Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by projeto56

I'm not sure if it's a language barrier problem, as I'm aware you're not a native English speaker, but this response really comes through as you don't give a f**k to the wellbeing of the paying player base, who are your customers.
It looks like you're pushing players that want change away, when all we want, is to see / know better what are the plans to improving your product.
We'd be really glad if we could see a roadmap for the new features (specially security ones) planned for the game.
Players are giving really good suggestions for security fixes lately, and it'd be amazing to see you guys getting ready to put them on a timeline.

im just saying that he will come back later and notice the difference


Originally posted by I_paintball

What are your thoughts on streamers having their community stream snipe to join the same raid to get through PMC kill quests? IE capturing outposts, lightkeeper questline PMC tasks... Is this considered boosting?

it is not good


Originally posted by ruidodelaser

thank you for being back around here my dude and all of your hard work

  1. Any updates on sound fixing?
  2. Do you think bosses spawn rate are fine right now?
  3. What's your take on Interchange illumination/fog situation?
  4. Since Reserve D2 extract expansion there's not much action on the surface, are there any changes planned?
  5. Please try to make quests and progression less grindy / a chore, it's my 5th wipe and me and my friends get so discouraged when we get to the whole Shoreline Punisher questline, too big of a map with few points of interest
  6. Any update on Arenas soon?
  1. we did a bunch of good fixes in the last patch. more to come
  2. spawn chances will be increased with time
  3. its bad. need to be done differently
  4. probably
  5. yes
  6. yes, soon

Originally posted by SuccessfulPiccolo

  1. Community manager should be fired for how poorly this situation is being handled. Or hired if there isn't any. People were trying to bring the cheating problem to light for a long time, the fact it took so long for a team to start rapidly fixing it tells that community management is nonexistent. It costed project reputation, a few streamers and certainly affected sales in negative way
  2. Anti-cheat system should have it's own development stream with dedicated devs, otherwise you will fail in arms-race once again when whole team moves to developing new features
  3. Community-based anti-cheat stuff should never be done again, if they f**k up you will be blamed anyway
  4. Please do hire someone to audit the system, internal analysis is good, but you need someone from the outside who can give you solutions without throwing up hands saying "it's too hard to do" like dev-team likes to do
  1. we didnt start to rapidly fix it. in fact - we just continue to work on it and decided to add and change more stuff in this "perfect" moment
  2. we have separate team
  3. yep
  4. it was done several times, it led to good results. but just try to understand the concept - will you be able to rebuild the sailing ship with a lot of ppl onboard easily?

Originally posted by AH_Ahri

Just a little suggestion...I personally want to see some more QOL things after the cheating stuff(hopefully...) gets fixed or worked on. Mostly related to how many clicks it takes to sell multiple things on the flea market and to multiple traders. It just eats up a lot of time.

Streamlining that would help improve the game a lot. More people in raid and playing the game and less being stuck in the process of selling items.

a lot of QoL features planned


Originally posted by flaschemate

"Chad for the Weekend" already is a bad intention of you anyways. That's not what tarkov should be or feel like at all.



Originally posted by A1RELL

Do you plan on hiring communication management team or even 1 person? That way it can take some weight off, and the community can have communication with it's makers, plenty of games already does it, and I am not talking just about 1 tweet a day, I am talking about reading forums, reddit etc. and replying to the community actively, along side with keeping the communication between the players and developers healthy and streamlined

the thing is that there is not much questions here. only rants. im totally ok with QnA. it need to be organised


Originally posted by IamBrazilian_AMA

For starters this type of engagement is what we've been deprived of and have been in need for I'd say years. Communication between devs and players are always appreciated and it makes it feels like the game is walking towards something that most would enjoy.

I'm giving you props here for doing this but also criticizing the fact that it took so long. Please keep engaging with the community.

Main points that would make me feel better talking about are cheating and (dynamic)loot.

At this point I hope we're all aware of the cheating issue - it has reached a ridiculous level and I'm glad to hear BSG is working harder on it. Again, keep us informed on progress.

Now about dynamic loot. While it seemed like a perfect idea at the time when ppl would not roam to certain parts of the map I feel like what was done killed the most fun aspect of the game. The exciting dorms fights, the KIBA/ultramed slaughterhouse, reserve marked room shenanigans. Those barely ha...

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ledx spawn will be boosted as well as POI places loot


Originally posted by Brentmacrae

Can we be banned for bringing a friend's kit back in next raid after they died? A kit they purchased with their own money?



Originally posted by ximwaski

Hey Nikita,

Thanks for reaching out and having a talk with the community, I hope it becomes more frequent and not the last knowing the toxicity of the community.

Have you considered lowering or removing some features of FIR and RMT changes? Tigz made some great suggestions and highlighted what caused the game to be great back then before all the restrictions. Although I don't agree with all his points maybe it's a good idea to look at some of them. In short summary:

  • Keep FIR for things related to questing and dailies, as I believe this is great for quests as it makes you go look for items and value even weird items because you need to for quests.
  • Remove FIR requirements from the flea for armor, guns, and ammo as right now together with the trader changes some gear is close to being unobtainable. There is so much variety of items in the game but most of them you ...
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your suggestions noted


Originally posted by tobz102

Ever consider making the contents of a players secure container visible on a dead body when looted? Would love to see what people managed to stash away after you've killed them

hmm.. pretty intimate feature


Originally posted by Kicaj

Any plans on adding CZ guns to the game? 🥺



Originally posted by Opposite-Shoulder260

Starting from a basis of "accepting" what you have commented on in recent posts as true:

Why is it that for 4 years now you have been making apology posts that are all the same and the main situation, hacking, is worse than ever? Isn't it time to rethink priorities and even the skills of the team behind the changes? And I'm talking from developers to project managers/owners.

Assuming that the ban caused by the community discord was a mistake. How do you justify making the same mistake many more times? Rengawr is the first one that comes to mind, but clearly it has happened before. This only confirms that you make or make (as a team) rash decisions without calculating the consequences. What will you do to change it?

What happened to the 2-step authentication to create an account (phone/sms)? Why did it just disappear from this year's apology post? Please give us a concrete answer, people need transparency.

Considering how quick you are to ban people...

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  1. dont tell me that situation didnt change. it repeats cause every big patch big cheat devs makes new/updated cheats. and the war continues
  2. we will minimize manual bans as low as we can
  3. it is active in asian region. most likely will be added everywhere
  4. we just missed that. human factor
  5. yes
  6. will be fixed

Originally posted by 420OnMy69th

Are changes for the quest "Capturing Outposts" planned? It's the most anti-fun quest in the game and is impossible for anyone who isn't a large streamer and didn't rush the task in the first week of the wipe. The pier has no activity and encourages task boosting and streamers are very open about abusing that. If no changes are planned then do you plan on punishing streamers who are openly boosting tasks like that and lightkeeper?

yes. it will be changes and removed from kappa quest


Originally posted by lampshadebb

while we're here, one massive point I'd love to talk about is the immersion of the AI. I think the single greatest thing this game could receive is difficult, but rewarding and immersive AI, not legbot sound alarms (sorry I really despise every scav). a glustick or reshala that was really tough to fight alone, but easier in groups could encourage something wild like PMC-PMC cooperation, at least between some newer players. also the ability to deal with AI through bugs like slow leans and door abuse really hurts as well.something like idle animations on the scavs would add so much in immersion, seeing a scav smoking a wilston to scramble for his gun when he sees a player would add so much substance to the world. voice lines are somewhat immersive, they are very interesting and sometimes really accurate to the situation, but the behavior of the AI themselves ruins any benefit gained from those voice lines.

I also understand this should not be an extremely high priority right...

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Originally posted by oldsch0olsurvivor

You said you ban thousands of cheaters A DAY. This is a BLATANT lie. So how do we trust what you say?

we really banned 3k players last weekend. we banned 400 for today already. will post the list tomorrow


Originally posted by oppenheim2

when will you admit found in raid and all those anti rmt changes no one asked for were a big mistake and failed to stop the problem? and don't tell me it's to combat hatchlings please, that could have easily been avoided by blocking specific items from going to the pouch like you already do with some scopes, all what found in raid did was make the game more tideous, tideous and hardcore are too different things

fir is a good mechanic. RMT restrictions is a needed thing. lesser evil


Originally posted by milkmeink

Thanks for the response. Please never stop making music even if you eventually get out of game development.

ahah)_ ok


Originally posted by Shensmobile

I posted this idea in another thread, but thought it might be worth bringing it up to you directly! Have you thought about the idea of dynamic trader pricing? That is, instead of having global limits or personal limits, make it so that the more you buy the same item, the more expensive it gets. This simulates the real world where a trader would see that a certain item is "in demand" and raises prices (like GPUs in the real world during pandemic). After not buying that specific item for a while, the prices would begin to fall back to their normal price again.

For streamers and rich players, it would let them keep buying the gear they want, but they have to invest a LOT of their rubles. For the average player, it lets them just buy what they want for the few raids they play. This will act like a big money sink for the hardcore players that dump a lot of time in.

If the streamers/hardcore players don't want to waste their rubles, they can purchase alternatives in...

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we did dynamic prices long time ago but its failed


Originally posted by QuintarTheUseless

Thank you for one of the most interesting games I played. But you let things get this bad without talking to communtiy, people end up making conspiracy theories if you stay silent. Does not feel like you have any community managers.

partially i agree