
Factorio Dev Tracker

18 Nov

16 Nov


Originally posted by fatpandana

Ops. I miss read that, still havent had cafeine. Cannon capsules are not re useable.

Yeah and I misread the previous post thinking it was about cannons, with a lot of caffeine in. Didn't help apparently.


Originally posted by fatpandana

Please tell you have been scrapping them!

You mean the cargo rocket sections? No, I thought they meant the capsules for the cannons. I reuse rockets as much as I can, I don't use cannons at all.


Originally posted by craidie

The second you get a cargo rocket.

For example the only source of vulcanite on Nauvis is from deep core mining. And you'll be getting a metric shit ton of stone to dispose of if that's the only source of vulcanite you have. And you need Vulcanite for space science...

When you start thinking of bringing back things that are found on nauvis surface It won't be immediately profitable.

First we need to figure out the cost of a launch.

  • Capsules are reused completely, so no need to factor that in, we do need to bring them though. Sections are a bit more complicated. A single rocket can fit 23 rockets with pods(18 slots leftover.). you get 20% reused from the rocket that brought it. 80 sections take another 16 slots. That leaves 2 slots for whatever for a delivery of 24 rockets. That leaves a single rocket build cost back to nauvis at 104 ish cargo sections

Rockets crashing complicated as hell

0.9^({ Rocket Su...
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Ooh the cannon capsules are reusable? I didn't know that. :)


I stayed on Nauvis resources for a long time. I was in the exact same thinking as you, thinking I am in critical desperation for copper. But when I went far enough on Nauvis, I found patches worth millions. I don't know if that was just my luck with generation, or if there's some inner range that SE just reduces resources, but basically for normal resources Nauvis is fine for a very long time. I'm running a bit low on uranium and I need to push into biter territory a lot, but nothing unsolvable. Also I've been using a lot of uranium ammo so that's probably why.

My first planets were when I needed vulcanite (I switched my entire smelting to vulcanite block infused for the +50% ore efficiency), and later the special resources for space sciences.

The rocket reusability tech, together with the aeroframe scaffolds used in Low Density Structures alternate recipe, and on top of it all the best productivity modules you can afford, are to me the most important things - tryin...

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15 Nov


Originally posted by vizthex

Yes I'm asking if we can disable that flat GUI in 1.1. I despise the flat GUI, and actually liked the character menu.

It was nice to not have to fiddle with console commands just to change the colour of my player (which needs to be a universal setting, not per-world)

There is still a colour picker for the player, similat to how Locomotive has it. The Flat character gui setting still exists in 1.1, it's just turned on by default.

14 Nov


Originally posted by Danger54321

Are suggestions still being considered, I'd love to see a petroleum gas fired furnace, but of course I may have missed this being rejected before.

Uhm, what for? Or, if you've already gone through the trouble of refining crude to petroleum gas, is the one extra step for solid fuel that much of a hassle?


Originally posted by mrbaggins

Like 3 of my long term suggestions finally setting in. One last week about getting station names searchable in the naming screen (Not on this FFF), adding rich text helper (Although I recommended the discord style :iron and having it do auto-suggest as a better version and better tech icons.

NOTE: Logistic system tech needs to swap two chests (Yellow and purple) to make the icon neater, and have all arrows the same way.

Don't make me make a meme to get that the attention it deserves!

Haha, I'll consider it. But having the icon look a bit unnecessarily complicated isn't a bad thing at all. In fact it could be making it look more interesting. The amount of arrows in it is already ridiculous, so building on the joke is better than trying to hide it. :P


Originally posted by mamadubba

Is the train station limit thing still happening? Looking forward to that one alot, already got a trainbased new factory built with it in mind.

Yes. Posting more news doesn't discard the previous posts. ;P


Originally posted by ZeGaskMask

Shouldn’t player inventory be in the center of the screen rather than to the side as it’s the panel the player would interact with the most? Maybe make it so we had the option to arrange the three panels as we please (character, logistics, crafting). Character and crafting could be side by side, with a drop down underneath them for logistics such as an arrow you click to reveal them.

Not a stupid point, however most people who play Factorio read from the left, and once you learn that the player inventory is always on the left, this consistency is really helpful to read GUIs quicker.


Originally posted by chumly143

With the changes to the inserter UI, ot would be great to see adjustable inserters like in the Bobs Inserters mod, its a great quality of life to be able to tell an inserter to do 90 degrees instead of 180, and it really feels like it should be base

Ahead of time, I apologize, I dont know if this is a long time requested thing, just wanted to mention it, a friend and I frequently forget it is a mod and not a base feature

We know custom inserters exist, and it's much, much more impact than just "QoL".

I personally strongly dislike inserters behaving in any other than the one way they do. This way it's perfectly readable, and all the "problems" can be solved at the moment already with belt layouts.


Originally posted by vizthex

Will we be able to swap to the current UI with all the tabs? I find that to be so much better than having everything be spammed on the UI at once.

You can have Logistics in one tab, and Crafting in the other tab. The Character tab doesn't exist anymore.

If you enable "Flat character gui" interface setting, you get all three of them visible, without tabs.

13 Nov


Originally posted by Jjeffess

Will this prompt the player to sync mods when clicking the big green "Continue" button on the main screen?

I have two computers that I use to play Factorio. If I play a modded save on computer A and let Steam sync the save to computer B, then that save is the newest and also shows up in the "Continue" button on computer B. So I sure hope that button will also prompt me to sync mods.

It was not implemented for the continue button, but it probably should.


Originally posted by Agend0012cz

Just a thought: What do you think it evolves into?

Spidertrain obviously.


Originally posted by massive-business

How about having the viewing bot movement a togglable feature on the map rather then through debug?

Added in 1.1


Originally posted by kruegefn

I have several saved games with quite different mods enabled. Switching between those is quite annoying currently.

I want to be able to switch between mod templates, or have the game give me the option to enable just those mods that a saved game was created with.

The game allows this for a long time already (the sync with mods button when loading a game). As an addition, we added (for 1.1) a confirm dialog for loading a save with non-matching mod, that offers you to sync the mods as well.


Originally posted by Kulinda

Nice! Does that mean we can have separate battery indicators for armor and vehicle, too?



Originally posted by faramir_maggot

Does belt dragging being locked by an option mean that you have to go into the menu to switch? Or could a modifier key be used. I'd love it if I could switch to belt spraying by holding ctrl or alt.

I don't even know if those two are taken for placement because everything is muscle memory by now.

Modifier key was suggested a few times, but my impression is that we have way too modifiers and keys already, and we should really not overdo it. I suggest to try to play with the default option, and when you actually need to build a bigger bus or something, robots are usually already available, so blueprints/copy-paste can be used instead.


Originally posted by Maser-kun

I frequently use the character page to swap power armours while in a spidertron (since the spidertron icon replaces the power armour icon in the bottom right). If that tab is removed, I would really want another way to do this!

Your tab with armor and weapons is always visible, when in a vehicle you have another tab for vehicle. Instead of it being replaced like now.


Originally posted by poosheck

  1. Please, pleeeaaaaseeee, make logistic tab an option we can turn on. Currently the UI is nice and clean beacause all of this mess is hidden. And having that as an optional thing won't hurt anyone.
  2. Belt spraying / belts in line - this absolutely should be a hotkey toggle, not an option hidden in menu. In options there should be a toggle to change which of those is the default, but both of them should be accessible in game at all times.
  1. is already an option