
Fallout Dev Tracker

02 Apr


Hey all! We've seen the reports of players not finding Scorched as easily as intended so we've increased the spawn rates! You should find more now. Happy hunting!

01 Apr


Hey all! Festive Scorched is indeed active. We're looking into the spawn rates.


Originally posted by zhaoz

Is this all weekend, or just today?

All weekend long, enjoy!!


Originally posted by Rainman_derp

Lol. Honestly- props for the idea :D

Glad you're enjoying it!!


Originally posted by cord1001010

Woo! Scrip, gold bullion, and caps are upped, but what do they mean by unique individuals??

Edit: it seems Christmas scorched are out, and so are Christmas items in the Atomic Shop!

Hmmm... sounds like they are uniquely Festive individuals? :)



Looks like MODUS had a malfunction and turned on Gold rush, Caps a Plenty, AND Scrip Surplus.

31 Mar

30 Mar


Can you tell me what platform you're on, what daily op you were doing and the location/mutation?


Originally posted by BanditSixActual

I vaguely recall someone tagging u/Ladydevann regarding the bug and she indicated it was multiple bugs and they were aware and looking into it, but is was complex. I also remember them getting hit with the FT bug while doing a game play demo.

Yup, exactly. It's multiple bugs conflicting with one another that makes this so difficult to address.

29 Mar

26 Mar

25 Mar


Originally posted by RegisterShot8992

2 years later... still holding my breath😰

They will be here on April 27th.