
Factorio Dev Tracker

02 Nov


Originally posted by TheWhoAreYouPerson

I wonder if they're going add support for my Corsair k70's RGB 🤔

We were in talks with Corsair about adding their RGB support to the game.

However due to the way their software works (which is different to Razer and Logitech), it was much more difficult to add their RGB to the game, so we decided not to do it.

01 Nov


Originally posted by ForceVerte

It looks like the completion bar hasn't been fixed on the new design. Is it an oversight?

Theres actually a secret hidden meaning behind it that nobody has figured out yet.


You can convert your save game to a scenario, and then start that scenario with replay enabled.

There is a bit of a cold/flu going around the office, but it isn't severe enough to dampen our spirits (I don't like the daylight savings though).

New T-shirts Jitka, Albert, Aleš, Klonan

Ever since we launched the classic Grey T-shirt back in November 2017, we've been asked when we're going to have more designs. Over the last few months Jitka, Albert, and Aleš, have been working on our new collection, which is now available.

Check out our store page for full product details.

We chose the Inserter and the Electronic circuit, as we feel that they are some of the i...

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26 Oct


Originally posted by Meta_Boy

piggybacking off this, I'm not sure I understand: Will "Stable 2" and "Stable 3" be the main non-beta branch Steam uses, or will we have to opt into experimental versions at first, and it's just an internal name?

When the current release is deemed stable (probably this Monday), it will be pushed to all players. We are calling this 'Stable 2', since it is the 2nd stable version.

The 'Stable 3' (with the tooltips etc.) will be released as experimental (in a few weeks or so), so you will need to opt-in to get the update, as with all experimentals. Then once we fix all the bugs, we will mark it stable, and it will be pushed to all players.

25 Oct



  • Fixed crafter would not reconnect heat energy source after rotate in some cases. more
  • Fixed a crash when adding science pack types to labs. more
  • Fixed a crash related to text boxes and clearing them with selected text. ...
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we just released 0.17.73, with 0.17.74 coming very soon. This is just some bug fixes and further pathfinding improvements, and we hope to be able to mark the release as Stable next week.

The new tooltips Twinsen

As part of our big GUI update, I've been working on one particular part: the tooltips. We worked not only on updating the style, but also how the information is structured and sorted, added missing information, removed irrelevant information. This concerns entity, item and recipe tooltips, but almost all tooltips were touched one way or another. Many things were changed. I will go through some of the more important changes.

The new look

First thing to see is the new style Albert has worked on. They now have the same general style as the technology tooltips. We tried to keep them as compact as possible, as sometimes there is quite a lot of...

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24 Oct



  • Extended transport belt sprites a little bit to avoid rendering glitches at some zoom levels.


  • Added missing max_work_done_per_tick in map-settings.example.json. more
  • Fixed that accumulator settings could not be copy-pasted. more
  • Fixed that generators could rotate and render incorrectly. ...
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18 Oct


Originally posted by Skorpychan

Another day, another bugfix patch?

We wanted to get this fix out before the weekend, so we can (hopefully) mark the release stable next week.


Originally posted by UberShrew

So out of curiosity how far away are we thinking .18 is? My buddy and I played a lot in .16 I believe but didn’t hop on the .17 train right away due to burnout. I’ve been feeling the itch to play again and didn’t know if I should just do it or wait a bit.

0.18 won't be coming for a long time still, 6 months minimum.

Right now we are doing further releases of 0.17, with new GUIs, optimizations (such as the pathfinding), and other things.

We are only just at the start of this process, and I expect it to last several months.

So saying all this, if you want to play, I would suggest playing on 0.17 stable.


Originally posted by hapes

I don't do game dev, and I don't do threading (it's all webapp stuff). So, maybe I don't understand something.

One solution that involves threads that I can think of would go something like this (vaguely C#-like syntax):

class biter {

Path path = new Path(currentLoc, targetLoc)

Position currentPosition = new Position(x,y)

private void move() {

if (path != null) {

// Move to first node in path

// delete first node in path



public class Path {

public Path(Position current, Position target) {

// Create a thread to generate the path



The biters won't move until the path is generated, and the path will generate on another thread (and theoretically another core). That seems ...

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Putting work across more threads isn't really an optimization, and comes with its own massive constraints and difficulties.

We always prefer to look at single thread optimizations and solutions before considering multi-threading, just like we have done with the pathfinding in this case.

The advantage has a few aspects:

  1. It is a much more flexible domain to work within, we can implement novel and effective solutions that wouldn't be easily possible with a threaded solution.

  2. It benefits not only those with lots of spare cores, but all players. This is also a big benefit to budget server runners, where they may only be allocated 1 or 2 cores of a VPS.

  3. If we ever do end up threading the solution, then the single-thread optimizations are then multiplied.


Originally posted by OrchidAlloy

I'm excited to see the blood particle optimization and the gray-blue science order in crafting :)

The grey-blue ordering was almost in the release, but we realized there is a problem with just changing the order.

If we just change the order, any labs with science packs already will basically break, as the slots will not be filtered correctly, so for instance, inserters would try to insert more blue, but there is already grey in the blue slot (from before the change).

So we need to write a migration, and something generic I guess, as any mods could come along at any time and change the ordering on us. Its on our TODO list.


Originally posted by ElVuelteroLoco

Two FFFs since i uploaded my Bobs Angels Madclowns Pyanodons +30 science packs Extreme MomoTweak Timelapse.. If i didn't made it to a FFF with that video i guess i never will.. It was my dream.. to being spotlighted by the devs of my favourtite game in their weakly blog. This guy uploads this video 3 days ago a gets to the FFF.. guess mine wasn't anything special, the biggest factory ever, with 1.1 millon bots and +800 trains.. rip dreams

I'm sorry we let you down



  • Fixed another biter-related crash. more

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

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Originally posted by IdoNisso

I might have missed this point, but is this pathfinding algo running for each biter individually? Is it possible to group a bunch of biters coming from the same chunk and give them all the same route (with minor random variations) to improve the performance further?

The biters are typically put into unit groups, and the group pathfinds while the biters just follow the group

New pathfinding algorithm Oxyd

Last week we mentioned the change to make biters not collide with each other, but that wasn’t the only biter-related update we released this past week. Somewhat coincidentally, this week’s updates have included something I’d been working on for a few weeks before – an upgrade to the enemy pathfinding system.


When a unit wants to go somewhere, it first needs to figure out how to get there. That could be as simple as going straight to its goal, but there can be obstacles – such as cliffs, trees, spawners, player entities – in the way. To do that, it will tell the pathfinder its current position and the goal position, and the pathfinder will – possibly after many ticks – reply with a path, which is simply a series of waypoints for the unit to follow in order to get to its destination.

To do its job, the pathfinder uses an algorithm called A* (pronounced 'A star'). A simple example of A* pa...

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