable about his product and service as he is. None of us know what his real motives and constraints are. It is up to HIM to figure out a solution.

What we as the community should focus on is point out to him the consequences if he does not find a solution: he makes less bank in the end.

I believe that there is not much point in getting down into the weeds and trying to suggest specific technical solutions to him. He needs to figure out what will work and do it. Getting into detailed back and forth technical solutions merely gives him plausibl...

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relax. online numbers are still the same.


Originally posted by jadenthesatanist

To echo what u/PlayerTwoHasEntered said, I feel like the game really doesn’t need anything new for a while and that there needs to solely be focus on getting things working properly and working out a solution to the cheating issue. Between the invisible player bug, audio issues, map optimization, etc., I think many of us would be happy to not see new content for a bit for the sake of ironing these things out.

Personally, while I’m at it, I’ve also felt for a while that changes keep being made to things that don’t need them, while development to make progress towards the final state of the game hasn’t really been prioritized. Changes to the economy and loot, changes to boss spawns/spawn rates, changes to the hideout, etc. have all been made wipe-to-wipe, but unfinished features such as officially implementing radiation (which has been in the health tab for my two years of playing without any word on it ever being implemented, despite the...

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TPM 2.0

actually that what we did already. no more big features till the release


Originally posted by Haarwichs

Interesting. Maybe it could expand to the other regions in the future?

its possible, yes


Originally posted by Irishnghtmare

If 60% is not the number, what is it? What does your data suggest?

i will able to tell later after before-after analysis


Originally posted by naturallyselected007

Apologies if that came across as me saying it was a copy - I’m sure you’re tired of hearing that and wasn’t my intentions nor do I personally think it was a copy - I probably worded my question poorly. Keep up what you’re doing - it’s awesome to see the passion you’re pushing out in coming into this thread and others to talk to people directly. Appreciate it!

no problem! thanks


Originally posted by alcoholicprogrammer

Just wanted to jump on board what this guy said and tell you your music is great too

P.S: any plans on adding your song "Wings" (the hideout music) to spotify like the other Tarkov tracks?

probably at sometime


Originally posted by gudzgudz


Hi Nikita! Respect for facing this angry mob here, few questions:

- Why such a high ping limit.. desync is inevitable when it is 200. Maybe have low and highping limit servers to satisfy everyone?

- Why are there no basic analysis/search of cheaters based on unrealistic market rep or K/D for example? Many obvious cheaters are active for weeks/months.

Please continue the comms/listening to the community, recoil/weight changes were great. Please continue balancing the game, eg there are many issues with loot balance.


we tried many solutions on that. decided to keep average ping limits.
about flea - i told it already. sus traders getting banned more often right now