Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by irishlegend97

Has it ever been considered to remove certain quests for the Kappa quest line? Quests such as "capturing outposts" force you to camp somewhat low traffic areas for hours on end. When the only people you kill are low level players doing early game quests (this is the worst on shoreline). So it is just frustrating for both the high level player trying to get Kappa. (Multiple hours afk waiting for someone to show up). And new players doing early quests. They will get killed by someone high level who has no choice but to just camp and wait.

Either a rework of that quest (eg move the kill area) or removing from the kappa quest line

the whole kappa endgame is a temporary thing


Originally posted by alcoholicprogrammer

Nikita, you've made a true gem of a game, and I think a lot of us here, myself included, really want to see Tarkov succeed. There is no other game like it that can capture the same adrenaline rush this game provides. It is being tainted by a cheater infestation though, and even long-time players like myself, with thousands of hours, are feeling hopeless about the situation. Please prioritize this problem at BSG, whether that means upgrading or even out right replacing the current anti cheat measures, and even if that comes at the cost of delaying new features to the game. It honestly pains me that I can't enjoy my favorite game anymore because I know more often than not I'll just run into a hacker and lose regardless of how well I play.

much love


Originally posted by W4rlon

I for one would like to ask if there are any further plans to optimize streets ? you created the best map by far but its so hard to enjoy with how bad it runs.

yes ofc


Originally posted by pick_a_sammich

I want to come back, but we HAVE to do something about the cheaters and the ridiculous grind requirements. The sheer number of people using the dumb ESP hack is so disheartening to even attempt to play the game. Not only that, but there are waaaaaay too many grindy tasks in the game, think lightkeeper or the awful new quests implemented (Capturing outposts where you load in and wait 30 minutes not doing andything and reset). Stop making people not want to do your content. I’ve played this game since 2017. Please give me a reason to come back.

come back later then


Originally posted by lampshadebb

I want to ask please do not grow cynical of the streamers. listening to them is a good thing, I've played and loved your game for 3 years now, a lot of suggestions they bring up are things I think most veteran player would agree on. you have an awesome community of creators that want to support you guys, but the lack of communication over the years really makes that hard.

really appreciate the time you're taking today to respond to the reddit, lately this has become the bottom of the barrel, takes a lot of courage in my opinion lol. thank you

dont worry


Originally posted by xNymia

That is unfortunately the cost of providing a secure environment, and maintaining competitive integrity.

If you take the integrity of the game seriously, then enabling the features to allow that would take higher priority, enable the security features of the operating systems, accept the *temporary* player count drop, provide them with guidance on how to enable features needed to be able to play, is the clear option to maintain the integrity of your game.

It was done with Valorant and Vanguard because we value the integrity of the game over all else. There was nothing more important to the development team than making sure the game was fair, because we were all gamers and know the pain of this issue.

I encourage you to think about this choice.

this particular options are being researched rn


Originally posted by Haarwichs

Re-consider implementing phone verification. Players are used to it by now (Call of Duty and other games have it) and it would show the people that you are serious about the cheating problem and willing to sacrifice a part of your revenue for it.

Also there are ways now to filter out throw away sim cards and pre-paids.

we have phone verification for asian region


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

Well it seems like a lot of players are cheaters so is that really such a bad thing?

its not THAT 60%


Originally posted by [deleted]


a lot of info without any real anticheat development experience. unfortunately


Originally posted by condorviii

Of course the end goal is banning them, but I was under the impression that cheaters are accumulated and banned in waves, meaning they could be known to AC but still able to play until banned? There have been many instances of known cheaters running unbanned on the same account for weeks or months. If the players themselves are able to have influence on their standing we can get them out of clean lobbies and have them only playing against each other.

some cheats are not detected for now but its just a matter of time


Originally posted by ceplmvreti

you were developing the game better when it was not as successfull. all your arguments don't make sense considering how well this game sells(still) and the trend in displayed in the past years led many to believe 1.0 os just a fever dream of yours. enjoy spending that cash tho, i will never purchase anything made by you again.

its not true what you said. but its your call. dont buy anything, forget who we are and what we did. sorry to hear that


Originally posted by Origin240sx

I see how active you’ve been today and how shitty it must be to handle with a bunch of (rightfully) angered players. Just wanted to say I myself appreciate thee feedback and answers you’ve given a lot of people today.

its totally ok


Originally posted by Significant-Oven-301

Being able to feel the progression and enjoy all of its content with my limited time. Game does not need try to be competitive to be fun and chellenging. Hindering players does not make this game balanced but more unaccesible. You can make Tarkov enjoyable for every kind of player, be it hardcore or casual, pvp or pve, not taking from either of them, just give them choice to play their way. Make the aspects of game more challenging but reward it, make others more chill but less rewarding and let new/casual players feel the progression and eventually those people will feel comfortable with more chellenging activities and pvp.

make it enjoyable for every player is impossible unfortunately


Originally posted by HubicPair1

I feel like this glosses over the fact that Rengawr had enough influence to get a (legit) player banned very quickly. While he did not have direct access to the ban button, he DID have the ability to get a player banned, whether he pressed the button or not.

I'm not too clued-up on the whole situation, but clarification that there will be a better process to determine cheating internally other rather than just taking a streamers word for it would be nice to hear.

as i said it was a mistake


Originally posted by naturallyselected007

So I’m 100% a nobody that has been around playing for 3 years now and even with everything going on still love this game for what it is. But - being silent and still playing the game doesn’t mean that I’m happy with where things are at or a happy customer. I feel like there’s tons of others very similar and will continue to be silent. And aside from the specific issue that had currently flooded the tarkov community - I’d like to take my chance to ask directly / give feedback in hopes you may read this.

My biggest question going forward is - has this whole topic and recent events sparked any talks towards creating a more constant form of regular communication with the community? For a specific example - it took this much backlash & talk through streamers and the community to finally spark conversation from an issue that has been held pretty silent for a while now from BSG as a whole to the main community. Will there be more regular conversation on hot topics, maybe an ac...

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it wasn't a copy of last post. it was just an approval that nothing changed in a WAY OF PRIORITISATION of a problems. cheaters was no.1 priority for us always. we never stopped fighting with them


Originally posted by flaschemate

@trainfender since you seem to be active in this thread:

Can you let us know what you think about basically removing the traders and maybe the flea as well? I mean the biggest thing we have to tackle is RMT... and RMT exists, because people want to buy the good stuff. I think no traders and flea would also result in a way better experience playing the game. Because I think what Tarkov makes so unique is the way early wipe plays. You actually play with scrap and are hyped as f**k if you find a suitable weapon attachment... People might ask how to get guns early on. Well... How about you take what you get from the Scavs you killed? No need to spend 40 min in a raid. If you are short of something like meds, weapons etc. go farm some Scavs and leave early on. You said Tarkov is hardcore... But it doesn't feel as much anymore. Especially once the wipe is older than 8 weeks. You will just repeat the same pattern. 1. Build "meta" kit 2. Spawn in raid 3. Either be hunted down by a...

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its too extreme for us to remove such a big parts of the game


Originally posted by _Bike_seat_sniffer

How about implementing a requirement for those basic windows features which could potentially shut down a lot of cheats? Goat mentioned them his latest video:


-TPM 2.0


-Preboot iommu

a lot of players will be kicked out


Originally posted by KJelloggs

But what about when the raid is over as a way to review a raid? So that the information can’t be used as an advantage, just purely from an entertainment perspective.

believe it or not - its planned


Originally posted by Elendil_EA

Please Nikita, either buff the loot by a large margin or make these items craftable because we are having massive problems finding these items(ledX, GPS Far-Forward). Especially when cheaters are getting the ledx's before we reach it. I miss the old tarkov where there was a lot of loot everywhere, Customs (marked room) shoreline (ledx rooms), interchange(tech stores), reserve(again tech rooms). Todays tarkov feels like a shadow of that past version of it. Also back in the days we could just make money killing people but now because of the FIR flea we can't do that either. We know that RMT measures didnt work against cheater issues, i think its time to revert those changes. Make the game great again, let us get alot of loot just by killing each other and selling it on the flea. Trust me people wont be buying as many roubles if you give them plenty, like in the past. I hope you realize this :)

i got your point


Originally posted by WiggleRespecter

what hellfish said below yeah

exchange rate when listing items on the flea for euros/dollars isn't the same as exchanging at traders. allows scammers to try and rip off newer/inexperienced players on the flea because their items get sorted as "cheaper" when they're not really

i see. ok