
Factorio Dev Tracker

27 Dec


Try disabling half your mods, see if the problem persists. If not, then you know one of the mods you disabled was causing it. So then disable half of those mods... etc.

Basically its one of the mods

2020 Vision Albert, Klonan

2020 is going to be quite an exciting year for us. We have our 1.0 date set to the 25th of September, and there is a lot of preparation to do.

It is no doubt to any of us that we would not be able to have any success without the great community that has developed for the game over the last years, and the support of all our players and fans.

As is almost tradition, Albert has prepared a commemorative postcard/wallpaper to celebrate the last FFF of the year.

Click to view full resolution

Here's to a great year to come!

The local maximum - The tutorials swap kovarex

I h...

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24 Dec


Originally posted by ZeruuL_

What is the pollution/min from these drones? I can see them in the pollution tab but the drone doesn’t display the exact number/min like miners’.

It depends on their speed, they make a certain amount of polluter per resource mined

20 Dec

More particle optimisations Allaizn

Rseding's recent optimisations of the particle system (...

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19 Dec


For convenience on your behalf, and the lower price, Steam is the best option. You will need to link your Steam account to play online, and gain access to the DRM free downloads and mod portal, that is a simple process.

Buying from our website is best for us, we get 95% of the sale price (redeeming a Steam key does not affect this). We also offer a more generous refund policy on our website compared to Steam.

GOG has no benefit, and I wouldn't recommend it unless you have all your games through them. The updates through GOG directly are generally only stable (they package the updates manually), but you can use the in-game updater to get the updates directly from us.

13 Dec


Originally posted by IronCartographer

This doesn't quite change things to the degree you're discussing, but it sounds like you'd be interested in some of its adjustments- https://mods.factorio.com/mod/KS_Combat

The removal of lock-on is terrible for multiplayer, unfortunately.

Well this comment just convinced me to add aim-assist as a global mod setting.

Yea i didn't try it much in MP, i guess the latency really makes it a pickle


Originally posted by Flux7777

Hi Klonan, I've been playing with this a lot and I've only found one thing I would change. Not sure how difficult it would be. But I'd like the ability to insert directly into the storage of the depot. This way I could chain a few together so they could share outward belts. Really useful in the early game especially

unfortunately that isnt possible in the engine


Originally posted by DandDRide

When an object is destroyed how long will the final elements of the particle effects remain rendered on screen?

Not very long, most are defined to only last 15 seconds or so


Originally posted by puuuuuud

Could you make the area visible while placing similar to the mining drill?

Its not really possible with the modding api yet


Originally posted by StrangerFeelings

I have a question, and I hope it doesn't get burried under the hundreds of comments here before it's answered.

I keep having my drones dying for some reason, but there are no biters nearby or anything like that. Also the amount of drones I have in the mining base hasn't gone down with every death. What is up with this?

Image attached to show whats up: https://imgur.com/a/dX155UL

When they get stuck on things they suicide, but that shouldn't happen that often. Are you playing with any other mods?

The year is wrapping up, and we have been hard at work finishing off some topics before we take our Christmas break. As you can imagine, releasing any new version of the game without a few weeks to do bugfixing wouldn't be wise, so you can rest easy this holiday period without the worry of a surprise 0.18 release.

New explosions and particles Albert, Dom, Klonan

One of the motivations behind the new optimized particle system (...

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12 Dec


Originally posted by overmog

How do you feel about replacing the drone visuals with something like ground based construction robots from your other mod? Having human slaves is a little bit too morbid imo.

I used the character graphics mainly because they have the mining animation already prepared, so i didnt have to worry about making any sprites or anything.


Originally posted by 500239

1 ore at a time, or can you select multiple ores? That would be a neat solution for some of those overlapping ore sites.

1 at a time, but you can switch the depots anytime you like (killing hundreds of now useless drones)


Originally posted by 500239

/u/Klonan some spec questions:

  • How far will these drones go out to mine from that building?

  • When there is no ore to mine, do they mark on the map?

The drones can mine any ore in the 80x80 mining area.

They make a warning in the GUI and on the map when they run out of things to mine


Originally posted by Zako248

It seems that inserters cannot insert mining drones into the mining depot.

I was trying to automate deploying newly made drones.

They can, but only when the output is empty. Its some hardcoded engine logic.

11 Dec


Originally posted by CzBuCHi

Another mod, that i never knew i need ....

but some "serious" questions:

1) why not use domesticated bitters?
2) how they react to natives? do they fight them?
3) do they say 'yes m`lord?' when clicked?

As for 2, they are only programmed for mining, so won't defend themselves.


Originally posted by StormTAG

Out of curiosity, for a single depot, how many drones can attack the same tile?

Its just 1 drone per resource


Originally posted by Wuave

Tested it with All Resource Yield (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/yield-ores)

and Infinite Resources (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/sonaxaton-infinite-resources)

The issue is that because they don't list a set ore amount, the mining drones instead pull from the yield percentage, which causes them to deplete the ore patches.

Ok, I did some basic fix, they won't deplete them.

As for correctly calculating how much they should mine, it is some very complex equation, I might tackle it some other time.