
Factorio Dev Tracker

30 Oct


Originally posted by oknoklamkadrzwi

I have spotted some easy to implement improvements after 1k hours and 4k spm base under way:

  1. Q functionality is missing when cursor is on an empty tile. I'd like it to select previously Q selected building.

  2. Ctrl cvz are amazing features! But when you furiously spam Ctrl z, you might accidentally delete power pole or inserted somewhere far away. I'd like to have Ctrl shift z to undo undo, just to make sure I didn't accidentally deconstructed something.

  3. Might be hard to implement: Modules blueprint features to remove modules, change modules and insert modules.

Having redo was on my radar for quite some time, but it didn't get through the filters that enabled us to actually finish the game before we get old :) Maybe some day later.


Originally posted by DevilXD

Underground belts and pipes were made draggable like power poles, about 4 years ago, in v0.13

This is why we made tips and tricks for the 1.1 version. I will encourage everyone who plays a lot to go through everything there, even if he knows almost everything, as a lot of the small tricks are not as widely known as we hoped for.


Originally posted by velit

I want ctrl-x to copy trains. It deletes them why doesn't it copy them??? Allow configuration option for Ctrl-c for that as well.

Its fixed for 1.1


Originally posted by Rufus_the_demon_Core

As far as I understand it, 1.1 will be released as new experimental, so you can choose to keep on playing with functional mods or try the new stuff out.

Yea, 1.1 will follow the standard experimental phase into stable candidate process.


Originally posted by Loraash

The new menu background looks nice but what would happen if someone theoretically made a new base mod?

The menu simulation is a part of base mod, so if someone removes base, the original static image is used.


Originally posted by JMJ05

You guys made an amazing post on biter path finding. I'm curious if it's possible to implement that on remote spidertron usage or if that's a completely different animal?

We considered it before 1.0, but it seemed too different, with some serious drawbacks like delay between issuing the command and the spider starting to run towards it. I don't know how many of the drawbacks are feasibly solvable for now.

Never say never, but for now it's simple as is.


Originally posted by Krashper116

one concern: please don't make the images on the main menu switch as fast as shown in the gif. that will become annoying very qiuckly....

The FFF is just a demonstration of the concept, in the game it's moving, and the simulations each take about 10-20 seconds.

Menu simulation V453000

In the last FFF, we presented that we now have the capability to show real game simulations in the Tips and tricks. Naturally we asked ourselves what else could we use this new technology for...

We've dreamed about this multiple times in the past, but the technical roadblocks didn't make us think too seriously. We'd like the main menu background to be a real animated simulation of the game, similar to what Transport Tycoon or Rollercoaster Tycoon games have.

Instead of things like cinematic trailers, we always present the game in its true form, and the menu background does not follow this logic. Also, any time we improve any graphics, a static image immediately gets older while a real game simulation is updated automatically.

We've created a variety of scenes that each demonstrate some feature(s) of the game, from first miners all the way to the artillery and Spidertron. The screen is quite zoomed in and the factories ...

Read more

29 Oct


Originally posted by d7856852

As far as I can tell, the change in 1.1 only removes the need to disable stations with stopped trains and the need to build a depot. You still need some circuit logic at every station. The depot is very simple to build and you only need to do it once per map.

I'm actually pretty ambivalent about 1.1 and I'm annoyed that train mechanics have been so obtuse (arguably broken) for years.

You won't necessarily need circuit network at each stop in 1.1, it depends on the design of your system.

28 Oct


In what way do you want to combine them, just as a video?

For lots of my work, I use ffmpeg to encode a sequence of .PNG into a single mp4 video.

It is as simple as running on the command line:

ffmpeg -r 60 -start_number 1 -i frames/frame-%03d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p aout.mp4


Originally posted by Nikanuur

after seeing the way you make bases I'm expecting you to make your own version

You have a good point, but I don't plan to participate in this, the peak has already been achieved.

27 Oct


This is where the circle closes, the one extreme (f*cking awesome) meets the other extreme (mentally disabled).

The circle is closed and universe is now in balance.

I approve this.



this trully looks quite unbeliavable, there are some obvious questions to have:

  1. Isn't it a fake?
  2. What kinds of subsets of the game did you choose, I mean, you state that there are no robots and electric network is vastly simplified, but what about the rest? Do you have enemies? Trains? Blueprints? In yoru screenshot, gui is just 4 files, while our gui (not counting the library) is few hundreds times more.
  3. Obviously, if you want to share your code, no one will stop you.

Also, we never stated that multithreading is out of the table, it just always proved to be better to optimise the core loop instead so far.


Originally posted by Varen-programmer

Maybe they see it here and comment?
I tried already to reach them weeks ago but no luck till now.

This got our attention and for sure we want to check it out. Can we get our hands on a working copy?


This video made me from "yeah nuclear artillery isn't a good idea" to being militantly sure about that. XD

24 Oct


Yeah that's where all the insanity starts... :d

23 Oct


Very nice!

20 Oct


Mac build is already 64 bit